Chapter 1135 Female Nurse

This is not a disease, but a kind of bug is at work.

A slight smile appeared at the corner of Ning Feng's mouth. Looking at the bulge on his wrist, he took out a small sword that had shrunk countless times. This thing was not a sword, but a beryllium needle, one of the nine needles of the Yellow Emperor!

There are not only silver needles in Chinese medicine, but also countless other needles, and this beryllium needle is one of them.

He walked up to the man's wrist, and slowly scratched away that layer of skin.

Just as a cut was made, a black shadow rushed towards Ning Feng's body.The speed is very fast, almost only a black dot can be seen moving.

"Ah——what is that? It flew out of the body." Zhou Ruoxi was a girl no matter what, and when she saw this kind of insect, she was still very scared.

The people around also frowned. It turned out that this was not a disease, but a bug.When everyone saw the bug flying towards Ning Feng, they all became nervous. If the bug entered Ning Feng's body, he would be in danger.

But Ning Feng was obviously prepared for it, and the moment it flew out, the beryllium needle in his hand was directly stuck out.

Just stabbed the black bug in half, and died.

Ning Feng was not careless. After killing it, he immediately burned it to pieces with a ball of fire.Ning Feng really knew this bug. It was called Yin Corpse Worm, and it was a bug that lived in the dark.

The main reason is that it is parasitic in the corpse. If it accidentally enters the human body, it will cause the current situation. The face is full of black air, and it looks like a dead person.

But this is not the scariest thing about them. The scariest thing about them is that they have a super speed of reproduction.They ovulate instantly, and in a short while they can create countless Yin Corpse Worms.

So once it is infected, it is very dangerous.

But if Ning Feng had been entered into his body by that bug just now, he would have been multiplied by that bug and quickly occupied his body, gradually turning him into a living dead.

Just like the few people now.

There is only one way to save them, and that is to find the female insect. As long as the female insect dies, the other insects will die one after another in a short time.

The location of the female worm was not easy to find, but Ning Feng had seen the moving track of this worm before, and knew its location.

Sure enough, Ning Feng locked the door directly and pulled the curtain, so that the family members of the patient should not see the situation of seeing a doctor.Dean Liu and Zhou Ruoxi naturally came into the room to observe.

"This kind of thing is a kind of bug with super reproductive ability. It can be said that it can reproduce as long as it wants to reproduce. As long as there is a human body, they can reproduce." Ning Feng said to the two.Also explain the condition to them.

"Then is there any other way?" Zhou Ruoxi frowned and said.

"Yes, there is a female worm in each body. As long as this female worm is killed, the other worms will die directly. After death, they will be digested directly."

Ning Feng said to them.

"What's wrong with the mother worm?" Dean Liu is also studying, there is no end to learning.

"Here!" Ning Feng pointed to the Tanzhong acupoint and said, "This acupoint is the place where yin and yang interact, and it is their favorite."

"I want the female worm to take it out next time, and you guys hide away." When Ning Feng spoke, he had already taken out two silver needles in his hand.

This position is transparent up and down, and it is very easy to block. As long as the needles are pricked at the upper and lower points, it will be impossible for it to escape.

Ning Feng struck very quickly, working with his left and right hands at the same time, and was quickly sealed by the upper and lower points of the Tanzhong acupoint.Sure enough, at the moment of sealing, a small bag bulged in that position.

Obviously, that's where the mother worm is.

Ning Feng didn't intend to kill it now, he casually took out a small talisman, and slowly cut a small hole in this position.This guy really rushed towards him suddenly.

"Just waiting for you." Ning Feng then threw out a rune, freezing it in place.


In an instant, it turned into an ice cube.

Ning Feng picked up this thing, a little disappointed, the bug turned out to be silver in color.This is obviously not the most primitive female worm, the effect of this kind of female worm is not very good, and there is not much meaning.

He handed this to the dean and said, "I can do research for you!"

The dean looked at this thing with some fear, wondering if this thing would appear suddenly.

"Don't worry, I've disabled it." Just now, Ning Feng had destroyed its nervous system with mental power, and it was basically a useless bug.

"And as long as it's in a freezing environment, it won't be able to survive." Ning Feng said to him.

This is a treasure. If there are results in this area, there will definitely be greater development in the future.This bug should be in an undiscovered direction.

"Hurry up, put this in the freezer of the laboratory." Dean Liu handed this thing to a male doctor behind, and the male doctor quickly ran towards the laboratory. He was not in a hurry, he was afraid that the ice would melt Get this thing and run out.

At this moment, the complexion of the person on the hospital bed improved rapidly. It was originally dark and gloomy, but now it has become quite rosy.

Although I haven't woken up yet, the situation has improved a lot.

"This kind of bug has an anesthetic effect, so it will be unconscious for a while." Ning Feng said to them, and walked towards another person after speaking.

Among the remaining three were two nurses and a doctor.

Ning Feng walked up to the male doctor, stripped off his clothes, and cleaned up the female worm very easily according to the previous method.

This female worm is completely black, and it should belong to another lower level.

This is even more useless, and the fire will be burnt out.

Next, facing the two female nurses, I was in a bit of trouble, because it was really not easy to start.

"Let's start." Zhou Ruoxi said to him, "If it's too late, I'm afraid my life will be in danger."

Ning Feng scolded himself secretly, how could he have such an idea?Heal the sick and save the sick.

She glanced at Zhou Ruoxi gratefully, and quickly took off the female nurse's clothes. This female nurse has a relatively petite figure and small breasts, so she will be less affected after lying down.

Regarding this small breast, although he still couldn't help but look at it twice, but when it came time to apply the needle, he immediately entered the state, and his mind was focused on other things.

After a while, the black female worm was caught.

"Help her put on the clothes." Ning Feng said to Zhou Ruoxi, because he was afraid that bugs would enter their bodies, so he had to untie the clothes himself.

But when the female worm is wiped out, she has to wear it.

Next, looking at this Ning Feng feels helpless, because her figure is so good.

(End of this chapter)

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