Chapter 1137

"I'm sorry about that." Ning Feng walked slowly to the nurse, and carefully buttoned her button.

The clothes inside had been torn to pieces, so there was no other way but to simply button up the outermost coat to cover it up.

After finishing all this work, Ning Feng walked outside, looked at the family members and doctors who were watching at the door, and said, "It's almost there, just need to rest a little longer."

After everyone heard the news, they were naturally grateful to Ning Feng for a while.

After a while, the person who was treated first woke up.He looked at everything around him in confusion, not knowing what happened.

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "How does it feel?" The reason why he waited until he woke up and did not leave was because he wanted to know where he was attacked like this.

And that bug, I really want to get it, if I can subdue that bug, it will be a great help to me.

"It's much better." The patient sat up and looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng touched his pulse and said: "Well, it has basically recovered, and all the eggs inside have basically died. After all the eggs are discharged, the body will be almost completely recovered."

"Hmm." The man obviously still didn't understand the situation, "Doctor, what's wrong with me? Why did I lose consciousness all of a sudden? What kind of insect eggs are you talking about?"

"The only reason you were unconscious before was because you were bitten by a kind of insect, so you fell into a coma." Ning Feng tried his best to make the matter not so scary, and said to him with a smile: "It's okay now, can you talk to me?" Shall I tell you where I encountered this bug?"

After the man knew the reason, he breathed a sigh of relief: "It should be in the old brick kiln outside the city. I passed by there before and wanted to get out of the car for convenience. Suddenly, I felt something stuck, and I didn't care at first. , Later, I realized more and more that something was wrong, and my body became more and more uncontrollable, so I quickly hit 120 to save my life."

He also said with lingering fear.

If he hadn't made that phone call directly, he might really be hopeless now, because that place is really deserted and there are really very few people passing by.

"Is it the abandoned brick kiln outside the west city?" Ning Feng looked at him and said.

"Well, that's the place. That place belongs to the wilderness, and there is a cemetery, which looks scary." He said to Ning Feng.

And a cemetery?Isn't that just in line with the habits of Yin Corpse Worms.

"Okay, you have a good rest." Ning Feng came out directly, he was going to have a look at that place.

"Are you going home?" Zhou Ruoxi blushed suddenly when she saw Ning Feng, the previous incident was really too embarrassing.But after meeting, you still have to say hello.

Ning Feng shook his head and said, "No, I'm going to have a look at that place."

"Then I'll go with you." Zhou Ruoxi subconsciously said this sentence.

"No, it won't be good if you get infected." Ning Feng said to her: "I'll just go and see for myself, it's quite dangerous inside."

"It's okay, I'll just watch from the side, trying not to be affected by anything. I'll also study this thing, after all, it's really good for patients." She took off her coat while talking, and handed it directly to the person next to her. a nurse.

Then followed Ning Feng and walked out.

Since she wants to go and have a look, then follow along.Generally nothing will happen if you follow yourself.

This place became more and more remote as we walked out of the city. After leaving the city, there were patches of land. It took about an hour to walk out of the city before we finally found that place.

It is really very remote. It is really difficult to find this place. The main reason is that the road is too difficult to walk, and the speed is not very fast due to the bumps back and forth.

"It's too remote here." Zhou Ruoxi said in surprise, it's remote here and there, it's simply barren.Looking around, there is basically no family in the place that can be seen by human eyes.

The corner of Ning Feng's mouth raised slightly and said: "How about, look over there."

"Well, it's no wonder it's gloomy." Zhou Ruoxi said with some fear as she looked at the place, where there were graves one after another.

"There must be no one in this place. Are you staying in the car, or are you planning to go in with me?" Ning Feng looked at her and said.

"Of course I went in, I was afraid..."

She looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng shrugged and said, "I said you don't want to come."

"It's all here." She said to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng nodded, that's right, everyone is here, the outside is also this gloomy, there is no one, it's strange to be scared to death.

"Don't be afraid, just pretend we're here to catch crickets." Ning Feng closed the car door and led her inside, saying, "Just follow me closely."

She was obviously still a little scared, holding his arm with both hands, and rubbing her chest back and forth on his arm.She didn't wear underwear, and Ning Feng was only wearing a half-sleeved shirt.

This can clearly feel the soft feeling inside, which really makes people unable to help but feel distracted.Now it is in this kind of wilderness again, alone and widowed.

Ning Feng quickly shook his head, he was here to do business, not to pick up girls.Besides, there may be Nether Corpse Worms around at any time, so you still have to be careful.

Someone here once said that a tomb was dug out, and it is said that a lot of good things were dug out.But it was just a legend, and I didn't know whether it was true or not at that time.

Now it seems that it should be true, the Nether Corpse Worm loves to haunt this kind of place.

Ning Feng's mental power was also released directly. For him now, covering this place with mental power is not a troublesome thing at all.


Ning Feng quickly found the right direction, and then walked to the side.

After walking about [-] meters, I saw a dilapidated kiln.The previous power emanated from here, and it should be here.

"I decided to go in and have a look." Ning Feng said to her.

"Ah? It's in here? It's so dark, so scary." Zhou Ruoxi looked at Ning Feng and said in fear. She also regretted it a little, why did she come here.

It's already dusk now, and there's a hint of eerieness in it.

"Just follow me." When Ning Feng was speaking, he turned on the flashlight on his mobile phone, and dragged Zhou Ruoxi to grope inside. "Don't worry, I've checked it before, and there's nothing in it, only some waste bricks and stones."

"Hmm..." Zhou Ruoxi's voice was still trembling, in such a dark place, just this gloomy feeling made people feel terrified.

(End of this chapter)

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