Chapter 1140
This Ning Feng's strength doesn't seem to be the kind that seems to be left to himself, it seems to have become very sharp, no less than himself.

He was a little scared, and he had to fight Ning Feng quickly, and he would have to drive himself crazy if this went on.

"Come out if you have the ability, don't hide, if it's a man, come out and fight openly." The man in red roared towards the darkness around him.

He couldn't see anything now, he could only hear the wailing of the man in gray, but now it seemed that even the wailing had disappeared.It is very likely that the man in gray has already been taken care of by Ning Feng.

Ning Feng sounded like a ghost, "You told me to be fair and aboveboard? Why didn't you say that you were sneaking around while stealing things?"

"Hmph, do you dare? Come out and fight if you have the ability, don't pretend to be a grandson." The man in red was almost suffocated to death. If Ning Feng didn't show up, he would drive himself crazy.

"Okay, then I'll help you." Ning Feng suddenly lit the flame in his hand, and with a wave of his hand, the flame directly lit a torch on the wall of the tomb.

With an evil smile on the corner of Ning Feng's mouth, he looked at the man in red with complete contempt, undisguised.

Seeing that the tomb had brightened, Huo Huo hurriedly searched for the man in gray, who was already lying dying in the distance.The whole person was bloody, and it is estimated that many bones were broken.

And Ning Feng was clean, obviously the beating was one-sided just now.

In the opinion of the man in red, Ning Feng must rely on the light of the flame to defeat the man in gray.He didn't believe that a person in the early stage of condensing spirit could have such power.

But it's just a sneak attack, and his strength is not much stronger than himself.

So he thought that as long as he fought with him in an open and aboveboard manner, he would definitely win.

His eyes turned red. He didn't expect the man in gray to be beaten like that. He probably won't be able to improve in the future.The body may also be disabled.

"Don't worry, I will put him at the entrance of the hospital, but you have to beg me." Ning Feng said with a playful smile.He is also very concerned about these two people in his heart.

What kind of forces are the two masters in the condensed spirit realm?Dare to release so many masters directly at once, you must know that Sea Shark Palace currently has the most masters in the Condensed Spirit Realm, and there are only twenty or thirty masters in the Condensed Spirit Realm.

All of these people were promoted by themselves through pills.He couldn't think of any force that could casually send out masters in the condensed spirit realm, and the status of these two people didn't seem to be very high.

That was just horrific.

Recently, he has always felt that there is a terrifying force hiding in the dark, and from time to time, he stretches out a minion to make him worry, but he never reveals his true face.

I don't even know what their purpose is.

"Beautiful thought." After speaking, the man in red punched him with a windy fist.

To say that the strength of this man in red is actually very powerful, at least someone who can reach Condensation Spirit must have good talent.

Ning Feng didn't dare to underestimate him either, he used his spiritual power to face him fiercely.

The two collided and fell backwards at the same time.

The man in red looked at Ning Feng in surprise. This person's strength was simply beyond his imagination. Why is he also in the Ningling realm, and his strength is comparable to his own?

"Your strength is not at the early stage?" He was a little bit disbelieving that a person at the early stage of congealing the spirit did not lose the wind in front of him.

In fact, in that punch just now, Ning Feng had the upper hand. The man in red underestimated the enemy but Ning Feng paid more attention to it. Ning Feng naturally had the upper hand.And Ning Feng's real strength is that he has even worked in Jindanqi, and now talking nonsense with him is just to find out their details.

Ning Feng shook his fist, "Not bad."

"Impossible, you are sure it is the strength of the early stage of condensing spirit. How can you have this kind of strength?" The man in red shook his head and said.

"There is nothing impossible in the world, do you regret it? But it's okay, it's useless for you to regret it." As soon as Ning Feng finished speaking, the carrier kicked towards the man in red with a thunderous momentum.

The man in red hurriedly resisted, put his hands on his chest, and carried the foot that Ning Feng kicked on his shoulders.

The man in red took three steps back. Facing Ning Feng's kick with all his strength, it was very good to only take three steps back.Ning Feng was also a little worried. The man in red was obviously stronger than he thought.

It is impossible to take it down easily, so we still have to deal with it carefully.Both of them have a tacit understanding not to use martial arts now, because if such a place is used, it will collapse immediately.

The eyes of the man in red were full of surprise. The feeling Ning Feng gave him was too abrupt, which made him still not believe it.In addition, Ning Feng's kick made him a little scared.

The man in red is now a little scared, afraid that if Ning Feng really extinguishes the fire again, he will really become a lamb to be slaughtered.

"You are really good." The man in red looked at Ning Feng and said.His expression also recovered from the initial shock and panic.

Ning Feng sneered. Although he was similar in strength to the man in red, Ning Feng was sure to take him down.It's just that the time may be a little long.

"You don't need to say that."

"I want to negotiate a condition with you." The man in red said.

Ning Feng looked at the man in red, and was also curious about what terms he would negotiate with him, so he nodded, "Let's listen."

The man in red said: "You tell us to leave, Yin Lingzhi, we are one and a half. Anyway, you can't beat me, and I can't beat you either."

Ning Feng smiled, "Hehe, your idea is really good. I cleared the obstacles and you got the Ganoderma lucidum. Now you want to split it equally? It's a beautiful idea. Besides, we are not tied. I can beat your."

"Then what are you going to do? Are you spending time here with me? You should know that people from other sects will come here soon. Even if you win by then, I won't be able to take away this Yin Ganoderma." The man in red said.

Ning Feng thought for a while and said, "Give me the Yin Ganoderma, and I'll let you go. Otherwise, I'll definitely kill you. Don't worry, I'm sure I'll take care of those people before they come."

The man in red looked at Ning Feng and said, "Aren't we going to return empty-handed?"

"Of course, you didn't do anything." Ning Feng still had his iconic smile.

"Then you come and defeat me." The man in red said firmly, he must get this Ganoderma lucidum this time, it is a good thing, if he handed over this thing again this time, he would definitely be able to return to the sect.

(End of this chapter)

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