Chapter 1142


"Wait... I'll say it, I'll say it!" This man was really cowardly, not to mention three seconds, just one second passed, and he immediately became cowardly.

Ning Feng stared at him with a smile and said: "Tell me, don't lie to me, I still understand your situation. After all, I have killed a lot of people in your power. If you speak well, I am willing to give you a gift." A big return pill, let you restore the sea of ​​​​qi."

Coercion sometimes fails to get real information, and it will be different after adding temptation.

"Ah?" The man stared at Ning Feng in surprise, obviously he was still tempted by this Great Return Pill.He doesn't want to be a useless person in the future, he wants to get up again.

"Don't worry, I'm an expelled disciple anyway, so it doesn't matter. What do you want to know?" He really loved himself a little more.

"What kind of power are you? How many people are there? How many masters like you are there? And what's the matter with this kind of beads?" Ning Feng asked a series of questions.This is all he wants to know.

The man looked at Ning Feng with a dazed expression, "Can you come one by one?"

Ning Feng looked at the sky, took Zhou Ruoxi, and lifted the two of them out.Someone should be coming in a while. It has been almost half an hour since the Yin Ganoderma lucidum matured, and it would be easy to be discovered if you didn't leave.

After he came out, a fire burned everything inside.These insects are a disaster if they cannot be controlled.

"Go and drive." Ning Feng said to Zhou Ruoxi, and then pushed the two of them behind.

"Tell me. What kind of power are you?"

After coming out, the man in red knew that he was completely hopeless.There must be no way to escape while taking advantage of the chaos, so I can only explain obediently.

"Boundless Mountain!"

He looked at Ning Feng seriously and said.

Ning Feng could feel the way he spoke, and he definitely didn't mean to lie, because his mental power was so calm that he didn't even jump a bit.

Wuliang Mountain?The name is rather domineering.

"Then how many people do you have?"

"I don't know." The man in red shook his head.

"I don't know? You don't know how many of you there are?" Ning Feng didn't understand.

The man in red looked at Ning Feng with some disbelief, and quickly said: "Although we belong to one power, we are different from the current big powers. Every five of us have a ecstasy envoy who is in charge of cultivation and strength improvement. Yes When the task is right, we will gather together."

One-way connection?

Ning Feng became even more curious about this force, and now he is still using this method?Are they afraid of exposing themselves?Or is their purpose ulterior motives?
Nima looks more like a mysterious organization.

"Then how many masters like you are there?" Ning Feng looked at him and asked, he wanted to know how big this power was.

He thought for a while, stared at Ning Feng and said seriously: "There are still a hundred or so."

Ning Feng almost choked on his breath.

A hundred or so?What kind of power is this?You must know that among the eight sects, the Ning Ling Realm is the master of masters?There are more than a hundred of them?
"Actually, it's not accurate... maybe more!"

Your sister, can you finish it all at once.

"More?" Ning Feng almost finished the sentence through gritted teeth.

"I counted it according to the soul ecstasy. One ecstasy manages five people, and we have twenty ecstasy. Then the average is more than 100, maybe there will be more. Of course, those high-level people are not counted, nor are they counted. There are even more people who have been promoted because of their increased strength."

The man in red basically told the whole story about himself.

Ning Feng was stunned for a moment, he still has such power, this is definitely not something that can be achieved by cultivation, there must be some ulterior secrets.

Those who really start to practice can only reach this position after decades, unless they are some geniuses.But these geniuses are few and far between, more than 100 or even more condensed spirit realms, which is too scary.

"Then what is your cultivation method?" Ning Feng said coldly suddenly, it would definitely not be as simple as self-cultivation to have so many masters of condensing spirits without knowing it.

There must have been some foreign help.

After Ning Feng asked this sentence, the man in red froze there and did not speak.Because this sentence is to ask their secrets, and this kind of thing cannot be revealed.

If it is known that he leaked it, he must be done.

"I am willing to give you a panacea, and I will provide you with pills from time to time in the future to help you improve your strength and status." Ning Feng said to him.

If you directly lure him, you don't believe that he can resist this kind of temptation.

This kind of person will sell anyone unceremoniously for his own benefit, but as long as you give him enough benefits, he will be on your side.

This is the real villain.

"They have their own special cultivation methods." He looked at Ning Feng and said.

"It seems to be going to an altar, and then they will lose consciousness. After waking up, their strength will soar to their current strength. I practiced myself, and I think this method of forcibly increasing strength is a bit unreliable. So I did not accept this approach.

So it's exiled now. "He said to Ning Feng.

Unexpectedly, this guy is really smart, and he really listens enough to his own protection.This kind of forcible promotion of human strength must be the use of secret methods to squeeze human potential.

Ning Feng smiled and said: "It seems that you are still a smart person." After finishing speaking, he took out a panacea and threw it to him, "This pill is not enough for you to enter the golden elixir stage. You As long as you listen to me, I will definitely let you continue to improve, the Jindan stage is not a dream, and even the return to Yuan stage I can smash you with pills."

He froze for a moment, Golden Core Stage, Returning to Yuan Stage, this is a realm that he can't even imagine, and the ecstasy that manages him is just the peak of Concentration.

If he reaches the golden core stage, he still has to step on them all.

Thinking of this, he immediately became excited, but he still couldn't fully trust Ning Feng.Ning Feng's words are already very clear, why should he help himself?It's nothing more than fancying his own identity.

It is to let myself but should provide him with information.

Isn't the purpose of joining Wuliang Mountain by oneself to improve its strength?Now that you have the opportunity to improve your strength, what are you afraid of?
"Can I trust you?" The man looked at Ning Feng and said, "I don't doubt your words, but your ability. I don't know if you can improve my strength to the Golden Core stage."

Ning Feng knew that he would definitely agree.

"Do you think this thing has enough weight?" Ning Feng said and handed him a sign.

(End of this chapter)

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