Chapter 1146 The carnival went
Obviously, he also discovered the benefits of this thing, showing an excited expression.Then he ran over and pointed Ning Feng's foot very dog-leggedly.

"Go away, eat yours, it's so disgusting." Ning Feng yelled at it.

It still moved its tentacles at Ning Feng, and then ran over to enjoy its delicious meal.Not only do I have to make it surrender, but I also have to make it feel that it has a future with me.

It's much better than shrinking in such a ghostly place. You can take it to improve your cultivation, improve your strength, and finally marry the most beautiful female insect, and then reach the peak of insect life.

Obviously, when it took this elixir, it knew its own changes.The spiritual power in this elixir is stronger than it has been cultivated for ten years, this is a shortcut.If it is seen by some practitioners, they will definitely sigh that people are not as good as bugs these days.

It took a while to eat the whole thing.

Because it has completely surrendered to itself, Ning Feng will naturally execute a series of orders on it.

"You memorized the most important order." Ning Feng pointed to it and said, "It is absolutely not allowed to give birth to me everywhere, do you know?"

The bug squeaked twice as it agreed to the matter.

With spiritual communication, it is indeed much more convenient.I casually threw it into a small box and took it with me to go out and have a look.

Ning Feng didn't have much fun staying at home, so he planned to go outside for a while.

"Brother God, Brother God?" Just as Ning Feng just came out of the prescription, Mu Xueli popped up and said happily after seeing him: "Sister Su said that you are at home, she is indeed right."

"What?" Ning Feng came out after washing his face, looked at her and said, "What are you doing? Are you going out to play again?"

Mu Xueli smiled, looked at him and said: "You still understand me, I want to go out to play, but my father insists that they follow me, so I have no choice but to come to you. As long as you go with me, they will go back gone."

Ning Feng looked at the strong men standing outside, and the corner of his mouth slightly raised, "It's unlucky for these people to follow you."

"Brother God, how do you talk? He is very gentle." Mu Xueli said, "Anyway, you are idle now, go out and play with me."

"Let's go." Ning Feng also felt that it was time to relax recently, so he walked out with her, "Where are we going to play this time?"

"Our classmates are going to sing, and it's not a good idea to bring a few bodyguards with you at the class reunion, so it's more appropriate for me to find you." Mu Xueli smiled at him.

"It's not appropriate for me to go to your class reunion, right?"

"It's suitable, what's not suitable, anyway, some of them are friends of friends, it's okay." Mu Xueli looked at him seriously and said: "Anyway, let's go, don't be mother-in-law."

Using Ning Feng, she successfully drove these bodyguards back.

She often had accidents, and her father was already very scared, and he didn't dare to let her have any accidents.The only idea now is to protect her safely, and then quickly find someone she likes to marry.

In this way, there is no danger, otherwise it would not be very good to be remembered all the time.

Ning Feng didn't care anymore, he sat in her car and drove around with her.But the more I drove, the more I felt something was wrong, "Hey, aren't you going to sing? Where are you going? You're leaving the city right now?"

Mu Xueli smiled at him and said, "I suddenly changed my mind, why don't we go out to race cars, which is more exciting." After she finished speaking, she showed a pleading look.

Ning Feng had suspected before, how could this guy listen to music quietly?If she could sing obediently, her father would probably be able to save a lot of worry.

But he must be cheated now.

"Okay, don't be angry, I'm afraid you won't let me out. So I lied a little bit, anyway, racing and singing are similar." Mu Xueli said with a smile.

Ning Feng has no choice but to come and play with her.My own driving skills are not very good, but I can still watch the racing cars.

After a while, she drove the car to a field under the mountain.Those who didn't know thought it was filming Fast and Furious here.

All kinds of luxury cars are full, because people rarely come here, so a road here has become a place for everyone's entertainment, and some rich people spend money to repair this road from time to time Woolen cloth.

Gradually, it became a place for everyone to entertain.

Anyway, they are carnival here, and no one cares.They play for fun, but this place is very professional, and where there are people, there is business.Naturally someone is responsible for rescue, responsible for protection, responsible for car care.

It really does seem to be the case.

"It's so lively during the day?" Ning Feng looked down and said, thinking that they only dared to race cars online.

Mu Xueli said with a smile: "It's only lively during the day, but at night you can't see the road. It's fake to come here for racing at night..."

"What is that for?" Ning Feng looked at her puzzled and asked.

"You know it yourself, make a date!"

Mu Xueli said in a very manly manner, and then greeted the person next to her. "Little Hu, how's it going? Business is booming."

This little Hu is the owner of a car care shop. Now he is watching the game prepared ahead with a cigarette in his mouth. He was startled by Mu Xueli's voice.

"Sister Mu! Here you go, where have you been for so long? I can't see you anymore." He said excitedly, but he did show great respect in front of Mu Xueli.

"Sister Mu? It's really Sister Mu. You're here. I haven't seen you for a long time. I've been going crazy lately. Without you, there are many legends missing."

"Yeah, I haven't seen you for a long time, do you want to open a wave?"

After a while, many people gathered around, and they all knew Mu Xueli.Moreover, she still shows considerable respect to Mu Xueli, probably she was punished by Mu Xueli before.

Ning Feng just had nothing to do and looked at those beauties in the distance who only wore underwear and short skirts, they were sexy.

Mu Xueli proudly sat down on the stool and said, "Stop talking nonsense, of course it's something to do if you don't come. Has any powerful person appeared recently to grab my position as a car god? It took me a lot of time to get to this point. The position of the car god."

She also spent a lot of time trying to compete for the position of the car god. For a while, she was here every day to win the game.

"There really are." The little Hu squatted beside him and said, "Recently, a guy from Maoxiong Kingdom came here. He is special. He has challenged the top ten in a row. If it wasn't because you didn't come, you might also be challenged by him." Object."

(End of this chapter)

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