Chapter 1148
"You're the fucking rogue. We're just gang-beating you upright. What's the matter? Have an opinion? Hold it back if you have an opinion."

"It's just that we are bullying you openly, why did we sneak attack you? The sneak attack is also a sneak attack openly."

Ning Feng finally knew why Mu Xueli had such a personality. It would be strange if he could have a good personality when he was with these people.

"Don't compare if you have the guts. It turns out that the Huaxia Kingdom is full of cowards. It seems that they think highly of you." This guy yelled at Mu Xueli.

Ning Feng knew that he was going to die, and Mu Xueli was the one who couldn't be provoked the most, so he was fooled decisively after being so provoked.

"Grandma, do you really think that my aunt is afraid of you? Whoever is afraid of whom, just compare." Mu Xueli said: "It's a gamble, I will not lose. Tell me what your bet is. If If you are not satisfied, I will not bet with you, my aunt is quite valuable."

After hearing that Mu Xueli agreed, the man felt a burst of joy in his heart.After he came here before, he found that this woman was different from others.The spiritual power in her body is very full, she is simply an excellent cauldron.

If he can sleep with her, his strength will definitely improve greatly.Moreover, the figure and appearance of this kind of woman are all first-class, so no matter what, you must sleep with her.

I didn't expect to meet this kind of woman here, it can be said to be a windfall.

Let's compare, as long as she is here, he can't do anything bad. I guess Mu Xueli has the same plan, anyway, playing a scoundrel is just a common occurrence for her.

"It's up to you, anything is fine, I can agree to any request you have." The man said disdainfully, obviously he didn't think Mu Xueli would win.

Mu Xueli didn't think she would lose, so she agreed with a wave of her hand.

"no problem."

"Okay, let's start." The guy who translated Mao Xiongguo said, and the two began to prepare.

Xiao Hu rushed forward and said to Mu Xueli flatteringly: "Boss, I will escort the car for you."

"Go aside, I have someone." Mu Xueli rolled his eyes at him, then looked at Ning Feng flatteringly and said, "Brother God, please do me a favor, I'm here, you can't watch me lose, right?" ?”

"You yourself don't think it's that easy to win?" Ning Feng looked at her and said, his eyes were full of concern for her.This kid has a lot of thoughts and a lot of eyes.

She is really not stupid.

"Of course I know, that guy can even defeat Lin Feiyu, let alone me." Mu Xueli said, "But I know there must be no problem with the big god brother."

"Okay." Ning Feng had no other choice, she had already brought them anyway, so just play around.

So under such circumstances, Ning Feng got into her car.

With the roar of the engine, Mu Xueli came to the starting point.

"My car must start faster than his car. As long as I reach the second turn before him, I will win. The road behind is too narrow, and there is no chance of overtaking." Mu Xueli is very confident. Said confidently.

After all, she is very familiar with the terrain here, so she naturally knows where is the key.

"Don't be careless. Since he can win so many people, it's definitely not that simple. It's better to be more careful." Ning Feng reminded, although he felt that such a match was very boring, but it would be embarrassing to lose.

Especially losing to a guy who stinks like that.

At this time, a revealing beauty in a short skirt and underwear appeared in front of her, and the small flag in her hand began to wave.Finally, it fell down suddenly, and the two cars rushed out like the wind.

The wind brought up directly lifted the woman's skirt, causing cheers from the surrounding people.

I don't know if it was because of the women's cheering, or because of the two people's game.

"Too bad, this guy started faster than me." Mu Xueli looked at the speed of the man and said excitedly, because she had already seen it when she started.

The man's car was obviously much faster, and quickly seized the road ahead.

"He modified the car?" Mu Xueli said angrily, and stepped on the gas pedal even more violently.

Ning Feng had to say that he was still a bit afraid of this kind of speed racing.This speed is really too fast, so fast that it makes people a little scared.The scenery outside quickly retreated backwards.

And next to the car body is a cliff, the kind of cliff that may fall to death at any time.

Ning Feng looked really terrified, but now Mu Xueli is completely like a lol player who is concentrating on playing lol, constantly cursing the opponent's insidiousness, and concentrating on preparing to surpass the opponent.

After Nai He started to fall behind, he couldn't catch up with this distance at all, so he could only find a way to get close.

"Hmph, although he can increase his speed after refitting, but because his body is obviously lighter, he sometimes suffers when turning." Mu Xueli said sinisterly.

She knew that when the other party turned a corner, it must be her chance to overtake.

Ning Feng didn't understand either, so he could only watch by her side and help her when she needed it.But now she doesn't need herself, it seems that she can solve this problem by herself.

When she was concentrating on the road and vehicles in front of her, she really had a different kind of beauty.Compared with the usual carefree situation, there is a lot more quietness.

Some people say that men are the most beautiful when they are focused. In fact, women are also very beautiful when they are focused.

Mu Xueli was wearing a ponytail now, with a serious expression, and there was a rare resoluteness in her expression.Her appearance is quite good, and her figure is also very hot, but it's just because she is so funny.

Usually do not want to pay attention to her beauty.

Now it seems that she is so predictable.



"Sinister villain." Mu Xueli's scolding sounded.

Ning Feng also got up, the sudden brake almost threw him out.The brakes were too hard, how could anyone drive like this, and almost hit the hill.

Driving like that is deadly.

"Sister, what are you doing?" Ning Feng looked at her innocently and said.

Mu Xueli waved her hand and said: "It's okay, this guy is simply too insidious, and he has surpassed him by a long way. But there is still a continuous curve ahead, and that is my chance."

She didn't mention what happened just now, and devoted herself to the next battle with full energy.

"This idiot dared to say goodbye to me, and almost caused a car crash. Fortunately, I have a quick reaction." Mu Xueli said through gritted teeth. During the competition, this kind of people is the most taboo, because the speed is very fast, No one knows whether the car can be controlled or not.

Once there is another car, it is likely to rush up.

The guy just now was afraid that Mu Xueli would overtake on the curve, so he used this despicable method.

Ning Feng touched his chest, the strangulation just now really hurt too much, grandma is not particular, so don't blame me for being rude.

"Speed ​​up, overtake him at the curve ahead, if you dare to get out of the car, you'll kill me." Ning Feng said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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