Chapter 1171 Bailing Qianxue
"That's just me practicing, it's not a real seal." Ning Feng said with a smile: "When I understand it thoroughly, I will naturally give up the seal."

With a kind smile on his face, Ning Feng looked at the surprised Leng Qiushuang.

"I still don't quite believe it. Let's fight and you attack me." She looked at Ning Feng and said.

She took two steps back, the third move was the most difficult move to comprehend.It would be incredible if he could comprehend it so quickly.

You have to test it yourself.

Ning Feng nodded lightly, then took two steps back, looked at her and said, "Then you pay attention."

"bring it on!"

After all, she is also a master of Jindan stage, and it is very easy to deal with Ning Feng's move.Moreover, the two of them were simply competing, not trying to fight to the death.

Ning Feng's spiritual power was shaken, and suddenly a white bird appeared in the air out of thin air, and then jumped down from the air, directly attacking Leng Qiushuang.

This move is exactly the same as the one Jiang Hongrong used before, and it seems to have an advantage in terms of strength.After all, the strength is much greater than hers.

When the white bird slid across the air, wind blades appeared one after another, bombarding the ground with loud banging and banging noises.

"This kind of power? It's much stronger than mine." Jiang Hongrong looked at the white bird and said, the move he made definitely didn't have such momentum.

My own comprehension simply cannot reach this point.

"Use the third trick!"

Leng Qiushuang said to Ning Feng.

She wanted to see what realm Ning Feng could achieve with his third move.

Ning Feng nodded, and quickly formed a seal in his hand. Almost a moment later, a golden halo appeared around the white bird.

And there seems to be a variety of patterns around this.

"He actually learned the third move." Jiang Hongrong said in amazement looking at the halo around the white bird. She knew the difficulty of the third move very well.

It took him three months to comprehend a superficial, one hour, he actually learned it within an hour.

Why is there such a big gap between people.

"He actually knew the third move? This move should be the most difficult among Bai Ling Qianxue. He learned it in less than an hour? It's incredible."

"It's more than unbelievable, man of God! One hour, who can believe this?"

"But the power of this move has indeed been brought into play, and it feels more powerful than Jiang Hongrong's move."

Everyone looked at this move and said in amazement, they couldn't help but be surprised that the martial arts that were originally difficult to master were so easily learned by him.

How can this be justified?

Compared with him, the past lords of Lingcang Palace are really far behind. If they knew that Ning Feng had such strength, they would not have thrown him downstairs.

Just have to jump off the stairs by yourself.

Fortunately, now that the Sea Shark Nine Palaces have been merged, there is no such contradiction.Ning Feng is strong, and they are also strong.

Looking at Ning Feng's move, Leng Qiushuang relaxed with a smile on his face.He is really powerful, and he is not a spy or something.

Now he was hesitant. If such a heaven-defying character were his opponent, it would be too terrifying.

However, I still have to face this trick.

"Then you accept my move!"

Leng Qiushuang also immediately began to seal, at the same time, a white bird also appeared out of thin air, and smashed towards the white bird.

At the same time, a golden halo appeared behind her white bird.

Bai Ling appeared, but what about Qian Xue?
The power of this move should not have been truly brought into play, right?
"If you only comprehend this level, then I will win." Leng Qiushuang looked at Ning Feng and smiled.

Ning Feng shook his head, and said with a faint smile: "How is it possible? General Leng Kui, take care."

"Bai Ling Qianxue!"

The movements of his hands suddenly changed.

In an instant, there was a heavy snowfall around the place, and it came so suddenly, there was no warning, and the heavy snowfall appeared directly.These goose feather snows are accompanied by a cold wind around the white bird.

It was as if the white bird was flying in a tornado surrounded by white snow.

Leng Qiushuang looked at him, this guy really still has something to hide, it's unfathomable.

"Bai Ling Qianxue."

She casually changed the seal in her hand.

Suddenly, heavy snow fell around the white bird, and a tornado formed around it.

The power is too great, the snow is getting bigger and bigger, and the power of the tornado is getting stronger and stronger.

The two birds are also getting closer and closer. If they collide together, the huge power generated will definitely be able to break the restriction here.Lingcang Palace's strongest martial skill is not just talk.

Ning Feng and her looked at each other and smiled.Then withdrew this martial skill at the same time, directly dissipating this power into the air.

Almost instantly, the bad weather just now dissipated.

It became quite calm, even the snowflakes on the ground disappeared out of thin air, as if nothing happened just now.

Everyone seemed to be living in a dream, and this matter was simply incredible.The landscape just now was really spectacular, and they could also feel the huge power coming from inside.

That force colliding together is absolutely terrifying.

But I also admire my personal control ability in the coming year.

Such a powerful force can be retracted and released freely, and ordinary people really can't do this.

"You are much stronger than I imagined." Leng Qiushuang looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng smiled and said: "Don't dare, don't dare, I'm still a lot more unfamiliar. If I had just met head-on, I would definitely have lost."

He said modestly, although he was really unfamiliar with it because it was his first time using it.But he has the first-mover advantage, and he basically doesn't make any mistakes. If he meets head-on in the end, he might succeed.

"No, you are humble." She looked at Ning Feng and said, "Your strength has really reached this level, it is very powerful."

Ning Feng smiled slightly as a response.

"I've really never seen this kind of comprehension ability. I suspected it wrong before, sorry." She apologized to Ning Feng.

"It's okay, normal thinking." Ning Feng said with a smile: "But you don't need to be careful anymore. After going through so many things, you should trust or have to trust."

After finishing speaking, he said to Jiang Hongrong: "You are already very powerful now, you must help us get the first place this time."

Leave a smile and leave.

(End of this chapter)

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