Chapter 1181 Surveillance
Fan Dong looked at Ning Feng and said, "En? What's the matter?"

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "Don't disband that organization of yours, first check something for me to see whose strength has suddenly skyrocketed. It's that kind of weird growth, and then look at who and the odd Contact with strange people. Write down this kind of people for me."

Fan Dong looked at him, then nodded.

He already understood that Ning Feng was now looking for the person from Wuliang Mountain.He had heard that person talk before.

"I'll start investigating when I get back."

He said to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng looked at him and said: "This matter is going on quietly, don't make too much noise, just write down the name for me, don't arrest people at will.

Don't cause confusion.If you are not sure, take it easy and don't misunderstand good people. "

"I see." Fan Dong nodded and said, Ning Feng is still a little soft-hearted, how can he take it easy now?This kind of thing basically has a probability of more than half to be caught.

They only doubt and judge through human behavior.It is too difficult to catch the real evidence.

He doesn't have Ning Feng's soft heart, his soft heart is his business.But if you want to do things yourself, you can't be soft-hearted. First record it and then talk about it, and then investigate it slowly later.

However, this person from Wuliang Mountain is simply too easy to investigate, his strength has suddenly skyrocketed, and it is so easy to deal with some strange people.

"However, I hope you will give me the power to deal with it directly." He hesitated for a while and said, "It's not that I'm greedy for power and position. Once these people find out, it's best to deal with them immediately. How about their ability to improve their strength?" Behavior, the speed of attracting people is still very fast."

Ning Feng thought about it, and what he said was indeed right.

If Wuliang Mountain used this method to attract people, it would take a while for countless disciples to be fooled.

If they are fooled, they will become hostile forces, and the opponent's forces will snowball, getting bigger and bigger.

"Then you can deal with it." Ning Feng sighed and said: "At the critical moment, it is okay to engage in oppression within the sect. The battle of the eight sects is about to begin, and it must be a troubled time. At this juncture, nothing can happen. accident."

"I see, you leave it to me within the sect. I promise to monitor clearly and never let any accident happen." Fan Dong seemed to have found his own fun.

For this spy chief, he still likes it very much.

"Okay, you go ahead and do it first. It's better to do this sooner rather than later, and it's better to be quick than slow."

After Ning Feng ordered, Fan Dong ran outside, he was going to show his skills.

Although I can let him play temporarily, this organization cannot exist for too long, otherwise it will cause widespread dissatisfaction among everyone. After all, no one wants to live under surveillance.

Ning Feng sorted out what needs to be done tomorrow, and then asked Feng Aiguo to be called over.

"Palace Master, are you looking for me?" Feng Aiguo looked at Ning Feng and said.

Feng Aiguo is strong, capable, and measured, and he is the best right-hand man.

"Well, I want you to find some people who will be responsible for the arrest of those caught by Fan Dong." Ning Feng told him Fan Dong's identity.He was really afraid that Fan Dong would make this matter too big, and even cause some things to suppress dissidents.

"This kind of thing must be done, but it is easy to cause excessive. It is not good to go too far, and it is very bad if people suppress dissidents."

Feng Aiguo frowned.

There is indeed a problem here. After all, Fan Dong's subordinates are all disciples, and these disciples will definitely have friction.

If they intentionally framed it, it would trigger a vicious circle, which is very bad.

"So I'll ask you to find a trustworthy person in charge of custody and screening." Ning Feng said to him: "Some innocent people can just be released, their power cannot be unlimited."

Feng Aiguo nodded, and said to Ning Feng: "I think Ajie can be in charge. He is a dead-headed person, and he can't turn a corner. He is an old man from the Sea Shark Palace, and everyone knows him well.

Moreover, he is now in the period of recovering his strength, and he is doing this job right now. "

After hearing what he said, Ning Feng nodded and said, "Okay, let Ajie be responsible. By the way, let Fan Dong know that they only have the right to arrest, and then hand over the evidence to Ajie."


Ning Feng finally dealt with this matter first, then looked at Feng Aiguo and said, "Tomorrow I plan to strike while the iron is hot and directly rearrange the forces of each sect. Combine forces."

Feng Aiguo said: "It is necessary to do this. The original palaces are all gathered together. Even though it is no longer a palace, everyone still follows the original method in their hearts."

"Well, let's discuss how we should mix it up first." Ning Feng looked at Feng Aiguo and said. "Come, sit here."

"I think the Guhua Palace is still in the majority, so that we can ensure that we have control over the entire force, and then rename it to weaken their original concept..."

The two talked endlessly all night.

By the next morning, the two had a rough outline.

"Let's go, let's go to the conference hall." Ning Feng and Feng Aiguo walked outside. For them, staying up all night would not have much impact.

By the way, ask the disciples to notify the general to come to the meeting hall.

This is the first time that he has given up all of the above.In previous meetings, only those who were above the chief of the ranks were allowed in.

Although the partial general is already very tall for his disciples, he seems a little weak in front of the chief general.Moreover, there are quite a few partial generals, and there are two chief generals under each local chief general.

It is equivalent to several times the number of people.

Some smart people can see from yesterday's situation that something must happen today.And this matter must be aimed at Lingcang Palace.

Leng Qiushuang looked at Jiang Tu and said, "Do you think you will drive us to a dead end?" Leng Qiushuang still couldn't help asking, although she felt that Ning Feng didn't intend to pursue the matter yesterday, but he didn't express his opinion, and he always had the feeling in his heart. is restless.

Jiang Tu shook his head and said: "No, what he wants is the unification of the Sea Shark Palace, not what it is now. The Lingcang Palace was too independent before, and there is no intention of integrating into it. This time, it is estimated that it will be here.

Just had such an opportunity.Our strength will not be damaged, but Lingcang Palace and Guhua Palace may not exist from now on.We have become the real leaders of the Sea Shark Palace, and the Lingcang Palace has become a thing of the past. "

Jiang was still old and spicy, and he could tell what Ning Feng was thinking at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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