Chapter 1192 You are the one who stole

Ning Feng raised the corner of his mouth slightly, looked at the island owner and said with a smile: "Then please enlighten me?"

The island owner nodded and said, "Please come outside." In fact, she didn't really believe that Ning Feng's strength could beat her. If he learned some moves from other disciples, she could still accept it.

After all, anyone can learn these simple moves.

Now that I can learn the martial arts of Fenghuo Valley, basically everyone will not stop them too much.

And it can't be stopped at all, it can always spread, after all, there are too many people who learn.

But for some full versions of martial arts, it is difficult to learn them.

Because these martial arts are all hidden, not many people can learn them at all.

"This man is quite courageous. He even dared to compete with the island owner in Luoshui swordsmanship. The island owner is much stronger than Elder Hu, especially in Luoshui Three Swords. The island owner practiced the full version .”

"The island owner seems to have practiced the three tricks to the point of perfection, but his strength is also very good, even higher than him, so he won't lose at all."

"It's more than that. What they are competing with is Luoshui Three Swords. Our Luoshui Island's unique skill, do you think he is stronger than us?"

Everyone obviously still believed in their island owner. Regardless of whether their island owner could win or not, they had to believe that she could win, after all, they belonged to them.

Ning Feng looked at these people, they all had flaws in their own martial arts without knowing it.

The little golden man in his head has already completed this kind of martial arts, and then taught it to himself.

"Are you ready?" the island owner looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng took out a sword casually, looked at the island owner and said, "Please enlighten me."

The island owner took out a sword, looked at him and said, "Let's only compare Luoshui with three swords, as far as we can."

"Of course." Ning Feng showed a smiling face, and he could tell that the island owner was on his side, and he couldn't offend Luoshui Island if he wanted to rescue Shen Zhitao.

"The first sword, Luoshui condenses light."

The island owner paused, and the sword was unsheathed, and the light suddenly burst into light. I don't know if it was because of the reflection of the sun.The eyes of those exposed directly cannot be opened.

After these rays of light flickered on the entire sword, they finally concentrated on the tip of the sword, which seemed to look very gorgeous, and the rays of light were particularly dazzling.

"It's so dazzling. I didn't expect the light to reach this level. It's really too powerful. I really deserve to be the Palace Master." The disciples looked at Tang Chuan with admiration.

During their studies, the brighter the light, the more powerful it is.

After Ning Feng saw this move, he shook his head, it was indeed flawed.

In fact, Luo Shui Ningguang's contact with them was a little bit off.This light was not deliberately created, but a light spot formed by using the speed and burst of spiritual power when the sword was drawn, plus the cold air of the sword itself.

This kind of light is not the reflected light of the sun, but a kind of cold light, a kind of natural reveal.

This kind of radiance is only external, and the real inner is still the power inside.

Only strength can win, not light can win.

"Accept the move." The island owner yelled deliberately, apparently to give Ning Feng time to parry.

The corner of Ning Feng's mouth raised, and the sword shook out directly.The body rushed forward, and there was no violent burst of light.But a cold light can be seen from the hilt to the tip of the sword.

The light flashed, forming a small spot of light at the gathering point of the blade.

Compared with the reflected light of the island owner, this light is insignificant, but it cannot be created.It's the sword energy emanating from the inside out.

"It seems that he is just bragging. How could light of this level win? It takes sword and light to win."

"That's right, with such a small aperture, it's not even as bright as Brother Hu's, so how could it be possible to win?"

They never thought that there was anything wrong with the martial arts they practiced, it must be someone else's mistake.

The island owner also saw the power of Ning Feng's sword, but the place where the sword light shone was really too small.But why does the power in that sword feel sharper than his own sword energy?

In an instant, the two swords crossed each other.



A sword broke.

The man with the broken sword is the island owner.

Half of the sword fell to the ground with a very crisp sound, and the whole scene calmed down.

"Did you lose?"

Someone looked at the two people in the middle of the field and said.The island owner's sword is also made of top-quality materials, so it cannot be broken so easily.

Then there is only one possibility, it was crushed by Ning Feng.

"It seems that he lost, and the sword was interrupted. How is this possible? His strength is obviously much weaker."

"It seems that there is no such light, but how can his power be so powerful? How much power does it take to cut off the island owner's sword?"

"It shouldn't be, this should never happen."

Everyone looked at them in surprise. They thought Ning Feng was going to lose, but they didn't expect to win.

The island owner looked at the broken sword in his hand in surprise, it was simply incredible, how could it have such a strong power.There seems to be a gap between his moves and his own memory.

Where are these gaps?
Ning Feng took back the sword in his hand, looked at the island owner and said, "It's a promise. Can you let him go?"

"How do you have such power?" The island owner said to him, "Your power seems to be different?"

Ning Feng looked at her with a smile and said, "Your Luoshui Three Swords are actually somewhat flawed."

If he said this before, he would definitely be drowned by the spit of Luoshui Island.

But it's different now, he just won the opponent just now, and what he said is very authoritative.

"Flaw? How is it possible?" The island owner looked at him and said, "Our Luoshui Three Swords have been passed down all the time, so how could there be flaws?"

"Where did you get it?" The Supreme Elder frowned, looked at Ning Feng and said, "Did you steal our Luoshui sword?"

What the Supreme Elder said made Ning Feng very disgusted with him immediately.

Ning Feng glanced at him disdainfully, he indeed learned this sword technique from Luoshui Island.But I really didn't steal, and it would be disgusting to use the word "steal" to myself.

"What does the Supreme Elder mean?" Ning Feng narrowed his eyes, and the hatred was already evident.

The Supreme Elder looked at him and said, "The Three Swords of Luoshui was originally a unique martial art of our Luoshui Island. Where did you get it? Didn't you steal it, did you comprehend it yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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