Chapter 1197
After they got dressed, they went out.The disciple looked at the two of them with a strange look, and the ghost knew what the two of them were doing just now.

Definitely not chatting.

But one of his disciples couldn't say anything, so he could only send the two of them to the island as soon as possible.

The elder Taishang and the island owner personally came to greet her. The warm ones were like a girl returning to her mother's house.But their smiles clearly marked the two words.


The Great Elder hated it very much, and directly put the word "hate" on his face, his teeth itching with hatred.

He himself managed to drive the man away, and now he's back.All the previous efforts were in vain, so why not wait a few more days?
As long as you give yourself a period of time, you will be able to get all of them, and then there will be no way for her to come out.

It was all Ning Feng's fault.

"Master, Supreme Elder." Shen Zhitao greeted the two of them.

The two of them naturally pretended to say that they had worked hard and misunderstood.

Then Shen Zhitao acted very generously, saying that everyone was instigated by others, and no one knew the situation.

One push, two, five, six, directly pushes everything clean.Since it is necessary to push, then someone must be the one who takes the blame, and the one who takes the blame is naturally the Great Elder.

Who made him lose the fight?
The Supreme Elder chatted for a while, and then motioned for Shen Zhitao to chat with the island owner, while he approached Ning Feng, looked at him and said, "Thank you, if it wasn't for you, we would have wronged a disciple. "

Ning Feng sneered inwardly.

Are they still afraid of misunderstanding a disciple?Is it to thank myself for giving him martial arts?If he didn't have this bargaining chip, this disciple would definitely not be released so easily.

"Oh." Ning Feng said to him: "I don't blame you for this matter, after all, there are some very scheming people who are taking advantage of you."

The Great Elder once again became the existence of the blame. Who made him so unfriendly to Ning Feng before?So, who would not give him such a huge scapegoat?
"Yes, I will definitely check carefully in the future."

This is official cliché, everyone knows it is false, but they have to say it.

The two chatted some irrelevant things again, and after chatting for a while, they finally got to the point.

"Mr. Ning, there is one thing that I don't know whether to say or not." He looked at Ning Feng with a sad face and said.

This kind of hypocrisy and politeness is indispensable, so Ning Feng naturally showed an expression of wanting to know: "Please tell me."

The elder Taishang looked at him and said, "You should know that our Luoshui Island has been established for a hundred years, relying on the Three Swords of Luoshui. Now the Three Swords of Luoshui are not perfect. We would like to ask you to help correct it. Of course we I will give you a huge reward."

Ning Feng sneered, he would care about their salary in Luoshui Island.

He just wanted to let himself keep this set of swordsmanship on Luoshui Island, but he just found a nice way to say it.

"Oh? I don't know what reward you can get to compete with such a set of martial arts?" He said it directly if he wanted it, and even said that he would use such a reward in exchange, as if they didn't want it like he wanted.

The elder Taishang was stunned for a moment, this kind of martial skill is top-notch, of course not everything can be compared with it.

"We can't provide an equivalent, but we must do our best..."

"Okay." Ning Feng waved his hand at him and said, "I understand what you mean, after all, you Luoshui Island also rely on this set of swordsmanship to make your way around the world, so naturally I can't let your swordsmanship have this flaw. Besides, Taozi is also here with you, I will teach her this set of sword skills."

The elder Taishang became excited immediately, he just happened to have some problems practicing this set of sword skills.

With his help, if he can obtain a complete martial skill, he will definitely make great progress immediately.

"Thank you, thank you, you will be our benefactor of Luoshui Island..."

"Don't thank me in a hurry, let me tell you this, I didn't intend to teach everyone, I just taught Shen Zhitao this set of martial arts. As for whom she is willing to teach, that's her business."

Ning Feng said with a smile.

The Supreme Elder was stunned for a moment, and he immediately understood what Ning Feng meant by doing so.By doing so, he gave Shen Zhitao a pretty good position.

As long as she has this status, who would dare to show her the slightest disrespect?

Holding the accurate three swords of Luoshui, when can't you make an offering?In particular, she has to teach it to others, and the people who are taught should not be grateful?

Shen Zhitao's status will be directly improved a lot, but can he refuse now?If he doesn't agree, Ning Feng can still pass on the martial arts to her.

And if she no longer passes it on to her disciples, her status will be even more honorable.

"Well, it's okay. It's also a good way." The elder Taishang had no other choice but to quickly agree to this condition.As long as you can keep these three swords in your own sect, it is a good thing.

"That's good." Ning Feng smiled at him, "I will pass this set of swordsmanship to her later, and then it will be your internal affairs."


In fact, the actions of the Great Elder must have the acquiescence of the Supreme Elder.After all, the financial power of a sect is in the hands of a little girl, and everyone is still very dissatisfied.

After taking it back, everything is much better.

Although he didn't support it, he still felt that this behavior was correct in his heart.

The next pattern will have to change. After mastering the full version, the lineage of the island master will definitely grow up. If I want to play the technique of balance in the future, I still need some thought.

For the next two days, Ning Feng taught her new sword techniques here.But I don't know why, every time the two of them practiced, they rolled onto the bed.

It's as if two people can't touch each other, and desire will explode as soon as they touch each other.

This led to a lot of effort. Originally, it should have been taught to her in two days. As for how much to comprehend, I had to figure it out slowly.

But this process took five days to be considered over.

Anyway, the disciples in Luoshui Island all knew that Shen Zhitao and Ning Feng were learning swordsmanship in a big house, often day by day, and after learning, Ning Feng often came out with his hands on his waist.

Shen Zhitao has become more and more radiant these days.

But now time is a little tight, the Battle of the Eight Gates will start soon, and Ning Feng has to go back quickly.Sea Shark Palace also needs to take charge of the overall situation. Of course, when taking them away, let them pay attention to the people from Wuliang Mountain.

The Supreme Elder and the others naturally wouldn't listen to their own words, they were all perfunctory, they could only tell Shen Zhitao.

(End of this chapter)

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