Chapter 1209
"A disciple of the Sea Shark Palace, there is no news about her in Jianghu, and I haven't heard anything about her for the time being, but I know that this person is the focus of training."

"Now it seems that the background of Sea Shark Palace is really not to be underestimated. This disciple alone has a very strong strength."

After seeing Jiang Hongrong's performance, everyone praised him.

This behavior of hers has indeed established an image of a person who will not offend me and I will not offend others.

Standing aloof from the side.

"Hong Rong is a little reckless." Leng Qiushuang said while looking at Ning Feng from behind.

Ning Feng shook his head, "I knew she wouldn't be obedient, let her act according to her own personality. Maybe there will be unexpected surprises, but what is going on with this Spirit Talisman Sect? What does it mean?"

Ling Shan from the Spirit Talisman Sect didn't go up. According to her strength, she could definitely go up. Maybe the sect has some protection for him.

Maybe she thinks she shouldn't expose her strength too much.

But these people neither stood on their side nor on the other side on the stage, but gradually separated.

As a result, the current appearance is that each lineup has four people, one more Jiang Hongrong, and two disciples of the Spirit Talisman Sect.

And the person from the Beacon Valley faction was killed when he came up, that was really unlucky.

"The current situation is a bit chaotic, and it is different from what we thought." Leng Qiushuang found that there were so many situations imagined between them, and they were all different from the current situation.

"The situation is changing rapidly, how can you think of it? And each power has its own little calculations. Let's trust their handling ability."

Ning Feng looked at the people on the stage and said.

"That's the only way." Now it doesn't look like they are at a disadvantage. The opponent's forces have been split up. It is estimated that this time it will be a real chaos.


I don't know who was the first to call out, but the guy from Beacon Valley rushed towards Ye Jinxuan and the others. Obviously, they really didn't intend to talk to Jiang Hongrong anymore.

Those people from Heihumen even killed Ye Jinxuan. It seems that some agreement should have been reached yesterday.

Ye Jinxuan looked at these people with cold eyes.

Suddenly an ice edge appeared in his hand, and the ice edge slowly transformed into the shape of a sword.


After she finished speaking, the three of Lu Zixu immediately leaned side by side, and then Lu Zixu's mental power first exerted its power, and a mental attack hit the person who was rushing forward.


It hit almost instantly, and stayed in place directly, which did a huge damage to the sea of ​​consciousness.

He obviously kept his hand. After all, we still have to meet each other in the future, so there is no need to cause death or injury.

Ye Jinxuan understood the meaning in an instant, and rushed towards him directly, and the ice sword in her hand hit the man hard, causing him to fly out of the ring.

The symbol on this person should be the disciple of the Yuhua Sect. The strength of the disciples of the Yuhua Sect is the weakest among them, but they dare to rush to such a front position. Isn't this courting death?
"Oops, mental attack." Everyone suddenly realized that this matter didn't seem to be so easy to deal with. A person who attacked with mental power would not be able to exert his power at all under their protection.

Mental power doesn't give them a chance to get close at all.

"I'll come." A man in black Humen clothes looked at the people behind and said, "I'll take the lead first, and you will follow behind. You know her danger. We have already lost one person now, I hope Don't do that kind of sneak attack from behind."

"I swear to God." The man from Fenghuo Valley nodded to the man from Heihumen.

"This person is the big disciple of the Heihumen, Hei Chen. This person basically doesn't show his face, but everyone knows that his strength is very terrifying. He was able to block the attack of the condensing realm alone a year ago." Leng Qiu Shuang introduced him from behind.

"He is also very accomplished in terms of mental strength. He is not proficient, but he can definitely guard against it."

"No wonder he wants to stand first." Ning Feng looked at him indifferently, "But do you really think that standing first will win?"

He turned around and looked at the head of the Black Tiger Gate, but he was calm, as if he didn't care about the ending at all, maybe he had a plan in mind.

"The guy from Beacon Valley is called Tang Tianfeng, and he rarely shows up, but his strength is not bad, at least not worse than Hei Chen. The two of them are also popular candidates this time."

Leng Qiushuang continued.

"Interesting." Ning Feng looked at the field and said, "But he thinks of mental attack too simply."

At this moment, that Hei Shen rushed towards Dan Yang, and he had already clearly felt that Dan Yang was actually the weakest existence among them.

It is to eliminate one of them first.

Jiang Hongrong and the Lingfu Sect didn't dare to move.Because once they want to join which side, the power will be overwhelming.The annual routine of the Spirit Talisman Sect is just to stand on the side.

Directly sent to the first pass.

But no one has an opinion, and no one dares to have an opinion.

Everyone is afraid of the other joining the camp of others.In this kind of chaos, a disciple of the Spirit Talisman Sect is really terrifying.

The magic talisman that kills a large area is particularly annoying.

"Your!" Ye Jinxuan said to him.

Since Dan Yang can join here, he will definitely not be afraid, and his strength must be guaranteed, so he rushed towards that person with his sword.

He definitely can't wait at the corner, he is easy to be squeezed down by others all at once, he has to rush towards the middle, leaving room for himself.

"One thousand thousand feathers!"

Lu Zixu's mental power directly hit that person's sea of ​​consciousness.

But after he took the shot, he realized that something was wrong. The man's sea of ​​consciousness didn't seem to be threatened, and he actually had a spiritual weapon for mental defense.

"Three falling ice feathers!"

He didn't get entangled, and directly aimed at the person behind with the strongest mental attack, without stopping at all.

Almost instantly, the two flew towards the outside.

One is Dan Yang, and the other is the one who was attacked by Lu Zixu.

Hei Shen looked at Lu Zixu in surprise, this guy is really smart, he originally thought to use himself to attract his attention, and then complete the final attack.

But after he failed in one blow, he directly attacked the next person.

But fortunately, one for one!

"Waiting for the next game." Ye Jinxuan said to Dan Yang.There is still a gap in strength between Dan Yang and Hei Shen, but they should not be eliminated in the first round.

He also did not fight him recklessly in order to preserve his strength.Generally, being targeted by Hei Shen is basically over, it is better to save your strength and fight again next time.

(End of this chapter)

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