Chapter 1217 Something Happened
Ning Feng looked at Zhu Qidong and said with a smile, "I don't know what's wrong with the sect master?"

After Zhu Qidong watched A Jie go, he turned to stare at him and said, "Where did you get this thing?"

"I can't say it." Ning Feng said to him: "If I say it, it will bring huge troubles to them. I promised not to say it."

Ning Feng looked at him firmly and said, "Why do you care where this kind of thing comes from? You just need to get it. I can assure you that there are no more than three people in the world who know about this thing."

"Huh?" He was stunned for a moment, then sat on the chair and said to him, "What else do you have to say."

Ning Feng only took out half of it now, and he still has half in his hand.And he didn't take this sacred object directly to ask for a position, but found it for himself privately.

On the front, he didn't have much interest in Baiyemen, but he definitely didn't come here just to propose a marriage.

Ning Feng smiled, "The sect master is really clever, I do have two things that need to be explained to the sect master."

"Let's just talk about it, there is no one else right now. Let's talk about it." Zhu Qidong said: "I really don't want you to show up with this thing, but you'd better not make any excessive demands, it's too much , I will not agree."

"Of course." Ning Feng said with a smile: "If I make excessive demands, do you think it would be better to just kill me?"

Zhu Qidong smiled and did not continue talking.

"I only have two requests. The first request is my subordinate's marriage proposal. This should not be difficult for you? Besides, they really love each other. You can find out. If this is not the case, I can withdraw this request. "Ning Feng said.

"I agree to this." Zhu Qidong said without thinking: "I will send him a letter right away."

Ning Feng continued: "The next thing is the second condition. I hope that our two families can live in harmony. It's best not to be hostile. After all, there is really no conflict between our two families, so don't meddle in it."

Zhu Qidong froze for a moment, stared at him and said, "Do you know anything?"

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "Even if you don't know anything, you should feel that something should happen, right?" A long time ago, he knew that something unexpected would happen on this day.

These situations will affect him and even the Sea Shark Palace.

But don't know what exactly will happen.

Judging by his expression, it should be.

"I see." Zhu Qidong looked at him and said, "I agree. If I don't agree, you just take this thing out, and I will be in trouble."

Ning Feng smiled, looked at him and said, "No, no, we are good friends."

"Since we're friends, isn't there a way to make money?" He smiled at Ning Feng.

Ning Feng took out another booklet, handed it to him and said, "This thing belongs to you."


"No delivery."

There is really no friendship between the two of them, it's just an exchange of interests with a little threat.

After Ning Feng walked out, his expression immediately became quite serious.Facts have proved that this threat must be indispensable.

"Is it done?" Ajie leaned forward and said.

"Of course it's done, you are ready to do what you have to do." Ning Feng smiled, and then said to him: "Hurry up and find your girl ticket, and come back to accept punishment when you have enough waste. "

"I'll go now?"

"How long are you going to wait?" Ning Feng said to him, "Hurry up, it's none of your business."

"Then I'm leaving." Ajie was so excited that he almost jumped up, and left impatiently.

Ning Feng looked at the back and felt that the wind was coming, but he had to wait until the competition was over before leaving.

If they can't stand still, it's really a little troublesome.

After he returned to his room, he locked himself in the room directly. No one knew what happened, but he could feel the waves of spiritual power coming from inside.

He didn't even show up for the game the next day.

On the second day, the lottery draw of the Sea Shark Palace collided with some weaker teams. I don't know if it was lucky, or someone arranged it.

Some people were brushed off easily.

None of the strong ones seemed to collide.

That night, Ning Feng came out in high spirits, looked at them and said, "Looking at the situation, you should all have passed, right?"

"I don't know why, the opponents I met today are not very strong, it seems that someone can arrange to separate them, and let us advance on purpose." Leng Qiushuang said puzzled.

"It's okay, it's a good thing. Our goal this time is number one, and you two have to work hard. The rest will be tough battles. Oh, by the way, has Dan Yang advanced yet?"

Ning Feng looked at them and said, this is his ally after all.

"No, he was unlucky to meet her." Lu Zixu pointed to Jiang Hongrong and said, but he gave up without fighting.So I was promoted directly.

The goal of Dan Yang this time is to enter the first round. As long as they enter the first round, they will avoid being the last one.

As long as he can continue to stay in the eight gates, it is his task.

Moreover, there is not much chance of winning against Jiang Hongrong, and there is no need to waste the opponent's strength, so Jiang Hongrong's name has basically been fought.

It was really shocking that he played such a strong force in the first game, and won the second game before even fighting.

"Hong Rong, come in with me." Ning Feng looked at her and said, she had to say that her talent was really great, no matter how hard Lu Zixu tried, she couldn't keep up.

Jiang Hongrong glanced at him, but followed her into the room.

Everyone didn't know what Ning Feng was going to do, and they were all dumbfounded.

Since Ning Feng came back that day, he was not normal, and what he did was too abnormal.

"Palace Master? Is there something going to happen?" Leng Qiushuang looked at him and said.

Ning Feng turned back and said: "No, next I have to help us keep the first place, and tomorrow's opponent will be tough. I have to teach her well."

After finishing speaking, he showed a smile to everyone.

Leng Qiushuang didn't know why, but always felt that something would happen, and the next day would definitely not be a stable one.Moreover, Ajie was gone, and even some of the people who were in charge of arranging daily life were sent back.

There are only a few people left, and they are required to leave tomorrow. All the cooks are directly borrowed from here.

None of this is normal.

(End of this chapter)

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