Chapter 1220 Still Playing Like This

After Ye Jinxuan took the stage, she turned her head and gave Ning Feng a sweet smile.

Jiang Hongrong gritted his teeth and said, "Fox spirit."

"You are prejudiced against her." Ning Feng looked at her and said. "You're not in a good mood."

"Hmph, nasty." I don't know if I said this to Ning Feng or Ye Jinxuan.

Ye Jinxuan and Tang Tianfeng came up together.

Tang Tianfeng was not considered handsome, but he was still considered tall.And the weapon in his hand turned out to be a black long sword, this black sword should not be ordinary.

"Ye Jinxuan."

"Tang Tianfeng."

After the introduction between the two, Tang Tianfeng directly took the sword and killed Ye Jinxuan.

"This guy is not particular, and he doesn't behave like a gentleman at all when facing girls."

Jiang Hongrong muttered.

"Don't you still despise her?"

Ning Feng looked at her and said.

"I hate him if I hate him, but it doesn't affect me hating him," she said.

Although he shot faster, Ye Jinxuan was not nervous at all, with a casual wave of her hand, an ice wall was erected directly.


The sword and the ice wall collided directly.A burst of ice shards burst out.

Immediately, ice flakes flew.

Tang Tianfeng did not expect this person to react so quickly.

He stepped back abruptly, fearing that his opponent would directly counterattack.

Sure enough, he was right, as soon as the person withdrew, countless ice arrows slammed down towards that place.

"Bang bang..."

Tang Tianfeng heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, almost, fortunately, his reaction was sensitive enough, otherwise, if it was smashed down, he would have been seriously injured.

"The reaction is very quick." He said, looking at Ye Jinxuan who was standing still not far away.

Ye Jinxuan smiled and said, "It's okay."

While speaking, an ice sword appeared in her hand.The length of this ice sword is longer than usual, and it looks very good-looking and crystal clear.

But this is not only good-looking, the coldness in it can also be seen.

"It seems that I have to face you seriously." Tang Tianfeng said to her, raising the black sword in his hand, because basically he didn't meet any masters in the last match.

So they don't know the opponent's strength, basically they are testing it.

"It's up to you." After Ye Jinxuan finished speaking, she didn't let him pretend to be aggressive. She just waved her hand, and a chill rushed towards the opponent.

Everything the cold air passed was frozen.

And he was going to freeze Tang Tianfeng directly.

He didn't react too slowly, and directly slashed down with his sword.With a bang, the cold air was cut off.

But at this time, Ye Jinxuan slid over on the ice.

A sword pierced towards his chest.

Tang Tianfeng had just released this move, and before he had time to fight back, Ye Jinxuan killed him.He had to fall to the ground to dodge the move.

But fortunately, after the whole person rolled around on the ground, he finally missed this move.

"You are really welcome."

The trick just now really made him feel very embarrassed. He originally wanted to come up to play handsome, but he was beaten and ran around, which is very bad.

Ye Jinxuan didn't talk to him at all, and just stabbed him again.

She looks like an ice fairy now. After every move, she has the special skill of falling snowflakes. It is really beautiful and elegant.

"It's so beautiful. I never thought that killing people is so beautiful. Who is this person? Which sect?"

"Even if you know, what can you do? Can people still like you? This person is the one from Piaoxue Palace, and you should know that he has a soft spot for the one from Sea Shark Palace. Can't you chase after someone?"

"His people, then I can forget it. I don't have the talent of others. I am sitting on the rostrum at my age. I don't even have the qualifications for the next game."

"But this woman is so beautiful, if I could sleep with her, I would live 30 years less."

"Hey, still sleep? Let me hold her hand, and I'm willing to lose ten years of life."

"Looking hopeless."

Everyone looked at Ye Jinxuan and said, she looks very cold now, and cold people always give people a stronger desire to conquer.

Ning Feng looked at the audience and was also attracted. If there were no accidents in this match, Ye Jinxuan must have won.But that person hasn't used his big move yet.

If there are some powerful martial arts, the chances of winning are really hard to say.

"Fox spirit." Jiang Hongrong seemed to have a natural complaint against Ye Jinxuan, just seeing her displeased.

"Uh...don't keep saying that, people don't care about you much." Ning Feng said to her.

"What do you mean by not doing anything to me?" Jiang Hongrong said: "My aunt always does things according to her mood. If you are in a good mood, you will say it, and if you are in a bad mood, you will not say it."

"Okay, as long as you are happy." Ning Feng obediently went to enjoy the game.

Ye Jinxuan's posture is very elegant, and there is a cold air around her, leaving few opportunities for the opponent.She has the strength to fight against the master of Gui Yuan Qi.

Even if Ning Feng fights with her, he may not necessarily gain the upper hand. Isn't it bullying to let others fight her?
And that Tang Tianfeng finally couldn't bear it anymore, after all, being chased and beaten for such a long time would annoy anyone.

"Reverse Sword Art!"

He shouted loudly, and a sword light flew out, followed by dozens of sword lights.

Ye Jinxuan dodged this move very easily. Is this a martial skill?The difference is too far.

"It's not over yet."

After finishing speaking, dozens of sword lights flew out of her hand again, and the sword light that she hid before turned against the trend and attacked her back.

So many sword lights directly blocked her surroundings.

Tang Tianfeng said proudly: "This is called reverse swordsmanship."

"Is this also a martial skill?" Ye Jinxuan said disdainfully, isn't it just besieging with countless swords?Just stop it?

Suddenly, a white chill spread around Ye Jinxuan, covering the three meters around her in a white mist.

People couldn't see Ye Jinxuan anymore.

And when these sword shadows rushed into the range of the white mist, they were quickly covered with a layer of frost, and then they all fell to the ground with a crash.

"Can you still play like this?" Tang Tianfeng was dumbfounded, this person is simply too powerful.

Those who watched the game also knew that Tang Tianfeng was about to lose, and the gap in strength was too great.With this trick, no one can easily crack it, and she can easily get rid of this Tang Tianfeng.


Suddenly, the white mist dissipated, and all those ice swords stood up, and all of them were controlled by her.

(End of this chapter)

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