Chapter 1225 Frozen
The scene on the field can be said to be very intense, and the competition between the two of them can't be stopped at all.

Hei Shen is already ready to use the strongest force.

He looked at Jiang Hongrong, the spear in his hand had slowly turned red, and he couldn't afford it anymore, so he had to use all his power to make the final blow.

Jiang Hongrong also decided to use the final blow, this is the time to decide the outcome.

The whip in her hand also began to swing, which has not been used on anyone yet.Just in time to test the waters with him!
And the people in Heihumen in Taishang had already turned gloomy, and he also found that the current situation was a little different.And when his eyes were inadvertent, he looked at the person not far away.

Then turned to stare down.

After Ning Feng ordered Ye Jinxuan, looking at the situation on the court, he was confident that he could win this match, but the gap between Heishen's strength was too great.

"Suffer to death!"

Hei Chen let out an angry roar, and pierced the ground fiercely with his long spear, and then saw a black thing bursting out of the ground directly.

This thing looks very ugly, a bit like a tiger, but not completely like it, and the head looks like a weird bird, and it also has a pair of wings.

When Ning Feng saw this move, he immediately realized that it was the last move of Hei Hu Yin Sha Palm.

But he doesn't know how to use it like this. Although Xiao Jinren can complete those martial arts skills, he can't create them out of thin air.When he didn't see this trick, he wouldn't do it.

The more you get familiar with it, the more you realize that this Black Tiger Yin Sha Palm actually has back tricks.

And this move is obviously the last move of Heihu Yinsha Palm. Although the aura has been strengthened, it is all connected in one vein and can be felt.

Jiang Hongrong should have no trouble dealing with this move.

That weird thing that was neither a beast nor a bird rushed towards Jiang Hongrong directly. This thing could not fly, but could only bite, which further strengthened Ning Feng's thoughts.

"You're so ugly, grandma really can't underestimate you." Jiang Hongrong took a whip and slammed it hard.


Upon contact, the ice whip was shattered into countless pieces again.

"It's okay." After she said a word, she took a sharp step towards the back, dodging those attacks from it.

This trick is just a test, to test which trick should be used to crack this thing.

"If you want to crack this trick, you should use snacks, otherwise you really can't win." Hei Chen looked at Jiang Hongrong and said, "No one has cracked this trick so far."

Jiang Hongrong smiled slightly, and used his own steps to easily escape the attack of this martial skill.

"Let's catch up first and then talk."

"Don't plan to use such a small trick to win." The spear in Hei Chen's hand changed a bit, and this strange thing directly spread its wings and directly blocked three directions.

And its wings became huge directly.

It's really not that easy to slip away.

"Okay, stop running." Jiang Hongrong originally wanted to practice his footwork, but obviously he didn't give himself the chance.

"Are you ready to die?" Hei Shen said coldly.

"Prepare to win."

"Arrogance, let me show you what power is. Attack." He pointed the spear in his hand forward, and saw the monster rushing forward.

Jiang Hongrong smiled, and didn't use any big moves, just kept his hands in the air.

Just now Ye Jinxuan used the power of ice to the extreme, she has to perform better than her.

Ye Jinxuan completely relied on the power of ice and snow to defeat her opponent, and she could do it too.

Although the two are very sensitive to ice and snow, there is still a difference. Ye Jinxuan controls the power of ice and snow outside, and her power of ice and snow is released externally.

But Jiang Hongrong was restrained, completely concentrated this power in his body, and then released it with one blow.

Although Ye Jinxuan didn't use martial arts, her ice and snow control power is really cool, so everyone was not overly surprised.

But Jiang Hongrong's current appearance is somewhat obvious.

She didn't plan to use martial arts at all, facing this thing completely alone, she seemed a little more arrogant.

But no one dared to think that she was arrogant, because no one knew her strength, the power to convince so many people obediently at once was really not just talk.

She stared at the giant beast in front of her, with a smile on her lips, and let you all see what the real power of ice and snow is.

Just look at that kind of cool flower shelf.

Even with the same ice spikes, the two of them are not at the same level.

"Since you're looking for death, then I'm not polite." Hei said with a sullen face, and then directly let the monster towards him.

When the monster opened its mouth, a puff of black air came out, and then it rushed towards her, as if it was about to die with her.

The aura was very powerful. When he went out, he trampled on the entire ground and smashed all the surrounding bricks and stones. Even if there were restrictions, he couldn't stop this force.

"Not bad, but it's still not good, stop for me."

Jiang Hongrong shouted loudly, and the monster actually stopped in place, motionless.

"This is... what's going on here?"

"Why is it really not moving? What kind of move is this? It's too scary."

"What a mess, look at the monster's feet, and under the wings, look at the ice, don't you understand? This guy is frozen."

"Ah? Why did it freeze? There is no cool ice and snow yet, so it just froze?"

"I don't understand, but it looks amazing."

Everyone looked at the field in amazement, and they really admired Jiang Hongrong even more.

Ye Jinxuan's built-in special effects really made them very envious, but the strongest move was sealed in place without moving anything, which made people feel even more shocked.

Ning Feng shook his head helplessly. This guy is just so competitive, but there is still a gap between his opponents, so it's okay to play around.

In fact, the strength of the disciples this time is not bad, but there are more perverted ones.

Jiang Hongrong's current strength is only second to Ning Feng's existence, even if he fights against the masters of Jindanqi, he will not be at a disadvantage in a short time.

If you give her another period of time, it will be a matter of time before she surpasses Leng Qiushuang and others. Talent is really something that cannot be said.

"Huh?" Hei Chen was also surprised for a moment, he did these little tricks unconsciously, without giving anyone time to prepare.

This one is even scarier than Ye Jinxuan's, after all, the previous one can see the movements clearly.This one has absolutely no idea what to do next.

(End of this chapter)

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