Chapter 1240 Speechless
Ning Feng knew that he definitely had no way to escape this time, because this person's strength was completely above his own, and he might win if he fought hard.

"You don't need to disturb my mind with these words, I don't have the intention to take off your veil." Ning Feng said with a smile.

The reason why she used this veil to seduce Ning Feng was entirely to disturb Ning Feng's mind.

Originally, in the battle, you had the curiosity to take off her veil, and sometimes you would kill yourself.

"Hee hee..." She covered her mouth and smiled, "I didn't expect you to be so smart. I like you. If you can win, maybe I will marry you!"

Ning Feng waved his hand and said: "I think it's better to forget it, you are a flower with thorns, I'm afraid I might prick my hand."

"Little brother, how can you say that." She said charmingly.

No matter how gentle she was, Ning Feng would not let down his vigilance. When she rescued Jian Feng just now, it was quite ruthless.

Ning Feng looked at her and said, "I'm curious, what is your position in Wuliang Mountain?"

After hearing this, she was stunned for a moment, and then said enchantingly: "It seems that you still care about my sister."

"You think too much, I always feel that you are not the boss of Wuliang Mountain." Ning Feng smiled and said: "And I don't seem to have seen too many masters here."

"You're pretty smart." She smiled and twisted her body and said, "I'm our great ecstasy, one of the five great ecstasies, isn't my sister very powerful?"

"You guys don't seem to pay much attention to this competition." Ning Feng said with a sigh, it seems that his undercover source is still good.

Those people didn't come because they were afraid, but because they had other things to do.Ning Feng has now confirmed that the news from his undercover agent is completely correct.

Fortunately, I let them go back.

The people in the upper four gates thought that he let those forces go back because he was afraid of being implicated. In fact, Ning Feng was afraid of the people of Wuliang Mountain and asked them to go back and integrate.

One of the five great soul seducers, or are there other four great soul seducers?

No wonder Wuliang Mountain has that ambition.

The power of a great soul seducer is about to break through to the Guiyuan stage.It is much higher grade than Feng Aiguo, and Feng Aiguo is now in the late Jindan period.

It seems that he should also let Feng Aiguo reduce the management of the sect's affairs, and he should attack the Yuan Dynasty.Now this delicate time really needs a master to protect the law.

Perhaps the situation in Wulaoge is exactly what they thought.

"But it's not that I don't pay attention to you. Don't you think my sister is here? She attaches great importance to you." She stared at Ning Feng with a smile and said.

Ning Feng shook his head and said: "Your ambitions are too great, it's better to take the road step by step, because if you take too many steps, you will easily fall into trouble."

"Are you teasing my sister? My sister won't get involved." She smiled sweetly.

She looks like a beautiful snake, very enchanting, every step she shakes, her body is very soft.

Ning Feng sighed, "Do you still have to fight me?"

"Yeah, I still have to beat you." Although she couldn't see her face, there were countless smiles in her voice.

"Okay." Ning Feng could only express helplessness, "Since this is the case, then I can only be rude."

"But let me remind you, the consequences of provoking Wulaoge are quite tragic."

"I know." There was no sadness in her voice.It's like he doesn't care about it at all.

"However, my sister has a piece of news for you. The people in Wulao Pavilion may no longer be there, and Wulao may not have time to take care of your affairs."

Ning Feng didn't express his surprise, because that's why they dared to act.

He also learned about it before, so he made so many deployments.

"It seems that you have doubts too?" She said with a smile.

Ning Feng shook his head and said: "I have always respected the Wulao Pavilion, and I believe that they will definitely maintain this order. I think you should know how the Baiye Gate declined back then."

"That's because he didn't choose the right time, and his strength is still a bit weak." The woman said confidently.

Ning Feng shrugged helplessly, looked at them and said, "What you are doing now is to damage the existing rules, and it is very likely that you will be used as a pathfinding stone by Shangsimen."

"I know, we are using each other, who can say for sure?" The woman looked at him and said, "My sister knows all the things you said, so don't try to convince me. Now that we have done , it’s our choice.”

Ning Feng shook his head and said, "I'm really not trying to convince you. I've told you so much just to get closer to you. By the way, what's your name?"


Ning Feng's words made her laugh directly.

"The way you strike up a conversation is really unique."

"Then can you tell me?" Ning Feng responded with a smile: "You know my identity, but I never knew yours."

"Tang Palace is speechless!"

"This name is very unique! It's as unique as a human being." Ning Feng smiled and said, "Wuyu! You don't look like a person who is speechless at all. I think you can speak very well."

Her name should be a combination of her father's and mother's surnames, with the word "silent" added.

Tang Gong looked at him speechlessly and smiled sweetly: "I only talk so much when I'm with you, and I don't bother to pay attention when others talk to me."

"Look at how surprised these people are?"

Those people from Wuliang Mountain were really surprised. Tang Gong was speechless, but almost all of them were cold and silent.Now they have chatted with Ning Feng for such a long time, they are very strange.

"Then I have to feel honored." Ning Feng looked at her with a smile, "Then why do you talk to me so much?" Between the two of them, one is waiting for time to recover, and the other is Curious about Ning Feng.

Tang Gong said speechlessly: "I don't know, I just think you are very unusual, especially in strength. It's only in the condensed state. The masters of the Jindan period are not your opponents. I don't know that the people of the Guiyuan period are in front of you. What will be the result?"

Ning Feng smiled, "Want to hear the truth?"

"Of course."

"When I attack with all my strength, ordinary people in the early days of Guiyuan can't win. Of course, some people with abnormal talents are still not sure, such as you."

Ning Feng looked at him and said.

(End of this chapter)

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