Chapter 1243

"Wuxiang Bagua Fist? Is it the Baiye Golden King's move?" Zhang Family Patriarch said to him, his expression was also a little surprised.They all understand the power of this move.

He actually knew this trick, which was enough to make everyone collapse.

"How could he do that? He's only in the Condensation Realm." The head of the Mi family said with a frown.

Zhu Qidong shook his head and said: "Don't treat him as if he was in the realm of congealing spirits, his spiritual power is of very high quality, even if he is regarded as a master of the golden core period, there is no exception at all."

"How can his quality be so high?" The head of the Mi family said strangely, this is something that shouldn't be done at all.The spiritual power is self-generated, how could there be such a situation?
"Because he has the phoenix veins of our Phoenix Palace in his body, and he is still a direct descendant." Shangguan Jinfeng also frowned and said, she already felt a huge threat from above.

"The phoenix veins of the direct line? The phoenix veins of the direct line?" Everyone looked at her in amazement and said strangely, these phoenix veins of the direct line are quite precious, and the Phoenix Palace has never disclosed it, and they did not expect it to fall into his hands.

"If I don't feel wrong, it must be." She suddenly found out that there was something more worthy of his attention.After all, nothing is more important than the loss of one's own phoenix veins, especially the direct phoenix veins.

"This? Could it be that he is from Fenggong?" The head of the Mi family said unexpectedly.If this person is from Feng Gong, it will be difficult. Should I deal with it or not?
"No." She frowned and said: "This person's strength is definitely not ours, it feels different. His phoenix veins should have been crossed into it."

"Could it be that some of your direct female disciples have escaped? Eloped with him?" the Patriarch of the Mi family asked puzzled.

"No." She frowned, "I'll go back and investigate this matter myself." You can't reveal too much to them, and some secrets must not be known to others.

But this Ning Feng, she began to pay attention.

Now everyone pays more attention to Ning Feng, and his situation really makes everyone more and more curious.

Ning Feng sniffed a hair tie that was taken off her body, "It smells good!"

Tang Gong stroked his hair speechlessly. He actually took one of his headbands quietly, but he didn't respond at all. This incident was too scary.

I used to think that in the competition with Tang Chuan, I was probably a little behind. Every time I thought that my hairband was taken off by him, this incident was simply too terrifying. This proves that he is fully capable of hurting himself just now. of.

"It's too bad for you to tease my sister like this. If you want to hug your sister, just say so." She was extremely enchanting when she spoke.

The Wuliangshan people on the stage were about to go crazy, this big ecstasy must have been bewitched.How could it be like this?She is usually condescending, especially aloof.

I can't wait to talk to them.

"This... golden soul envoy, look at this situation... why is the big soul ecstasy acting like this? It's not the same as usual, is it bewitched?"

"It's not like, maybe it's a strategy of hers." The Golden Soul Envoy also said helplessly, he had never seen such a great Seductress before.

It is considered a very good situation for her to be able to smile at people, and she is even more lazy to say a word to men.

Now this situation has really taken them by surprise.

"This kind of strategy is really rare." The man looked at the field and said in bewilderment: "It really ruins the image."

"People don't show us this way because we can't reach that level. If we want to talk to others on an equal footing, we must first have an equal status."

The Golden Soul Envoy could still see clearly, so he acted very calmly.

"However, this situation seems to be a bit dangerous for the big ecstasy." The golden ecstasy said to him, "The illusion of the big ecstasy was so easily broken."

"Shaman, what do you think?"

"Dangerous." A person wearing a silver mask said: "Illusion is not all that the Great Seductress has. She can reach the position of the Great Seductress, relying on her strength."

The golden soul envoy said: "I look at her, it seems that she really has a different meaning for this kid? This is not very good."

"The big ecstasy should be careful, she knows her identity." The silver soul envoy said coldly: "The higher-ups will not agree."

"But this kind of thing is really difficult to achieve. Her veil has been lifted, and she has indeed said that."

"Before the mountain gate, her words are nothing."

"I hope so, and I hope she won't destroy our mountain gate's plan."

"Don't worry, even if she likes someone, she still has to defeat them all. Illusion-breaking is just one of them, and it's time for her to show her strength."

Gintama stared at the field and said.

Tang Gong's speechless eyes were still full of smiles, "Little brother, I found that I like you a little bit."

"Just a little bit? Why did I find that I like you a lot." Ning Feng looked at her with a smile and said.

When the two were talking, they didn't know what was going on with each other.I don't know if it's a joke or real, it's all a routine anyway.

"My sister is telling the truth." When she was talking, she reached out to her hair, touched her hairpin and said, "If you want my sister to let your hair down so much, then let me let you down."

Ning Feng looked at him with a smile and said, "I'm telling the truth."

"I still like the way you tie it up." Ning Feng said to Tang Gong speechlessly.

"Then take a look at how I put it on, in case you like it." After she finished speaking, her tone suddenly became cold, "You can also hold the hairpin for my sister."

After finishing speaking, a black shadow stabbed towards Ning Feng.Very fast.

While speeding through the air, the dozen or so hairpins in the hairpin suddenly fell off, and then stabbed towards Ning Feng like a hidden weapon.

Directly blocked all his acupuncture points.

Ning Feng raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Actually, you'd better tie your hair up."

After finishing speaking, the hair tie in his hand was thrown out by him directly.Instead of flying straight, the headband makes a circle.

In an instant, all the teeth of those hairpins were bounced back.

Ning Feng caught the toothless hairpin abruptly, and threw it back.

The hairpin touched the hairband that was about to fall, and sped towards Tang Palace speechlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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