Chapter 1253 Inside Story
After he finished speaking, seals began to form in his hands.

The aura of the whole person suddenly exploded.

There is no need for Ning Feng to remind her, at this time she can also feel the aura from the head of the Mi family, their aura has already exploded.

Obviously a big move is needed.

The next struggle will be dangerous, because neither of the two is going to continue probing like this.

"It seems that Lao Mi is planning to make a move." The Patriarch of the Zhang Family looked down and said, "It's time for us to prepare."

Shangguan Jinfeng frowned, "I think it's our chance, can we send a letter back? At this time, the Wulao Pavilion has not responded yet, so we should have succeeded in the test, right?"

"Let's wait." The Patriarch of the Zhang family glanced around, and finally his eyes fell on Zhu Qidong and said: "Are you doing it?"

"Move." Zhu Qidong said directly: "But Baiyemen will not make a move, because I promised Ning Feng that our Baiyemen will not make things difficult for him."

The Patriarch of the Zhang family frowned, "Then can you deal with other forces?"

"Of course." Zhu Qidong smiled, "Except for Ning Feng, of course we will cooperate with others. But let's wait for the Mi family. It's not suitable to do it now, and there will be no barrier between the four families when they act together."

"Yeah." The head of the Zhang family was stunned for a moment, but finally nodded, and said to him: "It is true that it is not appropriate to do anything now. The Wulao Pavilion is basically confirmed, and there is only an empty shelf left, and your chance for revenge has come. .”

"We have been trapped for so many years, and we are finally able to make a move." Shangguan Jinfeng stared at Ning Feng and said, this guy made them lose face at the beginning, but now he has to return everything with profit.

"At that time, we will act according to the previous assignment." After looking around, the head of the Zhang family said to Shangguan Jinfeng: "Ning Feng, are you sure you want to deal with it yourself?"

"Do I still need your hands to deal with him?" Shangguan Jinfeng said seriously. "Although he is talented, he is still not good enough to deal with me."

"I'm going to pinch him to death." Shangguan Jinfeng's eyes were full of angry flames. This guy is not only Fenggong's enemy, but also has the direct blood of Fenggong. How could these powers leak to him?

Ning Feng glanced at everyone, and basically understood now.

The upper four doors are going to be messed up, and the current rules are also messed up. As for the rules returning to the original state, let the upper four doors reshape the rules.

In fact, all this is beyond their control.

It is said that everything was planned, but in fact it was all luck.Will the people from Wulaoge appear next?

Everyone is betting.

Although Ning Feng had asked them to go back and prepare for the battle, how could their strength be the opponents of the top four?I still have to hope that the people from Wulaoge appear for the best.

Otherwise, these people would either die at the hands of Shangsimen or become their servants.

As for Wuliang Mountain?
Ning Feng couldn't understand this power now.What exactly are they trying to do?Do you want to get rid of the Mi family and become the upper fourth door?Or do you want to survive?

The strength they are showing now is simply not enough to overthrow the Mi family, nor is it enough to help themselves to the position of the top four.

It now looks as if they deliberately muddled the water.

It was intentional to cause trouble.

Although Ning Feng saw the current situation more and more clearly, but he was getting more and more confused, and he didn't know what their purpose was at all.

He took out what Tang Gong silently stuffed into his mouth.

It is a small sheet, like a memory card in a mobile phone.

Very small.

Looking at this little blue card with almost no shape, what is this thing?What does this mean?

Why did she give herself to herself?

He looked through it carefully, and then poured a trace of spiritual power into it.

Suddenly, a large amount of information poured directly into his mind, and this thing turned out to be a spiritual weapon for storing information.

In an instant, he understood many things. Seeing Tang Gong's speechless expression, he finally understood the identity of Wuliang Mountain.

"Sure enough, you are messing up the water, and you are still here to be cannon fodder."

Ning Feng looked at the scene and said in a daze, "Why bother?"

It's still a little late for me to know, if I had known earlier, I wouldn't have appeared here.

But now there is nothing he can do to regret it. This time, he suddenly discovered that fate is actually not in his own hands, but in the hands of others.

I can't escape now, I can only hope that there will be such a person in Wulaoge, as long as the current scene is slightly suppressed.

Give yourself some time to make sure you can handle the current situation.

It would be even worse if he ran away now.

Now here at least I have some thoughts about the people from Wulaoge coming out to protect me, but if I escape, it will be even more miserable to be robbed and killed halfway.

The people from the upper four gates are all here.

You can't beat them by yourself anyway.

"Forget it, let's resign ourselves to fate." He was also helpless and didn't know what to do.

Turning his eyes to the field, he hoped that Tang Gong Wuyu could injure the head of the Mi family, Zhu Qidong promised that he would not do anything, and the head of the Zhang family would not do anything because of the past.

The only person I have to face is Shangguan Jinfeng.

If you face her alone, you may not win if you try your best, but you will definitely not lose.It's a big deal to run away, and make a comeback when the strength is strong.

The power of the Patriarch of the Mi family has also erupted now. After his strength erupted, a ball of blue light directly surrounded him.

Tang Gong was speechless and stared at him seriously, with a faint golden light glowing on his body.

The head of the Mi family shouted, and countless blood bats flew out from the blue light.These bats slowly gathered above his head and gradually formed a circle.

All of them were bloody, this thing and the person from the Mi family were much stronger than him.

Moreover, there is actually a circle above these blood bats, and this circle is covered with a faint blood color.

Tang Gong was speechless and silent, and casually threw a pill into his mouth, and the golden light on his body flourished.A huge fan appeared in front of her.

This fan seems to be outlined with gold threads.

Although it is big, it looks very delicate, and the power has completely exploded. The feeling is really quite good.

After seeing this movement, Zhu Qidong suddenly stood up.

Ning Feng's eyes caught it just in time, "Sure enough."

(End of this chapter)

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