Chapter 1255: The Hand of the Domain
"We were originally rivals." Tang Gong smiled speechlessly and said, "Could it be that we were friends before?"

After she finished speaking, she showed a slight smile.

"Then don't blame me for being rude." After the head of the Mi family said viciously, the spiritual power in his hand moved, and suddenly, the blood clots that had fallen on the ground slowly condensed together.


As soon as the words fell, countless blood clots quickly gathered together.

These dusty blood clots piled up together, slowly changing into a monster.That thing looks like a four-horned beast though.

But I have never seen it before. It should be condensed at will in order to maximize its power.

As soon as this thing came out, it yelled at Tang Gong speechlessly, and then slapped the ground, immediately drawing a huge pothole.

"This thing? I really haven't seen it before. It looks quite fierce."

"Why is this thing so unpredictable? The blood crow can still condense into this thing. The head of the Mi family should have never used such a domineering move in public before."

"It seems that she really pushed him hard this time, and there is no room for resistance at all. The strength this time is quite terrifying. If he wants to continue to compete, it will be hard enough."

Everyone looked at the field and said, although they didn't know what was going on, they admired the move of the Patriarch of the Mi family quite a lot.

After all, for such a big guy, his ferocious appearance is enough to scare people.

"The last move." The Patriarch of the Zhang Family said flatly: "We should also get ready. Tang Gong Wuyu lost this time, and he definitely won't win."

"Of course, if she can win this trick, then their strength will be too terrifying." Shangguan Jinfeng said: "I don't think she can even avoid it."

Zhu Qidong didn't speak at this time, his brows were tightly frowned, what happened to this guy?Totally ruined the plan.

"Old Zhu, are you still not going to make a move?" The head of the Zhang family said, "It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity."

"I promised him that our people will never move, but I will cooperate with you." He glanced at Ning Feng and said.

"Okay." The Patriarch of the Zhang Family kept an eye out.

Ning Feng stared at the field now, touched a small card in his hand and said: "This thing is completely composed of the blood of the blood crow, and there is no spiritual power in it. It is a guy who combines puppet skills and martial arts. If you want to win, you can't win." Easy. Pretty tough, and there's only one way to go, and that's to run."

She turned around and smiled at Ning Feng, her lips moved slightly.

Ning Feng froze for a moment, looked at her nervously and said, "Don't act rashly, just run, there is no need to die."

"Our mission has been completed, we must wait here to die." He heard Tang Gong's speechless voice, because when he bit her ear just now, he stuffed her with the sound transmission talisman.

Ning Feng shook his head and said, "No."

"However, I will fight for a chance for you." She really smiled at Tang Chuan, and then rushed directly towards the big guy who was the head of the Mi family.

"Wind Roaring Beast!"

She quickly formed a seal in her hand, and suddenly there was a strong wind beside her.

The gust of wind condensed out monsters.

This monster doesn't look much better than that one.

It seems that the power is also quite strong.

The Wind Howler opened its mouth, and a hurricane flew out.Accompanied by the hurricane flying out, it also rushed towards the monster of the head of the Mi family.

"No." Ning Feng roared.

The monster from the Mi family would not just sit there obediently and smash towards the opponent, the explosion produced by the two must be huge.

Some disciples have already retreated far away, and only some powerful people dare to watch from a close distance.

Zhu Qidong stared at the field, clenched his fists tightly, what's the matter with this guy?He didn't play cards according to his own routine at all, and directly disrupted his plan.

"Tang Gong is speechless." His eyes were about to burst into flames.

There is such a small error in such a huge plan. Could it be that she really likes Ning Feng?


The two forces collided violently.

"Your Wind Howl Beast is too weak to win at all." The head of the Mi family said proudly: "You still don't seem to understand this thing, it's not a martial skill, it's a puppet. Don't be afraid of any spiritual power attacking."

"Of course I know." Tang Gong's speechless voice suddenly came over, "Do you think my field is really just to disturb your mind? Isn't that too weak?"

When she spoke, there was a burst of light in her eyes.


After a sound, suddenly, in the gloomy light around, stretched out a pair of hands, and pressed down towards the place where the Wind Howler Beast collided with that monster.

Obviously intending to let them perish together.

"What? Does this guy not want her domain? He even used the power of the domain to complete this trick." The head of the Mi family stared at Tang Gong strangely and was speechless.

He didn't know what she was trying to do.

Could it be because of Ning Feng?They just met each other.

"This is? This is the hand of the domain. She is crazy, and she still doesn't plan to live." The head of the Zhang family said in surprise. Eliminate opponents in the field.

Kill opponents as the field collapses.

But it also kills itself.

This kind of damage really can't hurt the Patriarch of the Mi family, but that monster must be wiped out.

But she herself will definitely not escape from it.

"That's right, even if it's death, I have to delay your plans a little bit." Tang Gong said with a speechless smile, "I used to help them complete their plans, but now I want to do something I love."



Those hands directly pressed the Wind Howl Beast and the monster together.


The two monsters collapsed directly.

The Patriarch of the Mi family knew that her domain was about to collapse, and the force of this collapse was quite huge.This is a lunatic, and he must leave.


He glanced and rushed in one direction.

Tang Gong Wuyu doesn't have the strength to pursue now, she is just waiting for the domain to be damaged, and then she will also be wiped out.

Although this is her fate and ending, in the end, she made a correct decision for her own heart.

Think of it as Ning Feng's concern.

It feels good to have someone who cares.

(End of this chapter)

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