Chapter 127 Su Miaohan's Troubles
"Mr. Ning, the old man has escaped." Ning Feng received a call from Niu Dabiao.

"You come back first." Ning Feng said helplessly, Niu Dabiao still couldn't fight the ghost, and this situation could make him escape.

After all, Lao Ba is now a toothless tiger, and he can't make any big waves.

"Oh." Niu Dabiao also knew that he had not completed the task, and his heart was still a little empty.I don't know when, he felt the same when facing Ning Feng as he felt when facing Qin Fangzhou.

As if he is the boss.

Ning Feng doesn't want to worry about these things anymore, he thinks that Niu Dabiao is enough.

At this time, he is not a simple force.What is needed most now is to stabilize the internal situation.

After all, these people were brought up by Niu Dabiao, although he is really not good at strategy.But it is still very powerful in terms of winning people's hearts.Otherwise, there will be people following him when he is not done like that.

When Niu Dabiao came back and looked at the recovered mining area, he was so excited that he admired Ning Feng even more.

"I'll leave it to you here. The most important thing now is to take over all the important places. For those who are safe and reliable, our mine should be opened immediately, so that they can see the benefits." Ning Feng ordered.

Niu Dabiao looked like a primary school student in front of him, and said to him seriously: "No problem."

I believe he can do this kind of thing well.

After Ning Feng explained the matter to him, he left by himself, returned to his residence, practiced the Dragon Turtle Mind Method, took a bath and had a good night's sleep.

I have to go to work in Su Miaohan's company tomorrow.


"Brother Ning Feng, what do you think of my dress? It's my first day at work, will it be rude?" Tiantian has said countless times in front of Ning Feng.

Ning Feng felt helpless, the little girl was too nervous. "You are too nervous, look at me, isn't it just this outfit! I will send you work clothes after I go."

"But I'm still nervous, such a big company..."

"There is no need to be nervous. What happened to the big companies? They are not human anymore? You can relax." Ning Feng comforted.

About 15 minutes later, Ning Feng drove the car to the headquarters of the Su Group.

Su Miaohan had obviously thought about it, and he had already sent someone to meet him.The person who picked them up was a girl in her 20s who seemed to have just joined the company not long ago.

She smiled at Ning Feng and said, "You are Ning Feng, Mr. Ning?"

Ning Feng nodded and said, "It's me. This is Liu Tiantian, I should have told you before, right?"

"Mr. Su has already told me that Mr. Su told you to go to her office when you arrive. She can just leave it to me." The girl looked at Ning Feng with a smile and said.

Ning Feng nodded in agreement, then looked at Tiantian and said, "Then you get used to it first, I'll go first."

"Well, go. I'm fine." Although Tian Tian was still nervous, she knew that she would have to face it sooner or later, and she couldn't always rely on Ning Feng.

He thanked the girl and walked towards the office.

Arrived at Su Miaohan's office, knocked on the door, got an answer and walked in.

"President Su, did you call me?" Ning Feng jokingly asked the beautiful woman sitting at the table.

Su Miaohan rolled her eyes at him angrily, and said, "Sit down. I'll finish it right away."

Ning Feng himself sat opposite her very self-consciously, and then stared blankly at her with his chin on his hands.When Su Miaohan was working, she was very serious, her long eyelashes covered her big eyes, she blinked from time to time, full of intellectual beauty.

"What do you see me doing?" Su Miaohan finished her work in a while, and when she looked up, she saw Ning Feng's face staring at her.He took a sip of water and said.

"Beautiful!" Ning Feng said honestly.

"Is it really okay for you to tease your boss like this?" Su Miaohan asked with a slight smile.

Ning Feng shrugged his shoulders and said, "How can this be called molesting? This is a heartfelt compliment and an honest expression."

Su Miaohan smiled slightly, but did not answer.

"You called me here for something?" Ning Feng looked at her and said, he had to hurry up and get down to business.

Su Miaohan motioned to him, and the two walked to the edge of the sofa and sat down next to each other.Said: "Well, I think we can act. The plan must be implemented."

"Why? Are you in such a hurry?" Ning Feng said, although he knew that it would be troublesome for them to hold on now, but if they hold on for a while, the effect should be better, right?
"My aunt is already preparing to call the directors to hold a shareholders' meeting today. Although she has given the board of directors a lot of power through reforms, if the shareholders' meeting decides things, I may not be able to do anything." Su Miaohan frowned.At the beginning, she thought that her aunt would make a move, but it was too fast.

"Isn't this the property of your Su family? How can it be influenced by others?" Ning Feng asked suspiciously. He still didn't understand such things as enterprises.

Su Miaohan didn't dislike it, and explained seriously: "Our Su family is only the largest shareholder, and my grandfather only holds about 30.00%. My second uncle still has [-]% of the shares, and the rest are all owned by various shareholders. Shareholders. For such a large company, it is too slow to rely on our financial resources to expand.”

"Oh." Although he didn't quite understand, at least he knew that the Su family only held less than half of the shares.

In other words, now Su Miaohan actually controls only 30.00%, while the second uncle owns [-]%.If a general meeting of shareholders is held, she is likely to use the board of directors to pull Su Miaohan down, or at least reduce her power.

"The relationship between those people and my second uncle is very good. After all, he has been managing the company." Su Miaohan said worriedly, her eyebrows frowned, and she still looked very worried.

"He only holds 30.00% of the shares, but you hold [-]%. It's easier for you to pass half of it, right?" Ning Feng asked suspiciously. Su Miaohan still held his grandfather's shares in these three months. Woolen cloth.

Su Miaohan nodded and said: "This matter is indeed very troublesome. Although I have taken some measures, I think I can win the votes of the executives. But their votes are only a small part after all, so I hope to implement this plan early, at least It is to release the news. So that we can buy a certain amount of time, and Li's capital has not yet entered, and it will not weaken them very much."

Ning Feng knows that what she needs to win now are those major shareholders, and it seems that her plan has not been completed.

"It's okay, I will support whatever you do, isn't it just that there is a certain chance of failure? We didn't have any chance before, but now we still have half the chance. Don't worry." Ning Feng put his arms around her shoulder subconsciously and said .

(End of this chapter)

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