Chapter 1279

The corners of Tang Gong's mouth raised in silence, of course it's not that simple, she had already made complete preparations before.


Tang Gong's speechless voice just fell.

It was as if a glacier had collapsed, and countless snow and ice appeared out of thin air, crushing the four of them directly.

"not good."

The head of the Zhang family froze for a moment, and then retreated directly. This move cannot be resisted forcefully. If resisted forcefully, it will consume a lot of strength.

It seems that the little girl opposite is really difficult to deal with.

Especially this Ye Jinxuan's, how could she have such enormous power?Creating so much snow out of thin air should consume a lot of spiritual energy.

She is not afraid.

Of course she wasn't afraid anymore, because this amount of snow couldn't consume much of her strength at all.Even if she falls a snow out of thin air now, she won't waste too much power.

Because she has her own attributes, falling snowflakes is as convenient as drinking water.

The reaction of the four of them was almost the same, that is to back off.This kind of trick has a certain limit, as long as this limit is reached, these snowflakes will definitely not be able to catch up, because of the limited spiritual power.

But if they carry it, the consumption is staggering.

The ice and snow seemed to have a limited range. After rushing out for nearly a hundred meters, they stopped moving forward.

"Sure enough, it's only [-] meters." The Patriarch of the Zhang family was stunned for a moment, and then he breathed a sigh of far so good.

"The next step is our counterattack."

He said deep down in his heart that he didn't understand his opponent before, but in the end he followed his way directly, but now he understands much better.

"That's right, these little girls used this trick well, but it's a pity that they used the wrong person and consumed so much power, just to drive us away."

Shangguan Jinfeng said disdainfully: "I still have no experience."

Zhu Qidong frowned, it was obvious that Tang Gong Wuyu was directing just now, she is not inexperienced, she will not do such a stupid thing, right?
"Young people are young, want to beat us, dream. It's up to me."

As soon as the head of the Mi family rolled up his sleeves, he planned to rush forward.

"Do you think it's that simple?" A voice suddenly sounded from behind them.

After the voice appeared, everyone was startled. They didn't expect such a person to appear suddenly, because they never thought that they would appear silently behind them.

This was simply beyond their expectations.


Everyone was startled. They turned around and found that Ye Jinxuan had appeared behind them.


A larger slab of ice and snow fell directly from above.

They were immediately frightened.


The four of them ran in the other direction.

Couldn't this man's spiritual power be exhausted?Is this person not afraid of wasting spiritual energy at all?And why is her moving speed so fast, she arrives almost instantly, even a teleportation talisman can't be so fast.

Countless snow and ice fell from above and smashed towards them.

They never imagined that the four of them could be so embarrassing because the other party was just a weak woman who turned them around.

It's because I didn't notice it at the beginning, but now I'm still in a weak state.

Tang Gong raised the corners of his mouth speechlessly, although he might not be able to win them, it would be great to let them suffer a bit.And their first step plan is already slowly approaching success.

Will I play three against four with them?Impossible, don't look at what is here?
Just as they were escaping, Ye Jinxuan suddenly appeared again, and then countless snow and ice fell directly.This time, they will never be given any chance to react.

So before they could react, countless ice and snow fell directly on their heads.

"Boom boom boom..."

Even if they don't want to, they have to use their spiritual power to resist these things.

But this time they may not fight them in peace and stability, but this time they intend to let them say that they lose here.Besides, they have fallen into the trap.

Tang Gong's speechless shadow quietly disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it had already floated beside Ye Jinxuan.

The two of them rushed towards one place.

The Patriarch of the Mi family looked at the falling snow and ice and kept waving his spiritual power to drive away the snow and ice.There are several dangers in these ice and snow. The first is that it is too big, the snow volume is too big, and the power is too big. You must constantly use all your strength to drive it away.

The second reason is that the cold air is too strong, and it seems that the cold air penetrates into the bones, so it has to be blocked with strength.This is for sure, the master at the beginning of the Guiyuan period was blasted away by this trick.Although there was a reason why Ning Feng had hurt him before, it also showed that this move was powerful.

The third is because the surrounding snow is too heavy, and I can't understand the surrounding situation at all.They will definitely not miss this opportunity, they will definitely come to attack them.

So now he not only needs to use spiritual power to drive away the ice and snow, but also has to use spiritual power to drive away the cold air.In the end, you have to move your steps with difficulty, and you can't stay in place, otherwise you will be caught by the enemy.

But he obviously still thought too much, because if it wasn't for him to move, others would not be able to find it.As long as it is in this sea of ​​snow, it is Ye Jinxuan's territory.

As long as it is within this area, Tang Gong Wuyu can easily find it.

It's so easy to hide somewhere.

The reason why Tang Gong Wuyu gave up so much energy just now was not just to sneak attack them.It would be a waste of this opportunity to sneak attack.

Because their strength is really strong, a sneak attack will definitely not succeed.It is better to cut off one finger than to hurt his ten fingers.

So they planned to cut off one of their fingers and make one of them useless.

The best one among these people is obviously the head of the Mi family.

His injury in the last battle hasn't healed yet, so who should we hate?

The Patriarch of the Mi family can't keep up his strength now, because his injury is still there, so he uses too much spiritual power, and he is easy to suffer tearing pain.

So sometimes I stand still and take a break.

The ice and snow fell very quickly, probably in a few tens of seconds, so the time for them to do it was also very short.

The Patriarch of the Mi family had just stopped when he suddenly felt a chill in front of him.With one hand, he waved forward.


The snowflakes were scattered directly.

Moreover, a piece of ice edge was directly shattered into slag, but this matter is not over yet, following this ice edge is followed by countless ice edges.

"You accept your fate."

(End of this chapter)

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