Chapter 1295 The Cage
That is the inheritance of Fairy Piaoxue. If they can get it, they have a way to pass it on to themselves.This force must be quite terrifying.

Especially the white flower in her hand, that is the key.

The reason why her strength is so high is because of that white flower.It has increased her strength by more than ten times!
How can it be so weak that it can turn a non-attacking ice edge into something that even a master in the Guiyuan stage has no strength to stop.

Ye Jinxuan also smiled, and said to him, "Since you dare to come, you must have some money. Your eyesight is pretty good. Since you know it's the inheritance of Fairy Piaoxue, why don't you hurry up and get out."

"Haha..." He said to her as if he heard a joke: "It's just an inheritance, and it's not the real Fairy Piaoxue. Even if she really came, I still have the ability to fight."


Ye Jinxuan looked at him and said disdainfully: "You are also compared with Fairy Piaoxue? Back then Fairy Piaoxue froze the three sects in anger, do you have that ability? You can't beat even one Sea Shark Palace, isn't it embarrassing?"

She gave him a disdainful glance, she was naturally familiar with Fairy Piaoxue's deeds.Freezing the three major pies is a very good thing, and it can be blown for a long time.

Moreover, the Patriarch of the Mi family is indeed inferior to others, so what can he use to compare with others?They can freeze the three major sects in the blink of an eye, and they really haven't even attacked the Sea Shark Palace now.

Because they are attacking the Sea Shark Palace now, the other sects have not done anything yet.

Now they have lost three sect masters before they even made a move.Do you have the nerve to say anything?
"You are looking for death. Although you have obtained the inheritance, you are just a young man in the state of distraction. I can shoot you to death at will."

The Patriarch of the Mi family said bitterly, this guy is picking up their scars.

He also didn't expect that they have such a strong background now, the four of them made a move, but they couldn't beat the other three?This is so strange.

Telling it out will make people laugh to death.

Although it was indeed due to their carelessness, and also due to the sudden increase in Tang Gong Wuyu's strength, a loss is a loss.After all, even one of the four masters can't destroy the Sea Shark Palace.

And he almost died here, and now he was blocked by a distracted person at the door and beat him violently, and he retreated after struggling to get injured, his face was full of embarrassment.

Although ashamed and panicked, it was more anger, a suppressed anger.

Before being bullied by Ning Feng everywhere, and now being bullied by Ning Feng's younger brother, how can he bear this kind of malice?

"Haha...that's easy to say." Ye Jinxuan said casually: "You want to slap me to death, but I'm afraid it's not that easy. After all, I seem to have burned the wound on your hand. Do you want another one? .”

"you wanna die."

This is a disgrace to the Patriarch of the Mi family, and he actually brought it up again and again.

As soon as he kicked the ground, the other arm turned into a monster. It must be at least two meters long, but the half of the face and body were still human.

Obviously, the price of doing this is very high. He is not willing to turn his whole body into the appearance of that monster, but even so, it is very difficult to deal with.

"I'm going, he has transformed again, half of which was difficult to deal with before. Now he has transformed into another arm, isn't it too scary?"

"It's not just scary, it's troublesome. At the very least, your strength needs to be improved a lot. Ye Jinxuan may be in danger."

"Not necessarily. Ye Jinxuan's strength has also improved a lot. Maybe she hasn't exerted her full strength yet. Maybe she will be able to shoot him to death in a while."

"Don't be too optimistic, but let's not be too pessimistic. Let's wait and see. Ye Jinxuan is not in a hurry, maybe she has some confidence."

"Look, she moved."

Someone greeted, and everyone quickly cast their eyes over.

Ye Jinxuan looked at the charging monster, not only did she not feel nervous at all, but she was even a little excited.I'm afraid you won't come, and it's exactly what she thought before. After this person changes, his brain's IQ will drop a lot.

The more changes, the lower the IQ.

If it was the usual head of the Mi family, he would definitely be able to see her layout, but now this guy obviously didn't see it, and stepped into the ambush circle in one step.

But for her, of course it was a good thing.The lower his IQ, the better his chances of winning.His strength seems to be inversely proportional to his IQ, the stronger his strength, the worse his brain.

It's completely acting subconsciously, like an animal, not thinking at all, just knowing that someone here is his opponent, and then attacking.

He didn't want to think about any strategy at all, maybe that's why he didn't want to change his whole body.

There was a sound of drumming in his throat, which was very dull, but the strength was very strong. Every time he took a step, his tail hit the ground.

Suddenly, the ground was smashed into big potholes.

This guy is simply terrifying, but his IQ is flawed.

Ye Jinxuan smiled. When he stepped into the ambush circle, she closed her hands and said, "Cage of ice and snow, close!"

Just after she finished speaking, countless ice edges directly gathered towards this place.

Anyone with a heart can definitely see that this trick is not easy, and it is obviously impossible to create so many ice edges at once.

These ice edges were actually left over from the previous attack, but they were just inserted in various places. At that time, he began to arrange the cage. He only needed to gather those ice edges together to form a cage.

Not only is the speed fast, but it also doesn't consume much spiritual energy.


These ice edges were actually interspersed together, the vertical and vertical nails inserted the monster into it, and strictly controlled his movements.

After these ice edges gathered together, they fused together directly, as if they were completed as a whole.

The Patriarch of the Mi family was naturally quite dissatisfied and struggled hard.Of course he can't break free, if he breaks free, what's the point of this cage?

Ye Jinxuan breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, she had already prepared, and it was not in vain that she added small white flowers to everything.In fact, the small white flowers are limited, and they will be gone when they are used up.

When attacking him before, the reason why everyone used little white flowers was to not give him a chance to escape now.


A monster-like roar came out of his throat, shaking the entire cage.

(End of this chapter)

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