Chapter 1314 agree or not

Ning Feng didn't think that they could win the battle, because this matter was originally impossible.No one wants to make them all slaves.

Besides, the masters of the upper four sects have their pride.

"Your matter is absolutely impossible. We are noble Guiyuan masters. What if you want to kill us if you control us?"

The man stared at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng rolled his eyes at him and said: "I want to kill you, do I still need to get a special restraining talisman? How convenient is it now? How long do you think you can survive? I am giving you a chance now, if It's not because there are foreign enemies, I really want to kill you now."

After finishing speaking, he gritted his teeth bitterly.If it wasn't for his own preparations, the current Sea Shark Palace might be finished.

But he was still a bit miscalculated. He didn't expect that these people would dare to directly confront the Wulao Pavilion and directly overthrow the Wulao Pavilion.

Too bold.

In the end, his own preparation was still a bit insufficient. If it wasn't for Tang Gong, they would be doomed now.

Now of course I can't wait to kill them.

"But it's too harsh to do so, you know we can't accept it."

The man looked at Ning Feng and said, "Can we come up with some suitable excuses?"

The reason why he made such a high request was that he didn't intend that these people would agree to him.Because his purpose did not intend to make them all agree to this.

It's just to put a higher pressure on others, and it will be easier to agree to a lower request at that time.

"I don't care if you agree or not, you should discuss it with the people behind you first." Ning Feng said to him.

Now is the time to put pressure on them. The pressure is not great, and they don't know their current situation.

"No need." The man looked at him and said, "This request is really too high, we can say it, but the master of the upper four sects is the supreme status, how could it be possible for you to issue a prohibition talisman?"

He said it very seriously, which is really fundamental.

The masters of the upper four sects will never agree, their positions are very high.And if you want to fight against foreign forces, they are also the most important factor.

So it won't be printed anyway.

But they don't have any other cards to play now, and what they can use now is just a little bit of Ning Feng's family and country feelings.

Ning Feng glanced at him, then at the people behind him.

"Okay, the four of them don't have to use it, but the rest of them have to set the prohibition talisman. And I won't set it myself, let my master do it.

His old man's status and ability should still be trustworthy, right? "

Ning Feng knew that they would definitely not agree to the previous condition, so this condition was a last resort.It is impossible for him to really fight with them.

At that time, the blue-blood family will be at a disadvantage, and it will be a real loss.

"Don't try to bargain with me, if you don't agree, I'm going to do it."

Ning Feng spoke very resolutely and said directly to him.

The man froze for a moment, he didn't expect to bring himself in.They are definitely not willing to be restrained, although Qiu Kui is indeed highly respected.

But he is still Ning Feng's person after all, if he wants to kill them, it is still very easy.

But his words should still be believed.

"I'll go back and discuss it." He said to Ning Feng.

"Okay, 10 minutes." Ning Feng said to him: "If you can't solve this problem after 10 minutes, don't blame me for being rude."


The man gritted his teeth and went back.

Ning Feng looked at their backs and knew that this matter must be all right.

He sat on a chair and stared at the opposite side with a smile.If you can't beat him, you don't want to beat him, and it's not good to hurt your muscles and bones.

"Can it work?" Shen Zhitao looked at him and said.

Although her strength has skyrocketed after training with Ning Feng, she has just touched the threshold of returning to the Yuan Dynasty.She jumped too much, even in the Guiyuan period, it took a lot of trouble to stabilize it.

So in the previous battles, they were already at a serious disadvantage.

She definitely didn't want to continue fighting, and if she fought again, she might not be able to hold on.

"Of course." Ning Feng said to her with a smile: "Where do they have the right to speak? Now it's a notice to them, not a discussion with them."

Shen Zhitao said to him: "They are masters in Guiyuan period, will they agree?"

"If you don't agree, you will die."

Ning Feng said this with a smile, if they didn't agree to him, he wouldn't believe them, and he wouldn't entrust his life to them.

That person also conveyed Ning Feng's meaning to everyone.

After hearing this, their expressions all changed.They knew that there must be a forbidden talisman.Because to ensure that it is not attacked, only the prohibition talisman is the best way.

"He deceived people so much that he wanted to set all of us with restraining talismans, so aren't we their slaves?" said the man from the Zhang family.

"But what if you don't do this? Could it be that you let the sect master go?" Another person said to him.

The sect master is absolutely uncontrollable, this is not just a matter of face.If the sect master is controlled, then a sect will be in a passive position.

So it's the only way to do it.

They are really quite depressed. They are so much stronger than them, but they have to negotiate a peace in the end.And still using such a humiliating method, of course I feel unhappy in my heart.

But the reality is like this, there is nothing they can do if they are unhappy.After all, they are now in the upper hand. If they don't want to negotiate a peace, they can only wait to die.


The man looked at the situation and said.None of the sect masters opened their mouths, obviously agreeing with this method.What if you don't agree?Could it be that they all died here?
Besides, it is just a prohibition talisman, as long as it is not an enemy of the Sea Shark Palace, it is actually no different from not having one.

If you want people to believe it, you have to do it naturally.

"I can't agree." Another person said, "How can we become slaves with our strength?"

"Do you want to die otherwise?"

"We can run." He said to the crowd, "Isn't it a problem for us to run?"

His thinking is very dangerous. If he runs away, the sect masters will definitely not be able to run away.Then the last danger is the sect master, who is obviously a little selfish.

But after all, it involves the affairs of one's own life, and it is normal to have such a choice.

"If your sect master is killed, your sect will be purged from the upper four sects forever." The man also said indifferently: "Besides, you may not be able to escape, if you can't escape, you will have to wait to die."

(End of this chapter)

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