Chapter 1320 Rewards
The reward must be rewarded. If there is no reward, no one will work hard in the future.

"Ye Jinxuan."

He looked at Ye Jinxuan with a smile, she smiled at him, and said, "What gift did you give me?"

"I decided to hand over a piece of power in the Beacon Valley to you. Who let them join the four sects? Winners and losers, you just accept this thing and report my name."

Now it is not only a reward meeting, but also a spoils sharing meeting. The sphere of influence of these people will eventually be divided here.

"In addition, you have made great achievements for your hard work, and you will be rewarded with a Snow God Pill."

Snow God Pill?Eighth-rank pills, and eighth-rank pills, he was really not polite at all, they were all such precious pills.

Ye Jinxuan got a box made of ice cubes. After opening the box, a snow-white elixir inside was emitting a slight chill.

For Ye Jinxuan, the Snow God Pill is simply the best tonic.After taking it, she can mobilize even more chills.As long as there is cold air, there is no need to use spiritual power to create cold air, which saves spiritual power.

But this elixir has almost no effect on others.

This pill was specially prepared by him for the two of them.

"Tang Gong, your role is huge. Before all the four sect masters were killed by each other, what happened later. If they were not seriously injured, we really couldn't stop them. You should take the credit First."

Ning Feng looked at him and said, "I will reward you with an illusion. I asked my master to forge this illusion. This is another grade of spirit weapon above the high-level spirit weapon. There are only a few of this kind in the world. Level. The rest are in the hands of Master and I."


Everyone knows that the most valuable things are spiritual weapons and elixir. The previous two eighth-grade elixir were enough to surprise him, but he didn't expect that this time he would directly send a spiritual weapon that was even more advanced than a high-level spiritual weapon.

There are only a few pieces in the world, and they are all in the hands of the refiners.

The most important thing is that Ning Feng didn't randomly award rewards, but specially selected prizes based on each individual's characteristics.This is commendable.

Ning Feng took out a mirror and handed it to her. This mirror was shining with silver light all over, and people could not show their shadows when reflected on it, but when spiritual power poured into it, illusions would appear immediately.

Mr. Tang obviously liked this gift very much. He touched it for a long time and was reluctant to put it down.

This thing is quite good, this illusion mirror is not a simple illusion mirror, but can cooperate with her field, and the effect is greatly increased after use.

If this situation had the help of the magic mirror, the masters of the upper four sects might have died inside.

In the past, it was a illusion within an illusion. With the help of the illusion mirror, it can directly become a triple set. The triple illusion is not so easy to break.

Maybe it will end up lost in the illusion.

As soon as she put her own spiritual power inside, a bright color burst out immediately.That colorful ray of light directly surrounded all the people around.

Originally, Shen Zhitao was still looking forward to his gift, but it turned out that Ning Feng was walking towards him with a smile on his lips.

She couldn't help but stepped forward to hug him.

Although his own role is not very great, at least he has not forgotten himself.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were all blurred, and they seemed to have all fallen into an illusion.

Ning Feng shook his head helplessly, this guy really loves to play too much, and even wants to confuse himself with illusions, how is it possible?


After he finished speaking, a sound wave was transmitted directly.

The surrounding illusion was broken in an instant, and everyone returned to normal again.

Everyone was stunned, this is the power of the illusion mirror, it is really too powerful.Unknowingly, I have fallen into an illusion, which is really amazing.

Tang Gong smiled speechlessly and said, "I'm sorry, my hands were itchy for a while."

"Thank you. Sister, I like this thing very much."

While speaking, he winked at Ning Feng alluringly.

"Fox spirit." Ye Jinxuan's lips moved, but she didn't make a sound. Looking at the Snow God Pill in her hand, she was relatively satisfied.

At least he still knows himself well and knows what he needs.

Ning Feng was very embarrassed, this guy was really not polite at all, he was really teasing him.

"Shen Zhitao."

Ning Feng couldn't stand her teasing, so he hurriedly said to the next person.

"This is for you."

Ning Feng took out a silver long sword and it floated directly into her hand.

"This long sword was also refined by my master. It is no worse than the phantom mirror. If Luoshui swordsmanship is used in this way, the power will be doubled at least."

After hearing his words, Shen Zhitao immediately started to dance with his sword.

Immediately, the spiritual power was rampant, and waves of spiritual power impacted everyone.The brilliance of that sword is really quite beautiful, and even a little bit of spiritual power is brought into full play by it.

"Luo Shui condenses light."

She pointed straight ahead.

Suddenly, a spot of light concentrated on the tip of the sword, stabbing towards the door.

Countless spiritual power concentrated towards the tip of the sword, and then exploded towards the outside.

Are these people preparing to make trouble for themselves?

Actually playing swords and using magic mirrors in the hall, is it really necessary to demolish this place?

The power of this sword is quite terrifying. If this move hits a pillar, it will definitely tear it down.


With one move, that kind of power is really powerful.

The surrounding ground trembled a little, and everyone expressed shock and admiration for this spiritual weapon.

At least stop her, if it is demolished, we have to bury it inside.

Ning Feng could only dodge it, then grabbed her sword hilt, and touched an acupuncture point on her hand by the way, directly dissipating all her spiritual power.

"Are you going to demolish this place?"

He looked at Shen Zhitao helplessly and said.

Shen Zhitao smiled, and said: "This thing is really good. I only used [-]% of my strength just now, but it feels like I'm giving it my all. Thank you."

After finishing speaking, he threw himself into Ning Feng's arms.

Ye Jinxuan held the box in his hand, Tang Gong Wuyu held the illusion mirror in his hand, and said almost at the same time.

"Fox spirit!"

When the two of them looked at Shen Zhitao in the field, they really knew what a real vixen is.

"Okay, hurry back and sit down, there are still many things to do."

"alright, I got it."

Shen Zhitao touched his face and said.

Immediately brought out the vixen's essence to the fullest. Although Tang Gong Wuyu's illusion is very powerful, it is still a bit inferior to Shen Zhitao's charming nature.

"Fox spirit."

(End of this chapter)

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