Chapter 1328

After seeing him off, Ning Feng had to deal with the delays of the past few days.

In the past few days, I have been traveling with her in the mountains and rivers, and I haven't done much at all.Although there are not many things to do now, some important decisions still have to be made by yourself.

And there is still some information that you have to digest yourself.

Recently, some serious things have happened, and I have to deal with them quickly.What happened two days ago, I didn't react at all, maybe others thought I didn't dare to move.

I thought I had no minions anymore.

"Let Fan Dong come to see me."

After sending Su Miaohan away, he immediately became serious.

All the top experts are now in retreat, and there are still a few days before they are released.As for Shen Zhitao, Luoshui Island has already been called back due to something.

After all, they are not from the Sea Shark Palace. Although they can fight side by side with them, sooner or later they have to separate.

After all, Luoshui Island has its own inheritance and cannot join the Sea Shark Palace.

Ye Jinxuan did not go back because she had resumed retreat.

Tang Gong Wuyu also resumed retreat after the award, and so did others.

Because just broke through, the realm is unstable.Moreover, such a strong battle has been carried out, if the realm is not stabilized, the consequences will be dangerous.

So the only ones who can be used now are the Tiankui generals in the Jindan stage.

Sure enough, breaking through is not that easy. The Sanwen Wanling Pill can only allow them to break through to the peak of the Golden Core stage, and it is still a bit short of breaking through the Guiyuan stage.

This breakthrough not only requires opportunities, but also requires accumulation.

Their accumulation is still too shallow, and the time to reach the golden core stage is not too long, so it is somewhat difficult to break through.But this elixir at least stabilized their realm in the golden elixir stage.

It can be regarded as a follow-up force.

Because of the existence of these people, the Sea Shark Palace will not be destroyed within a hundred years.

"Palace Master." Fan Dong frowned at him and said.

He reported the situation to him in advance three days ago, but he was busy with Su Miaohan at that time.Simply ignoring this matter caused this trouble.

He was actually a little dissatisfied in his heart, how could he treat sect affairs like this?Isn't it worth a woman's happiness?

Ning Feng did know about the situation three days ago, and he had told himself this information in advance.

I just made a small arrangement at that time.

Perhaps there was no large-scale protection, which made him feel that he was not thoughtful.

But how can his own thoughts make him suspicious? This is what he took the initiative to do.

"what's the situation?"

Ning Feng said to him lightly.

Although Fan Dong was dissatisfied, he still said honestly: "Two days ago, the Blue Blood Family and the Heigl Family suddenly came out from Neptune Island and occupied one of our strongholds."

"Because we knew the news in advance, we didn't have any casualties, and we all withdrew."

Ning Feng nodded without expressing anything, all of this was in his own imagination.

"What's going on with them now?"

Ning Feng said to him.

Fan Dong replied seriously: "They can't hide at all now, and they haven't reacted in any way. They should be observing our situation."

Ning Feng nodded.

The blue blood family and the Heigl family really won't let it go.

It has now begun to test.

He got the tentacles to one of his strongholds, and he believed that the news was leaked on purpose.Otherwise, how could such a top-secret plan be revealed just the day before?

And after all the people from the Sea Shark Palace in that stronghold were withdrawn, the other party acted too calmly, as if they knew about this matter before.

After the first step, there is no second step, which makes people wonder what their motives are.

They are just testing now, but they dare not hurt anyone, for fear of angering the Sea Shark Palace.

But they were still thinking wrong, didn't they think they couldn't be angered now?

I didn't want to deal with them two days ago not because Su Miaohan was there, but because I needed an excuse, an excuse that everyone would agree to.

It looks almost the same now, and the hatred is well drawn.

Sea Shark Palace is a person who has worked in the upper four schools, and now he is shitting on his neck by a foreigner, and he hates it so much.

It is the current situation that we want.

"What is the strength of the character I asked you to investigate?"

Ning Feng said to him.

Fan Dong will not let him down, "The strength of the Blue Blood family is nothing to worry about. Most of them are only alchemists who are around the sixth rank. Mental power is not a problem at all.

On the contrary, the Heigl family has some troubles. Among the people who came this time, there is a master who is equivalent to the Guiyuan period.But I haven't seen him shoot before, because the appearance of people is really different, it is not easy for us to penetrate into it, and our understanding of this master is limited.

But the materials of the other three masters of the Heigl family have been prepared. After finishing speaking, he put a stack of papers in front of him.

Ning Feng smiled, Fan Dong is reliable in his work.

The information is very detailed, age, height, good at martial arts.There is even a woman who likes double fly is clearly written.These people are really unauthentic, and I don't know where to find this information.

These people invaded the Sea Shark Palace stronghold closest to Neptune Island three days ago, just to test their reaction.

If the reaction is not intense, then you have to make progress, if it is intense, then admit it and run away.

But Ning Feng didn't intend to give them this chance, since he dared to come, he had to accept the anger.Besides, it's not comfortable to keep them around all the time.

The last time I had a fight with Shangsimen, I had just established a little prestige, and I needed to kill a chicken to show the monkey, and these people looked like that chicken no matter what.

"How is the reaction of the people in the palace?" Ning Feng said to him.

He didn't keep this news from him, and the person from that stronghold has also returned, so it will definitely spread.

"It's very intense. They want to kill the Blue Blood family one by one." Fan Dong said to him. These intelligence agencies not only monitor the outside world, but also monitor the inside.

It's just surveillance, not law enforcement.

For sects, terrorism cannot be formed, let alone make people silent.

"That's fine." Ning Feng said with a smile: "Go and call Jin Shashi, Du Huigong, Leng Qiushuang, Jiang Tu, and Ajie too."

After he finished speaking, he added something.

In fact, Ajie was somewhat marginalized, and they had a battle with Shangsimen.

And he happened to be engaged to the woman from Baiyemen.

Now he is not human on both sides.

(End of this chapter)

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