Chapter 1333 Rogue
"How do you explain your occupation of our stronghold?" He said to them.

When he spoke, his tone was quite strong.

Of course they had already thought about this question, and said to them: "This is not right."

The man from the Blue Blood family said directly to him: "I don't know who owned this stronghold before. But when we came, it was already empty. So we're just staying here temporarily."

"Stay here temporarily?"

Ajie said to them with disdain: "Let me tell you now, this place belongs to us. When are you going to leave?"

"How can you say this is yours? You can't knock your lips up and down, let's just agree? What if the real owner of the house comes?"

The Blue Blood family started the cheating mode, and he originally planned to win by cheating.

"Hehe, do you need to talk about this matter? Who doesn't know that this is our place?" Ajie is relatively stupid, but he still knows how to refute these things.

"Everyone here knows that this is our place, and it was taken by you."

"That's not right. How can it be said to be an occupation? When we came, there was no one here." He said to Ajie. "It doesn't necessarily belong to anyone? I only know that this is a wasteland."

"Nonsense, although there is no one here, aren't there all the rooms? Doesn't this prove that this is ours?" His negotiating ability is still slightly weak.

Has been taken away by the other party.

The man from the Blue Blood Family smiled. It seems that the man who came here is not a very powerful person, and even such a little negotiation skills can't be seen.

"Of course these rooms do not prove that the things belong to you." He said to him: "The owner of the room is here, so we naturally let it go."

"Oh? Then if we take out these real estate certificates, will we be able to let you go?"

He said lightly.

"Of course, but we have to see if the real estate certificate is real. You can give us the real estate certificate, and we will verify it for two days. If it is real, it will be handed over to you naturally."

This is really a rogue.

Because if the real estate certificate is handed over to them, won't they be transferred without knowing it?

Now their strength is even more incomprehensible.


Ajie slapped the table and shouted at him: "What do you mean? Don't think I don't know what you are thinking? Tell you, do you really think you can coax me?"

"How can this be a rogue? Am I not here to be more accurate? What if you are also liars?"

He said rascally, this is the strategy between them, there is no solution anyway, as long as you are shameless, this place will definitely be settled.

After a while, this place will definitely be in my hands.

Because the more you delay, the more troublesome it will be in the end.

In the end, there is no solution and it becomes their thing.The most important thing is to make them unable to free their hands now, and it seems that they really cannot free their hands now.

Otherwise, it would not be these missions that came this time, but the attackers.

"Who are you calling a liar? Believe it or not, I will beat you." Ajie picked up a teacup and threw it at him, and the people behind hurriedly stopped him.

If he didn't stop him, he would definitely rush up and start a fight with them.

The man hurriedly blocked the teacup, but the teacup was blocked, but the tea in it was not blocked, and he was drenched all over.

He didn't expect the other party to be such a person.

It doesn't follow the routine at all.

Why did you make a move without saying a word?

He now realizes that he is not very rascal, this person is much more rascal than himself.Even if he beat himself up now, there was nothing he could do.

Is it possible to kill him?

Killing him this time will definitely not end.

The Sea Shark Palace will definitely attack, and they won't be able to stop it.After all, killing a general from the Sea Shark Palace would easily irritate him.

Even if they don't want to fight, they will fight in the end, because it is a matter of their face.

If a small place is occupied by someone, you may be able to pretend not to see it.

But if they killed a master, they would definitely not pretend to be invisible.Finally had to do it, he knew what he wanted.

It's about keeping both parties safe, and then they have a chance to stabilize.

Their previous influence has completely disappeared, and it will take a while to stabilize here, and then reorganize the original relationship.

Of course, I can't fall out with him now, and I can't force the other party to the point where there is no way out.

"Grandma, don't play this game for me." Ajie yelled at him: "You're playing a rascal, aren't you? You're paralyzed, don't you want to live?"

The opponent didn't follow the routine.

This guy doesn't look like a serious person at all.Can't we have a good chat?Do you have to use your hands?

People don't understand this situation at all.

Is there no one else?It is really abominable to send out such a mallet.

"You calm down first."

He took a long breath and said to him, "It's better for us to settle this matter."

"How to solve it? I listen to your ideas."

Ajie sat there and said, not seeming to be reasonable at all.The other party was planning to be a rascal, but met someone who was even more rascal.

How can this be done?

"Speaking frankly, are you going to let this place go or not?"

"No." Heigl stood up and said to him at this time: "We will absolutely not allow this place."

He also thought clearly, anyway, this time things must not be good.And knowing that the other party will not be kind in the first place, there is no need to be polite to them now.

Anyway, the other party will definitely not fight them at this time.

"Since we have already occupied this place, we will not let it go." After all, he is the boss, so he has to stand up at this time.

Ajie was stunned for a moment, they were still too stupid.

Even more domineering than himself, a small force dared to do this, isn't this courting death?Why don't you put them together?
Now there is a kind of misunderstanding between the two sides. One side feels that its power is very powerful, and the other side feels that it is now the dominant one.

In this case, neither side will back down, so how can the negotiation continue?
"Okay, if you do this, wait for our soldiers to overwhelm the border." Ajie said through gritted teeth.

"Haha... What a joke, do you have the strength? There has just been a big battle, and everyone is basically injured. What are you going to use to hit us?"

Heigl said forcefully, it’s okay to not be strong now, this is the only way to deal with it.

(End of this chapter)

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