Chapter 136 The Beating Is Still Light
"Hmph, as long as you can hold on, let's wait and see!" Cheng Hua might still be a little worried before, after all, Su Miaohan still holds 30.00% of the shares in her hands, and these executives were obviously bought by Su Miaohan's previous policies After all, allocating shares to executives is still very popular.Those things are all money, and after a few years, it will be a lot of wealth after changing hands.

But now that she actually let Ning Feng take over this matter, she just had an excuse, and this time she was more confident.

Su Miaohan smiled slightly and said, "It's up to you, let's just wait and see."

After Cheng Hua finished listening, she slammed the door angrily and left.

"It's amazing. I didn't expect you to be so ruthless. It's amazing." Ning Feng expressed his admiration for Su Miaohan from the bottom of his heart.

She rolled his eyes at him and said, "It's all for this sake, and I can't take care of so much anymore. Well, it's almost time, I'll take you to buy two clothes."


"Brother, there is a meeting this afternoon. You should dress more formally. Even if it's not a formal dress, you should dress taller. Otherwise, you will be despised by those people." Su Miaohan stood up and looked at the piece of paper on her desk , Then tear it off without a trace and throw it into the trash can.

She didn't know what was going on, but while talking to Cheng Hua, she actually wrote several names of Ning Feng on the paper.

Ning Feng shrugged and said, "Well, I don't have any money with me anyway."

"Salary deduction!" Su Miaohan went over to straighten Ning Feng's neckline and said with a smile.

Ning Feng immediately turned into a bitter face, and said with a mournful face: "Don't, you can't do this."

"Let's go, I'll buy it for you. See how stingy you are." Su Miaohan said jokingly.

Ning Feng was stunned when he looked at it. Every frown and smile of this woman seemed to have infinite charm, and the attractive eyes could not be separated at all.

After the two left the company, they walked directly into a specialty store that seemed to be an Anima.Ning Feng didn't have any idea about the brand before, and he didn't know the price, so he went in directly.

"You two, are you going to buy clothes?" The waiter asked Su Miaohan directly, obviously she didn't think Ning Feng could afford clothes, and Su Miaohan's temperament seemed more like someone who could afford to shop in a specialty store.

But the tone was not bad, there was no strong discrimination, it was just a natural expression.

Ning Feng didn't care about this kind of thing either.

Su Miaohan looked at the clothes around her, and then said to the waiter calmly: "He is the one who picks the clothes, the ones here are not very good, go over there."

While talking casually with the waiter, he talked to Ning Feng.Just pull Ning Feng to the right.

When Ning Feng came in, he was shocked to see that piece of clothing. Each piece cost thousands of dollars, which was really terrifying.

"Han!" Ning Feng's voice was trembling, "Did we enter the wrong place?"

"No?" She looked at the clothes around indifferently, and still commented: "No, these are old models, they don't look good."

Ning Feng looked over, and found that a set of clothes cost tens of thousands of dollars, yet he still disliked that they were old models.Is this damn clothes?It is uncomfortable to wear on the body.

"You have good eyesight. These are indeed old models. From your perspective, these are new models just launched." The waiter knew that he had met an expert, and hurriedly introduced them.

Su Miaohan followed her to a place, the clothes were indeed much more beautiful than before, but after seeing the price, Ning Feng felt a toothache.Quickly divert your gaze away, looking at those clothes, your heart is dripping with blood.

Su Miaohan only took a glance, and locked several pieces, said: "This one, this one, and this one, take them all down and let him try it."

"Okay." The waiter is also happy. This is all performance. This person buys things without even looking at them. This is the real buyer.

Not to mention, these expensive clothes are indeed much more comfortable after wearing them, but when I think that I have spent so much money on them, my heart immediately bleeds, what a prodigal bitch!

Ning Feng's figure was originally very well-proportioned. After wearing this kind of clothes with a very standard design, his whole temperament immediately came out.

There are still some stubbles that have just grown on the sharply carved face, which makes him look more manly.

"It's so handsome!" The waiter couldn't help but praise him.

"Not bad." Su Miaohan's eyes lit up, she didn't expect this guy to be so handsome after dressing up.This guy is so rich, he usually wears sloppy clothes.

"All of these are packed." Su Miaohan said very domineeringly, since they are all well dressed, she took them all.

Of course the waiter took the things very excitedly, but his eyes stayed on Ning Feng for a long time.This person is too straightforward, a girl must be a little bit reserved.

"You wait, I'll pay the bill." Su Miaohan said.

"En." Ning Feng wouldn't go to pay the bill by himself, for such an expensive thing, spending his own money would make him feel so bad.

Ning Feng changed back to his own clothes, which were quite comfortable, and he should wear those clothes on formal occasions, after all, a hole could cost hundreds.

It hurts!
"Hey? Isn't this Ning Feng?" Suddenly Ning Feng heard a voice, which was somewhat familiar, but it had been too long and he couldn't remember it clearly.

Ning Feng turned around and saw two people coming from the store. The man was quite tall, and the woman was also good-looking, above average.

He stared at the two for a long time before he finally remembered that the two seemed to be his high school classmates.This woman is still the class flower in the class at the beginning, who seems to be called Zhu Zimin, and this man is the son of some kind of company boss.He was very arrogant in school before, so he was often beaten by Ning Feng.

The two were incompatible before, and the relationship with Banhua became complicated.At the beginning, she was the object of pursuit of all the boys in the class, but it was a pity that Ning Feng was not favored by others at that time.

Seeing that the goddess really chose this person, Ning Feng suddenly discovered a truth, this world really has to fight for his father.

This man's name is Fan Lei, and he looks pretty good, but he likes to pretend.He looked at Ning Feng with a smile on his face, and he deliberately hugged the girl in class, and pointed at Ning Feng the clothes he just bought in his hand.

He said: "Ning Feng, don't you look good in this outfit? What are you doing here? Do you want to work? Look at you, you didn't have a background back then, and you haven't studied hard. Let's see what you look like now."

This kind of person likes to give lessons to others as soon as they come up, and comment on others in a superior manner, which shows that the beatings in high school were not enough.Originally Ning Feng was still a little uneasy because of his youth and ignorance, but seeing that he was still so cheap, he immediately regained his balance, and the beating was still light at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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