Chapter 1364 Qingxin Dan

Of course she didn't know, because even Wang Lang didn't understand.

People who don't know much about spiritual power don't understand these things at all.

Ning Feng just understood.

"You've summed it up pretty well." Ning Feng said with a smile, "Your physique is a rare ethereal physique among hundreds of millions of people. People with this physique don't need to practice mental power at all, because they can do whatever they want. Use various spirit weapons."

When Ning Feng was talking, he handed her a stone and said, "Come, bring us all into it."

"How could I?"

She said with a sad face.But in the next second, the four of them had already appeared in the space.

"Let us out again."

Ning Feng said.

She thought about it quickly, and then the four of them went out.

"Why is it so miraculous?" Wang Lang said in surprise, "If you move your mind, you can enter it, and that thing is still yours, not hers. This..."

He didn't even know how to describe it.

"This physique is indeed very powerful, but it must be cultivated properly, otherwise it will be easily destroyed." He said: "Xueli no longer needs to train her mental strength, but she needs other cultivation."

He breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to Wang Lang: "Go and take Junior Sister to my study, and let her read all the books in it."

"A person with an ethereal physique can see things quickly, and he can comprehend them very quickly. It doesn't take much time."

Mu Xueli was indeed very good at learning before, but she was lazy by nature.

"I have to find a pharmacist to refine some pills." He said to himself.

"Master." Tang Chuan called him to stop, and then said with a smile, "What are you looking for? There is the best alchemist standing in front of you. Do you need Qingxin Pill? How many turns does her current physique need?"

The ethereal body is indeed powerful, but it also has disadvantages.The first disadvantage is that this kind of physique is usually accompanied by the physique of the cauldron.Unless there is no sexual life for a lifetime, it means death from the beginning.So this kind of constitution is very difficult to survive.

If it wasn't for Ning Feng's ability this time, she might not have survived.Even now, it's only half good.

The second disadvantage is that it is very active!The reason why Mu Xueli can't sit still and likes to play around is because her physique is very afraid of loneliness, so she always wants to play around.It's frightening and dreadful once you stop.

The Qingxin Pill that is needed now is to be able to maintain inner peace when she is alone, and to get rid of all kinds of fear.

But the Qingxin Dan she took was different from the normal Qingxin Dan.

After the Qingxin Pill is ready, it must be put into the fire and rotated. Each rotation can enhance the efficacy of the medicine and reduce side effects.A side effect of this medicine is drowsiness.

As soon as the effect of the medicine wears off, I immediately fall asleep.

But now Mu Xueli sleeps a lot, and she can't let sleep occupy her time anymore.

"Nine turns." Qiu Kui said seriously. "You should know her physique, the only way to reduce the impact."

Nine-rank Qingxin Pill is naturally the most difficult kind of pill, basically there will be no side effects after use.


Ning Feng said with a smile: "Now I guess no one else can refine this kind of elixir except me. The success rate of the Nine-Turn Qingxin Pill is not high."

"You put aside everything these few days, and you have to refine a dozen of them for me." He said irrationally.

"Master, do you think this is kneading dough? Do you want to handle it?" Ning Feng said helplessly, "I will try my best. I can refine as much as I can."

"Enen." Qiu Kui was finally satisfied, and said to him: "I will lock her up in the small dark room to study for the next few days, so don't think about it for the next two nights."


The strings of black lines on Ning Feng's head are really embarrassing. It seems that many people already know about what happened two days ago.

"Master, I won't send it away, I will refine the elixir."

He immediately started seeing off the guests.

Qiu Kui smiled, he was in a good mood today, he never expected that he would have to help her formulate a reasonable path of practice after meeting such a genius.

Ning Feng was also quite helpless, now he had to hurry up, and in a few days, he had to act.

So in the past two days, he must settle the matter here properly.

"Come here, go to the Pill Hall and get me these herbs." Ning Feng handed him a list directly, and said: "By the way, take thirty Qingxin Pills, preferably just out of the oven, if not, let them immediately Refining."

He himself just intends to manipulate a pill from beginning to end.

For other elixir, just use the ones they have just refined, and then process it again on their own side.

This is the best way.

If it wasn't for worrying that these people didn't have the Qingxin Pill that had just been refined, and given them some time, he wouldn't have waited to refine this one himself.

After a while, the man brought the materials, but did not bring Qingxin Dan.

"Palace Master, the ingredients have been brought, but the Qingxin Pill has not been refined. They have already started refining it, and it should be successful soon."

"Well, bring it to me as soon as it comes out of the furnace." Ning Feng said, if a pill stays outside for a few minutes, he still has a chance to reheat it, if it takes too long, there is no other way.


"Go down."

Ning Feng took out the alchemy furnace, and looked at the medicinal materials, he hadn't done it for a long time.

With a random pinch in his hand, a ball of flame burst out directly, which was completely ignited by spiritual power.Refining materials is just a matter of convenience for him.

Randomly slapping the table, these herbs entered the pill furnace one by one, and then came out one by one.

In the alchemy furnace, the tongue of fire licked it, and the medicinal herbs were turned into powder one by one, and they stopped firmly in the tray.

"Not bad, not unfamiliar." Ning Feng clapped his hands casually, then said with a smile.

Seeing so many powders, he directly waved his hand and threw all these powders into the pill furnace. Qingxin Dan is actually just a small pill of the fifth rank.

The really difficult part is turning nine, so he can complete the previous steps with his eyes closed.

His mental power instantly turned into countless copies, and then controlled each powder to gather together.Although it was said that he was facing a fifth-grade elixir, he was still nervous inside.

The spiritual power flame in his hand is also strong and weak at times, and his grasp is quite perfect.

After a while, a faint fragrance came out of the alchemy furnace.

(End of this chapter)

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