Chapter 1369 go back

Ning Feng was already very angry, and now he is punishing Cui Yan, just to give them an appearance and let them understand what level he is.

"Palace Master..."

said the person behind.

Ning Feng was not polite at all, he turned around and said to him, "You guys go back." He had already scanned around, none of these people belonged to their Sea Shark Palace.

The pharmacist of Sea Shark Palace is not so unruly.

He left directly, returned to the main hall, thought for a while, and said to the outside: "Let Qian Yong come and find me."

"Palace Master, Qian Yong is outside."

He said.

"Huh?" Ning Feng was stunned for a moment, "Why did you come so fast?"

"Let him in."

Qian Yong was the boss of the original medicine hall in Guhua Palace, and later became the boss of the alchemy hall.He is very smart in dealing with people, very reliable in doing things, and a trustworthy person.

"Palace Master. Congratulations to Palace Master for obtaining the Danfang, which will increase the right to speak for our Sea Shark Palace Pill Hall. I have witnessed history outside the door before."

After Qian Yong came in, he nodded to Ning Feng.This person's speaking skills are really good, and he immediately assigned himself to the line of the Sea Shark Palace, and stood firmly with the leader.

And he said that he witnessed history outside the door, indicating that he was not with the previous wave of people.

Outside the main hall, there is another door.

No one is allowed to enter without an order. The previous alchemists just didn't understand the rules, so they all broke in.And because they are not from the Sea Shark Palace, there is no way to deal with them yet.

This is the embarrassment of Ning Feng's identity. He is not only the Palace Master of the Sea Shark Palace, but also the Sansheng Elder of the Alchemy Alliance, so these people found such an excuse to stay.

However, as long as it stays, it must be a hidden danger.

So now he has to solve this hidden danger.

"Master Qian, are you here? Why didn't I see you?" Ning Feng asked with a smile, testing his tone first.

"I was standing outside the second door, and I saw it from a distance. Cui Yan blocked me and didn't let me in." He said with a smile.

"I didn't expect Cui Yan to be quite law-abiding. I gave him a panacea."

Ning Feng said to the cronies beside him.

Qian Yong knew that this was Ning Feng's compensation, and everyone could see clearly that this time Cui Yan was just acting on behalf of others, and it was also Ning Feng's initial plan to solve some problems.

Ning Feng was not the kind of person who would get angry at will.

Now that the war is imminent, there is still some instability inside.This unstable factor is in the Alchemy Alliance, and Qiu Kui is covering the refining side, so nothing will happen.

But the Alchemy Alliance has its own ghosts.

With Ning Feng's mind, how could he be angry with them because they demanded to release the formula?The reason why he did this this time was nothing more than to make preparations to quell internal conflicts.

If he didn't guess wrong, he would use this as an opportunity to attack the group of people from the Alchemy Alliance.

That wave of people didn't say they joined the Sea Shark Palace, but they didn't leave either. They maintained a detached position, which already dissatisfied many Sea Shark Palace members.

Because these people can also obtain certain resources, which is equivalent to sharing their interests.

So in order to avoid turmoil, this time we will definitely make great efforts directly.

"I don't know what the Palace Master wants from me?"

Qian Yong looked at him and said.

Ning Feng smiled, this old fox is always so cautious, and he is quite tactful.

"Did you see what happened today?"

"I see." He said with a smile: "It's a bit outrageous, and such a force is not one of my own, but it is not good to enjoy the resources of the Sea Shark Palace. The most important thing is that we can't control it. How about them?"

Ning Feng smiled, he was indeed a smart person, and he knew what he had said just by mentioning it.

"These people are really powerful, but staying here will add some troubles." Ning Feng said to him, "I want you to announce one thing now. Those who want to stay among these people should join Haisha Gong, if you don’t want to, then send them to the headquarters.”

"It's probably a bit difficult." Qian Yong said with a smile: "They don't want to leave this place. Now they have just gone through a big split, and they have no place in the headquarters. I think they might want to wait here to refine medicine After the alliance is assembled, it will be re-established."

The smile on the corner of Ning Feng's mouth never lost, and he said to him: "Do you think I'm willing to let them get up?"

"Of course not." Qian Yong said: "We are no longer the small sect we used to be, and we are already a top force. It doesn't feel good to be restrained by others. It's hard not to be restrained. How can we let this restrain ourselves?" How about putting it on?"

"How do you think these people will resist?" Ning Feng asked.

"Taking advantage of your status, after all, you are the elder of Sansheng, with a distinguished status, and you are indeed their boss, so the current contradiction lies here."

Qian Yong said unceremoniously.

Ning Feng nodded and said to him, "Come here, I'll talk to you."

After listening to Ning Feng's words, he was shocked, "You...then you have lost a lot."

"There is already a huge contradiction, so I can only choose one." Ning Feng said to him: "Sometimes we don't choose ourselves, but the current situation forces us to make a choice."

"Well. I'll do it now." Qian Yong said to him: "Master, I have another request."

"tell me the story."

Ning Feng said without hesitation.

"You should be preparing to refine Qingxin Pill next, right? I plan to ask you to give an open class to the disciples of the alchemy hall. You might as well make alchemy publicly." He said with a smile: "Recently some people are too much about the alchemy alliance. I'm envious, some deceitful words have come out. You might as well show them directly, our real level."

Ning Feng smiled, he understood what Qian Yong was thinking.

Now because of this incident, Dan Tang is also in turmoil.Feeling that the Alchemy Alliance is much stronger than the Sea Shark Palace, his mind began to turmoil.

This is to reassure them, and by the way, add fuel to this matter.

Now those people from the Alchemy League are indeed a bit out of shape, and they are almost leading the people from the Pill Hall to ruin.Everyone in Dantang feels that they should be superior.

The level is not good, and the Alchemy League has learned a lot about temper.

In addition, Ning Feng has no way to deal with them with the method of Sea Shark Palace, which makes this trend more and more popular.

The status of a pharmacist is already a bit higher than that of ordinary disciples, which is fine, because this requires a lot of talent.But now they faintly don't take themselves seriously, that's not enough.

(End of this chapter)

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