Chapter 1389
Sweat was dripping from his forehead, how did he know what was going on here?It's very good to hide yourself.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

The man said in embarrassment, but the strength of his whole body had gathered, and he was ready to strike Ning Feng at any time.

"Don't you know? Then you go to die."

After the man finished speaking, Ning Feng's figure suddenly rushed towards him, and now he can't do anything, since you guys did this.I don't care about what Qiu Kui told me.

"Let me die? There are no doors."

The man also jumped up immediately, and killed Ning Feng.

"This is my territory on the North Island, and it's not something you can mess around with."

His strength is also very good, and he has returned to the early Yuan Dynasty.In that person's view, he could retreat calmly after two moves.Even if the opponent is strong, he will not keep him.

If he wanted to retreat, he really couldn't keep it.

But he was wrong, he just started to find himself unable to move his body.The whole body froze in place, and the strength dissipated immediately.

The whole person's body was lifted directly like this, and they were not given a chance to do it at all.


He looked at Ning Feng who was holding his neck in horror, completely disbelieving.I am a master in the early days of Guiyuan, and I am a top existence in the world.

But now it is directly pinched in the hand like a small animal, which is really disgusting.

And very scared.

His life is now in Ning Feng's hands, as long as his hands are heavier, he will die.

This person's strength must be extraordinary, above him, and not a little higher.Have you reached that level?People in this realm, he absolutely can't win.

And isn't there no such person in this world?Why can he still reach this point.And he still looks very young.

Definitely less than 30 years old.

"I would like to provide information. I am not...not the island owner." He said in horror.He is really afraid of death now.

There was no emotion in Ning Feng's eyes, and he said to him: "You admitted that you were kidding me before?"

He is one of the most powerful people in the world.

I didn't expect to be played like this, it's like the emperor was played around by a few gangsters, it's no wonder if he isn't angry.


"You're useless to me, so you'd better go die." After he finished speaking, he used his hands directly and killed him in an instant.

When he was dying, he suddenly found a figure slowly appearing behind Ning Feng. This person was actually in the room all the time, and he didn't notice it.

What kind of strength is this?

It's a pity that he has no chance to regret it, and he can't even do the basic self-destruct.Because all his strength had been cut off by Ning Feng.

Ning Feng looked at Shao Zhuyue and said, "You did a very good job."

"Should we hurry to the next door now?"

Shao Zhu said nervously.

"No rush." ​​Ning Feng said: "His strength won't be that bad, his spiritual power is still very strong, and he won't be able to hurt him for a while. It's good to teach him a lesson, and be more careful in the future."

Shao Zhuyue didn't say anything, just stood aside obediently.

He is very good at doing things and doesn't talk nonsense.

Ning Feng walked up to this guy and took off the ring from his hand.Searched around inside, but found nothing.

It's just that there is a box on the edge that is more curious.

There is a box in such a small space, what is it?

Ning Feng directly opened the box, he wanted to see what it was.

When he opened the box, he found that there was nothing in it, but a piece of dried meat.I don't know what's the use of this dried meat.

But he could feel the huge energy contained in this thing.

This is definitely a good thing.

After Ning Feng took this thing away, he directly gave the ring to Shao Zhuyue and said, "You have made a great contribution this time. This thing is a reward for you."

After speaking, he threw it to him.

There's nothing in it, anyway, it's something he doesn't like, these things really don't have much value.

But for Shao Zhuyue, it was indeed a good thing.

And he really did a great job.

It's a reward for him.

"Let's go." Ning Feng looked at the time and said to him: "He probably couldn't bear it anymore, it's time for us to show up."

Ning Feng shattered the barrier of isolation with a single palm, and jumped into the courtyard next door.

Looking at Ning Feng's strength, Shao Zhuyue was stunned. This kind of strength is really terrifying.It shattered the restriction into slag in an instant.

He decided to hang out with Ning Feng obediently in the future. His strength is too terrifying, and he has already escaped their cognition.

Ajie is really desperate now, he can be sure of the next move, he will definitely not be able to handle it.Because one-on-two is really uncomfortable, especially when you have to protect one person.

There is no way to fight desperately.

Damn, the quality of this net is very good, and it can't be cut at all.

The two opponents are also masters of Guiyuanqi, and he can't hold on anymore.If the fight continues like this, the spiritual power of the whole person will drop rapidly.One more trick has to be explained here.

And the two of them also seemed to see his weakness, so now they are all preparing to give him the final blow.

In fact, they still admired Ajie quite a lot. One person even blocked them all with a sword.

"Get ready to end."

Then the two men raised their knives, pouring all their spiritual power into them, and instantly both knives turned red, and after they were combined, a finger-like fish suddenly jumped out.

This big fish has fangs, almost no eyes, and a bloody mouth. It looks very scary.

Ajie didn't have the heart to resist anymore, he just hoped that he could protect Fan Dong again.It was because of himself that this guy suffered such an indiscriminate disaster.

"I won't kill you." Ajie said to him, "But I will definitely die before you."

"What do you say?"

Fan Dong said to him: "We are all brothers, and it would be happy to die together, but I am so aggrieved that I can't move my hands."

"There's nothing to be aggrieved about, you won't die yet."

At this moment, a voice came over.As for the big fish above, it was suddenly blocked by a person.It took only one hand, and then gently crushed it into pieces.


The energy of the strange fish dissipated into pieces in the air.

After the two of them took a look at that person, they ran outside in an instant, because this person's strength was really too strong, and they couldn't bear it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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