Chapter 1400 Not a friend

"There is no island owner from the North Island. It is our boss who borrowed their boat, so you go away."

Ajie said to him: "So you don't need to do your kindness as a landlord."

"How can this work? There must be an island owner. Doesn't the island owner give us face? Could it be that he looks down on us?" He was obviously starting to make excuses now.

As long as the excuses are in place, they attack, and others will surely follow.

When the time comes, everyone will grab that treasure, and whoever grabs it will own it.

He has made up his mind, no matter what the other party says, he will kill him to look down on him, and then attack him.

Ajie smiled at him disdainfully, what he hated most was such oblique things.



What does it mean?This guy actually said yes directly, even said he looked down on them.Saying it so directly made them a little stupid.

Anyway, they are all looking for this excuse, so it's better to humiliate them directly.

"I just look down on you. If you are sensible, just get out obediently and don't bother my boss." Ajie said to him coldly: "You are not welcome here, you are not invited, and you still have a calm face. face?"


The man was stunned. He thought he was making this excuse himself, but he couldn't be told by others.

I said this because I was looking for trouble, and everyone knew it.

But now that Ajie finds out, it is humiliating, humiliating him in front of so many people.

"What are you? I didn't invite you, so get out of the way. If I don't like it, don't plan to exist for your little power. Get out!"

Ajie scolded, what are these people thinking, do they really think they don't know?

Give them bullshit face, the most important thing now is to make an example to others.

With so many people attacking, I definitely can't beat it, but I can kill one faction first, so that others dare not think otherwise.So when he spoke, of course he became more and more arrogant.

"I'll give you half an hour, get out of here quickly. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Of course Ajie hoped that they would not be cowardly, because they were simply a natural training target.

Sure enough, these people didn't disappoint him, because they really didn't give in.

The leader was excited and angry at the same time, excited because he finally had a reason to intervene, and angry because the other party was so unreasonable that he looked down on him.

In fact, he himself had a high opinion of himself, and he didn't know the opponent's strength, so he was so arrogant.

"Too much bullying, go to hell."

He said it in his own words.Ajie didn't understand at all, but it didn't matter.Because it's not the point at all.

The point is that this guy has already pissed himself off, that is to say, this guy can get out.

It can also be said to die.

If there is no blood in this situation, it really can't deter these people.

The man rushed towards Ajie directly, his strength was not enough, and he was in the early stage of Jindan.He could be regarded as a master, but unfortunately this person's eyesight is not good enough to see Ajie's strength clearly.

In the early stage of Jindan, it really didn't have much value in front of Guiyuanqi.

Ajie didn't even get up, he drew his sword casually, and then handed it to the front casually.Then that person seemed to bump into the sword on purpose.

He was directly stabbed through.


He swung his sword, and the man's body fell straight back onto his deck.

"If you don't have that level, don't learn how others rob houses." Ajie glanced at the people around him coldly and said, "Who else wants to try?"

That move just now was definitely not intentional by that person, it was obvious that he was too strong and didn't give the opponent a chance to make a move at all.

The people at the scene were all terrified. Sitting there without moving, they were able to stab these people straight through. This was simply too damaging to their three views.

That's a master of Jindan stage.

There is only one reason to explain it, this person's strength is in the Guiyuan period.

They have never met a master in the Guiyuan period, and this time it is obvious that they have encountered a hard stubble.

"Then I'll try."

A person rushed directly from a boat.It's not so much a boat as it is a small canoe.It's really too small, just a small wooden boat.

This pretending is really full marks.

This is a rough sea, and a wave is more than ten meters high.

This guy actually stepped on a small wooden boat that was only half a meter high, running smoothly in the sea.The strength should at least be in the Guiyuan period, otherwise it really can't afford this comparison.

The man lifted his foot lightly, and the whole person fell from the boat in front of Ajie.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not here to grab something, I just want to meet this person." He smiled and said, staring at Ajie.

Ajie said: "It turned out to be You, but now our boss doesn't have time to meet, so you should wait a little bit."

"But I want to see him now, what do you say?"

The man said directly.

Ajie also knew that this guy said he didn't come to rob things, it was just an excuse, but he came to rob things.Just found a reason.

"Then you won't be able to see anyone." Ajie said coldly.

"I'm a guest from afar, is this how you treat guests?" When the man spoke, his strength had gathered.

Not to be outdone, Ajie said to him, "A thief who comes uninvited is a thief, and we have never been polite to thieves."

When he spoke, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he was not polite at all.

This person obviously knows the benefits of this thing. Although he doesn't know what it is, he must know that this thing is very powerful.

"We don't need to speak secretly, you have got something, you might as well open everyone's eyes." The man said to Ajie.

Ajie said disdainfully: "Do you think it's appropriate for you to say that? You married a daughter-in-law who is in good shape, so can we feast our eyes too?"

"Unfortunately, old man, I don't have that good fortune anymore. I'm not particularly interested in women, but only interested in this treasure."

His minions were completely exposed.

Ajie directly drew his sword and said to him: "Why put on airs? Just say it when you grab something, why beat around the bush like this."

"Then I will..."

Before he finished speaking, a big net directly caught him.

Fan Dong came out from the side, kicked him, and glanced at Ajie, the two cooperated quite well.There was no chance for him to react at all.

This net is the one that went to Fan Dong before.

A Jie didn't even notice that he was in the Yuan Dynasty. This person was attracted by A Jie, so of course he didn't find out.

(End of this chapter)

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