Chapter 151 Bought
The little girl turned her face away arrogantly, not wanting to communicate with these people at all.

Everyone pointed at the jade seal and said, "Who would spend money on such a thing? This thing doesn't match the price at all. Only fools would buy it."

"This little girl is inexperienced, so she must not be able to sell. If you don't believe me, just watch."

The little girl said coldly: "That's because you are ignorant!"

"You say we don't know the goods?" A man said to him, "Which one of us is not more experienced than you?"

"You guys just don't know what to buy!" The little girl said arrogantly, and then hugged the jade seal, "If you don't buy it, don't read it."

"She's right, you people just don't know what to buy. I bought this thing." A voice came out from the crowd and said to the little girl.

The little girl's eyes lit up immediately.

The people around looked at Ning Feng and said to him: "Hey, how do you talk, young man? What do you know, do you have more experience than us? Really."

"Hey, today's young people just don't listen to the old man's words. If they suffer a loss, they will know that what we said is correct."

"Anyone with a bit of common sense should be able to tell that this thing is not genuine, right?"

"How can we know? Maybe they are rich? They are rich because they love to play. If they love to play, they love to play."

Ning Feng smiled and said to the crowd: "I'll just be self-willed, boy."

The little girl said to him: "You still have vision, but it's only 700 million, not a penny less."

Ning Feng nodded and said, "No problem, the money will be transferred immediately, you can rest assured."

"Well, transfer the money first, and then I'll give you this item." The little girl rolled her eyes and said to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng didn't refuse, and said to her: "It's absolutely fine, but you'd better not lie to me, you can't get away here."

He smiled and said, this little girl looks very cute, but there is cunning in her eyes.

"Sign here first." Ning Feng casually wrote a receipt and handed it to her. After all, this thing is so much money, and it is all his possessions to him.

700 million is not a small amount. Although this thing is indeed worth that much money, the things contained in this thing must be very valuable.

The little girl shook her head and said, "I can't write." She pretended to be pitiful while speaking, "I'm so young, how can I lie to you?"

"No, you'd better do a fingerprint." Ning Feng still said uneasy, he looked at the little girl a little weird, and hesitant, it's better to be careful.

Although the little girl was unwilling, she pressed her fingerprints under Ning Feng's coercion.

"Here you are!" When Ning Feng transferred the money to her, she handed the jade seal to Ning Feng reluctantly, and said, "Hmph, it's cheap for you, and you are the only one who still winks."

Ning Feng smiled slightly and said, "This thing is indeed of no use to others." The collection value of this thing is indeed not very high, but there is a big secret hidden in it.

After speaking, he was ready to leave.

"Wait!" The little girl said to Ning Feng: "I have one more request, that is, you can't sell this thing. I'll take it back after I get loose."

Ning Feng casually flipped through the writing on the jade seal, and said to her, "No problem, but at least three months later."

"Yes!" After the little girl finished speaking, she threw the bag to Ning Feng and said, "The bag will be given to you for free." She said and left gracefully.

Looking at the jade seal in front of him, Ning Feng already felt very strong spiritual power.

When he touched the jade seal and used the Dragon Turtle Mind Method, he didn't absorb the spiritual power in it, but had a different feeling with it.

It seems that the two fit very well.

A series of handwritings appeared in his mind, but these handwritings were not clear, and he needed to study them after he went back.

And this little girl will definitely not just let it go, this thing may not be worth much to others, but to a practitioner, its value is enormous.

There must be a very good martial skill hidden in this thing.

This is Ning Feng's guess, but it's almost the same.

"It's almost time, why don't we put the things over there?" Su Miaohan said to Ning Feng from the side.

Ning Feng looked at the time, and it was indeed very close to the time for the appraisal, so he walked to his counter and put down his string of beads.

Not long after, Lao You came over with three old men.

After seeing Ning Feng, Lao You smiled and said, "Mr. Ning, are you also participating in the competition?"

Ning Feng nodded with a smile and said, "Don't I also want to join in the fun?"

"Haha...Of course it's fine. We're open to the public. Anyone who wants to participate is welcome. Let me introduce you first." Lao You said to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng also looked at the three old men behind him, all of whom were over 50 years old, and everyone's eyes were filled with a kind of nobility.This kind of aloofness is the aloofness that does not seek to be with others.

"These three are our vice presidents, Vice President Wang, Vice President Li, and Vice President Zhao. This is the Ning Feng I told them about." He introduced.

The three of them did not give Ning Feng any face, but greeted the elder brother politely, but the alienation could be heard in the tone.

Among them, Vice President Zhao said to Ning Feng: "You can also participate, but our competition is very formal, and I'm not the kind of person who will make trouble because of your status. So the ugly words are up front. If things don’t go well, you can’t blame us if you lose.”

In fact, he hated people like Ning Feng the most. He didn't have any good things, but he had to participate because he wanted to use his status to win a gold-plated status.

I am not this kind of person, and it is impossible to get through in my own hands.

"Old Zhao!" Lao You gestured to Vice President Zhao.

Ning Feng smiled slightly. Although he was domineering, he was not making trouble unreasonably. He said to the vice presidents, "You must be fair. I will win by strength. Don't worry, there will be absolutely no use Identity to suppress you."

After he heard Ning Feng's words, there was an incredulous expression on his face, which didn't fit his understanding.

The concept of Ning Feng has also changed slightly. "The words are nice, but I still have to take a good look at the things."

"Of course, the three of you are welcome!" Ning Feng stepped aside and let the three of them walk in.

(End of this chapter)

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