Chapter 153 Who won

"This competition is a bit different from the previous ones. In addition to getting the medals this time, the winner will also become the vice president of the Haicheng Antique Association!" Lao You said to the crowd.

Although everyone had already received this news before, they still couldn't help but want to sigh after hearing it. After all, this matter is too big.If that store can get this honor, then the business in the store will definitely explode.

Ning Feng smiled slightly, he was going to take this honor.He glanced at Wang Stingy, and at this time Wang Stingy was also looking at him, and the two looked at each other, with a strong sense of war.

"Ning Feng, you will lose this time!" Wang Qizheng said to Ning Feng with a smile.

Ning Feng shook his head and said: "I advise you to get out now, if you lose your face at that time, your old face will be thrown into the sky at that time." He showed him a bright smile.

"Hmph, it's just scaremongering. Let's wait and see if we have the ability. There are more people who like porcelain than those who like your kind of dzi beads." He was also very confident, and he didn't realize that he was fake at all.

Ning Feng originally suspected that this guy took a fake to participate in the competition on purpose, but now it seems that he might not have discovered that it was a fake at all.

This thing is indeed very realistic, definitely better than Zhao Tianshuo from Sishui before.

Suddenly Ning Feng broke out in a cold sweat. Few people could spot fakes of this level, so wouldn't the people who voted in the audience not be able to spot them?

"Everyone, let's vote. The tickets have been distributed to everyone when they enter the gate. Come and have a look first, and then choose the one you like and vote again. Everyone chooses the two winners to enter the finals, and then we will judge again!" Old You knew everyone His mind was not on listening to his nonsense, so he just stated the rules and let everyone vote.

Everyone discussed with the people around them first, then walked on stage, and turned around in front of these four people.Then the votes were cast, and of course Ning Feng and Wang Qizheng got the most votes.

Although the things of the other two are very precious, compared to the two of them, the age and preciousness are much worse.

The final result was that Wang Qizheng was first, Ning Feng was second, and the remaining two were third and fourth respectively.

"Hey, our Back Street has to lose to Front Street again this time."

"There's no way around it. The stuff is still too bad. I didn't expect Wang Qizheng to hide such a treasure."

"Forget it, these two things are really precious, let's continue to see the final judgment of Professor Liu and others."

After the voting, Ning Feng and Wang Qizheng entered the finals.

Wang Qizheng looked at Ning Feng and said: "Xiao Ning, you are still far behind. You see, I have at least [-] tickets more than you. The gap between us is quite large! Everyone is still more optimistic about me."

Ning Feng also knew about this. Although his item was precious, it was not a bunch. It would be much better if it was a bunch.

"That's not necessarily true, let's see later." He smiled slightly and said to him.

Wang Xiaomen smiled and said: "You can relax, I will definitely win you." While speaking, the smile on the corner of his mouth could not be restrained, and he almost grinned behind his ears.

It is estimated that he can already imagine himself as the vice president.

At this time, Lao You stood up and said to the crowd: "Next, we will invite Professor Liu and Mayor Shi to decide the champion together!"

After he finished speaking, Professor Liu and a middle-aged man who was less than 40 years old came up.The middle-aged man was smiling, and he was very capable, wearing a neat shirt.

After taking the stage, he took the initiative and respectfully handed the microphone to Professor Liu.The two were there for a long time, and finally it was Professor Liu who spoke first.

The beginning is a series of routines, all kinds of thanks.But the central meaning is one.We will definitely be fair, and there will never be a trace of favoritism.

After Professor Liu finished speaking, Mayor Shi himself said a few words.It probably means that he doesn't understand it very well. This time, Professor Liu is the main one. He is just a vase.

After everyone heard his words, they breathed a sigh of relief. What they were most afraid of was that some leaders pretended to understand, and laymen led experts.

"Then invite the two of you to appreciate the two treasures!" Lao You said to the crowd.

After speaking, Professor Liu and Mayor Shi looked at these two things together.In fact, Mayor Shi didn't really understand anything, but compared to Professor Liu, he was still a little immature.

Since he cares about this aspect, it shows that he still has some background.

Professor Liu looked very serious. He looked at Wang Stingy's work first, and nodded from time to time. It seemed that he was very satisfied with this work.

And Mayor Shi is also very interested in porcelain. When he saw Wang Qizheng's treasure, his eyes lit up.

The two looked up and down for a long time, and then they gradually moved away from sight and moved to Ning Feng.

The time spent here in Ning Feng is obviously much shorter, and the sense of joy is gone.

"Hey, I think this is a bit mysterious. Ning Feng is probably going to lose. Looking at the expressions of the two, it is obvious that Wang Qizheng likes Wang Yi more."

"Wang Qizheng is really awesome. It is really possible to win the championship."

"If it's really something from Ding Kiln, it's worth it."

Everyone looked at the expressions of the two and began to discuss. It seemed that Wang Qizheng had a certain advantage!

Ning Feng also felt it, and the two seemed to be more concerned about Wang Qizheng's things.But Professor Liu paid more attention to Wang Qizheng's item, after all, he had seen imitations before.

That kind of imitation is simply indistinguishable from the real and the fake, but he didn't find any flaws in this thing, and it has a little more aura than the previous fake!

Make people look comfortable!

He began to judge that this thing was real.In this matter, he is determined not to show favoritism, even if this person is Ning Feng.

"I declare that the winner this time is—Wang Qizheng!"

After studying with Mayor Shi for a while, Professor Liu and Mayor Shi announced.

Some people are quite disappointed, especially those in the back streets.They hoped that Ning Feng would get this honor even more, at least it would be much better than Qianjie getting this honor.

"Haha... Sure enough, we won the front street."

"I didn't expect Wang Xiaomen to hide such a treasure. How come I didn't see it?"

"Hey, who can tell, but his store has won this title. I really don't know whether it is good or bad? You also know the situation in his store."

"It doesn't matter, at least on our front street."

Some people are happy, and some people are bound to be disappointed.Of course Wang Qizheng was delighted, but Ning Feng was not disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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