Chapter 1549 Returning to Phoenix Palace

"What do you want to do? Do you want to build a city here?" Guijia looked at her and said that this person's thoughts are really strange. No one has ever thought of building a city here before.

"That's right, I really want to build a city here, just like the original Qianjimen." After seeing the complete structure of Qianjimen, Ning Feng also had this idea in his heart.

"The words are very heavy, but what do you think next? How to fill the people in this city?" Silica asked him a rather serious question.

"If you want to fill this city with ordinary people, then it probably doesn't make much sense? But if you want to fill this city with those experts, I think they are definitely not willing."

Tortoiseshell said to him.

"I haven't thought about things here yet, so take your time and don't rush. But this place can be used as a large storage place, and you can store as many things as you want."

Ning Feng said proudly, although this thing can neither improve her strength nor bring much strength to him, but such a place to store things makes people feel comfortable.

After all, he has a lot of wealth now, so he needs a place to store it, and if he wants to escape at that time, this thing is quite good. The Mustard Mountain is only the size of a grain of rice, and it can even be shrunk to be smaller than a grain of rice. I can't even notice it, it's much smaller than that stone.

"Okay, let's get out!"

After the turtle shell finished speaking, the three of them came out directly.

"What's next?" Tortoise looked at Ning Feng and said.

"I'm going to go back, how about you?"

Tang Chuan said to them.

"I'll stay here, and I won't get involved in your fancy things." The tortoise shell whitened Ning Feng ten thousand, the contempt revealed in his eyes was really real.

"I'm going back too."

Si Wulang told him.

"Okay, we've been here for a long time, and it's time to go back!" Ning Feng said, looking at the tortoise shell after he finished speaking, "Then you can take care of the things here for two days, and we will try to get back as soon as possible after that." return."

"It's nothing, I'm just going back to the teacher's gate to report that I'm not in any danger, and then I'll be back right away, two days at most." Si Wulang said.

In fact, he already understood that the two of them must leave here, and all the power here will fall on him alone in the future, so now he must hurry up and return here to practice. Much stronger than Earth.

He wants to suppress these people, but he can't rely on his current strength. He has to improve his strength to at least a solid state to suppress these people.

"Okay, everyone, go and come back quickly. I don't know what's going on now. It is said that Hai Lishen has started to move." Ning Feng said seriously.

After the matter here was resolved, the two quickly returned to the earth. Because of the existence of the domain gate, it can be said that it is quite convenient to go back.

It's really a battle, and things are different.At the beginning, I still remembered being chased by Shangyunting's bounty envoys and running around like a dog, but now I didn't expect that I had stepped on Shangyunting under my feet.

"Let's separate and go back to our homes now!" After Ning Feng and Si Wulang separated, they walked towards Fenggong.

It's been a long time since I saw Su Miaohan, and I don't know what's going on with her now.

When he came to the gate of Fenggong Palace and looked at the buildings rising from the ground, he also felt a little emotional. He had to say that the construction speed of Fenggong Palace was still astonishing. How long has it taken to build such a luxurious building? , It really deserves to have a solid foundation.

"It's really luxurious!" Ning Feng sighed just now, and immediately a younger brother ran out and pointed a weapon at him.

"Who are you? What is your purpose in coming to Feng Palace?" The younger brother looked at him very seriously and said.

"I'm here to find your saint, you let her come out to see me." Ning Feng said.After he finished speaking, he suddenly felt that what he said was a bit inappropriate. After all, this little brother didn't know his identity or his past. It seemed a bit too arrogant for him to say it so directly. good.

He just wanted to talk to him gently, but the younger brother immediately asked, "Are you Ning Feng?"

"You know me?"

Ning Feng said a little strangely.Although I have left this place, is it possible that there is still a legend of my own here, and it seems that my influence is still quite large?These people even know their own names.

"do not know."

The little brother said very directly: "Our saintess has ordered before that if someone calls the door, if his name is Ning Feng, don't worry, if it's not Ning Feng, stop it."

"How can you be sure that I am him and not a fake?" Ning Feng looked at him with a smile and said.

"No one dares to impersonate." The younger brother said very confidently: "Unless he doesn't want to live anymore, and wants to offend the two major forces of Sea Shark Palace and Phoenix Palace at the same time."

"Then I'll go in."

Ning Feng looked at her and smiled.


The younger brother stepped aside directly.

Ning Feng slightly raised the corner of his mouth towards him, and then disappeared in the same place in an instant.Only the little brother who was still sluggish was left behind. He didn't even see clearly how that person disappeared, and suddenly he was gone.

"Sure enough, he is a master!"

Compared with these people, his strength is simply unattainable, and this speed is simply beyond their comprehension.

Feng Gong is no longer familiar to Ning Feng. She remembers every place here clearly, and there was a big riot here back then.

He knew where Su Miaohan was, so he walked directly towards that place.

Now even the whole Fenggong can't find him, he can appear in front of her silently.

When he came to the room where Su Miaohan was.

Her room is also designed, it is a quaint little house with a small garden outside.There is a small stone pavilion in the garden.

Su Miaohan was sitting on the stool under the small stone pavilion, he propped his chin blankly, what was he thinking?

"Beauty, what are you thinking?"

Ning Feng quietly appeared behind her and said to her.

"Huh? Hallucination."

Su Miaohan sighed helplessly and said.

"It's not an illusion, I'm really back!" Seeing this situation, Ning Feng was still a little moved.It seems that she misses her not lightly at all!I also blame myself for not sending her a message for so long.

Su Miaohan stood there suddenly as if her acupuncture points had been tapped, then jumped up abruptly, looked at Ning Feng, and then threw herself directly into his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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