Chapter 1558 Blood Bat Clan
No matter what, Ning Feng still quite agrees with Su Miaohan's generosity and management ability.

At least let these women now be submissive.

But just when he was about to deliver his speech, he suddenly received a message.

"Comrades, the opportunity has come, let's go." Ning Feng said with a smile: "I'll occupy a planet for you to play, how about it?"

"One planet? How is this enough? At least one for each person, right?"

Mu Xueli said with a smile.

"I said that this kind of planet is countless times stronger than the earth, and that kind of small planet is simply not looked down upon."

Ning Feng smiled and said, "Let's go."

"Okay, we'll all be queens then."

Mu Xueli said with a smile.

When people meet, they are still a little shy, but this guy doesn't feel anything at all, and he can be said to be quite active.

"Okay, let's go. Everyone follow me, don't run around, or you will be involved in other places."

Ning Feng said to them.

After finishing speaking, he took the lead and walked outside the domain gate.

The people behind also followed in, as if they had passed through a door, and when they came out next, they had already arrived at another place.

The environment of this place is really not good, the ground is full of yellow sand. It might have been a very good place to defend Shangyunting at first, but now it's time for them to be the boss.

This place is obviously not suitable.

"Isn't it?" Mu Xueli looked at the situation in front of her and said, "This is a place countless times better than the earth? Why does it feel like it's all sand? How can you play here?"

" doesn't seem to be much better."

"It seems that my spiritual power is not much stronger, but I am willing to be where Ning Feng is."

"This place is not bad. Although it is a desert, it is not hot."

Everyone looked at the situation in front of them and complained a little, after all, this place is not as good as Ning Feng described.

"You guys think too much, this is just one of our bases, it's not a very powerful place." Ning Feng said: "It's just that it was set at this place when we defended."

"It turns out that's the case, so I'm relieved." Su Miaohan said with a smile: "If you really let us come to this place, maybe I just took my sisters and turned around and went back."

"I can't go back, he's such a flamboyant, maybe he'll have to flirt again."

Ye Jinxuan said with a smile.

"Um... am I that kind of person?" Ning Feng said awkwardly.

"Ha ha."

Everyone gave him a contemptuous smile.

Ning Feng realized that they really shouldn't be brought together. Although he said that he would have a very happy life in the future, he didn't feel so happy now.

When they were together, they felt that they had each other's support, and they dared to talk to themselves like that.

Which one was not a gentle and considerate existence before?
Mistake, mistake.

At this time, suddenly, more than a dozen people sprang out of the desert.A dozen people also appeared in the sky out of thin air, and then surrounded the domain gate.

These people are ugly, and although they are roughly human, they have sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, and most importantly, there are some wings on their backs.

This wing is still the wing of a bat, and it is really ugly to match them.

"It's really hopeless."

Ning Feng said helplessly: "How can there be such an ugly existence in the world?"

"that's amazing."

"That's right, you didn't find them so strange, with bat wings and mouse faces."

"Look at the one in the back. His wings are actually red, which is different from others'. It's so strange. He really didn't lie to us. It's really amazing."

After these people saw these people, they were very surprised.But if they are surprised, they can be surprised, but can you stop treating this place as a zoo?

After all, they are also a noble race, and they also want to save face.

You are so blatantly commenting on others, and you still have a feeling of visiting a zoo. It's not strange in people's hearts.

And now it is obvious that there are a lot of people, and they are the few people who should be curious.

As a result, they actually laughed at others first, making them think they were a minority.

"Sure enough, I have waited for you. It seems that ambushing near the domain gate is still effective."

The man with red wings looked at Ning Feng and said, "Which faction are you helping?"

"It's all." Ning Feng said to him: "The forces here are all my subordinates, so no matter who you are intercepting, if you can intercept me, then there must be nothing wrong."

"You're not crazy, are you?"

The red bat was stunned for a moment, then said helplessly to Ning Feng: "Everyone knows that the three forces inside are hostile to each other, but you said that you are their boss, let the ghost believe it."

"Hey, there's nothing I can do if I don't believe it." Ning Feng said, "It's a long story, and I can't help it."

"But it seems that you are not a good person. Besides, these girls are not bad. Brothers killed this guy. Let's divide these girls. Two of them are one, and we can't snatch them."

The red bat said with a smile.

But in the next second, its smile froze, because a hand had pierced his heart.

And the owner of this hand is Ning Feng.

At any rate, I have already half-stepped into the realm of completion. Facing these people who have just entered the realm of solidity, there is really almost no pressure.

Kill them in minutes.

"Sometimes speaking big words depends on the level."

After Ning Feng finished speaking, he threw this person aside, looked at the other dozen people and said, "Are you still fighting?"

When he spoke, his mental power had already been released.

These people can't hear the sound, they use the echo emitted by the ultrasonic wave to judge the affairs.

Ning Feng's mental power just now was mixed into their ultrasonic waves, and then they should suffer.

Sure enough, when they finished speaking, they all lay on the ground, their noses, eyes, and ears began to bleed, and they covered their heads and began to howl.

This time, the mental power directly entered their minds, and of course it was fatal.

I don't have any sympathy for these people. Since you want to kill me, you have to be prepared to be killed.So it was just one trick, killing everyone directly.

The wind and sand here will cover up everything. If you come here tomorrow, it will definitely be as brand new.

"Let's go." Ning Feng said to them.

They are also masters of various forces, and they don't feel much nervous when facing this kind of thing, and they behave very casually.

(End of this chapter)

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