Chapter 1566 Backwater Chamber of Commerce
"Don't go directly."

At this time, Guijia said to Ning Feng: "The movement of refining medicine is too big this time, we need to go out and hide for a while. If they know that I am back, if I fail to succeed once, it will definitely be completely finished next time. "


Ning Feng looked at her suspiciously, he couldn't understand what happened this time.

"Let's just use the golden dragon to go in and run," Ning Feng said.

"Where is it so easy?" Guijia said helplessly, "Golden Dragon is only in its infancy now, and it may be able to deter some young people by virtue of its identity, but none of those real masters are afraid of it. Even if it is an adult, it is not necessarily Comparable to those people."

"The strength of those people I offended is beyond what you can imagine now. If one is not careful, it may even shatter the last shred of hope. I was really too anxious before, and wanted to get it back early. My own body, I forgot to think about the present form.”

Ning Feng was also too eager for success, he didn't even think about what was going on with this matter, and he was very reckless planning to end it all directly.

But forget, in fact, what they rely on is the power of the golden dragon.

The four holy beasts were released by themselves, and they were asked to find their own tribe first.After all, this was promised to them before, and they must all be willing to go out after being trapped for such a long time.

"Then what do we do now?"

Ning Feng said to her.

Tortoiseshell thought for a moment and said, "We have to go."

"The entire outer domain is divided into four domains, east, west, north, south, and the surrounding wilderness. There is also the most central central state. Our current location is the southern domain, and we have to go to the northern domain next."

Turtle said seriously.

"You should be able to tell me the whole thing now, right? Then I can help you find a way. If you are so confused now, the final result will be very miserable."


Guijia nodded and said: "You are indeed qualified to know now. First of all, you have to know that above the realm of Dacheng, there are spiritual fetuses, gods, heaven and man, and god bridges. After the god bridges, there are the legendary gods and men." .”

"So troublesome?"

Ning Feng thought that he had reached almost the same level, but he didn't expect that there were so many levels above.I am only the lowest level now.


Guijia said: "The one who offended me before was a very large force in Zhongzhou. Now the South Region has a good relationship with Zhongzhou. If it is here, it will be discovered. The relationship between the North Region and Zhongzhou is not so good. Maybe we can be safer You can also improve your strength, step by step, you can't take shortcuts."

"Well, I see."

Ning Feng nodded and said.

"However, your current exercises are no longer usable. Haven't you noticed that since you switched, the previous exercises are no longer effective?"

Tortoiseshell laughed.

"Yeah, it's really useless. The spiritual power absorbed every time doesn't enter the dantian anymore, but is absorbed by the body." Ning Feng said to him.

"Because the original ones were just basic exercises, and now you need to change the exercises."

Guijia said: "You also know how important a good exercise is to a person."

"I know, but where should I get the exercises? Do you have them?" Ning Feng said to her.

"I have advanced exercises, but my exercises are practiced by women, which is not suitable for you at all." Guijia said: "If you want it, you'd better go to a place - Qingxuanzong!"

"Qingxuanzong? Where?"

Ning Feng said puzzled.

"A sect in the Northern Territory, this sect is one of the three major sects in the Northern Territory, if you can enter their sect, then you can find a Qingxuan Sword Art, this set of exercises is the most suitable your."

Turtle said.

"But I don't play with swords."

Ning Feng said strangely, he didn't know where she got the idea that she was more suitable for playing swords?
"Sword tactics can be done without a sword."

Guijia said: "Your spiritual power is very high, and it complements this sword art. Anyway, you just listen to me. I'm sure I didn't lie to you. Your physique and skills are the most suitable for this. But can you Obtaining the highest level of Qingxuan Sword Art depends on your level."

"oh oh."

Ning Feng said helplessly: "Then let's leave the Southern Region now?"

"Yes, it has been delayed before, and now it is estimated that there is a little tension in the Northern Territory. Don't look at the Northern Territory, but the movement of alchemy was too big before, and the various domain gates must have been on guard. Like you This kind of person without any identity is simply inseparable."

Guijia said, "Now we have to find a way to confirm your identity."

"How can this be confirmed?"

Ning Feng said helplessly: "If you don't know the place here, where should you go?"

"Hehe... I can't find the good ones, so there are still bad ones?" The turtle shell said with a smile, "There is a stone city three hundred miles west of here, and there is a chamber of commerce in it, called the Backwater Chamber of Commerce. to have an identity."

"Is it very troublesome?"

Ning Feng asked: "There will never be such a good thing."

"Isn't it really easy? As long as you defeat the competitors, you will be able to enter." Turtle said, "Any kind of people in this backwater chamber of commerce dare to accept it. If you obtain the identity of the backwater chamber of commerce, then you can leave."

"Surely it's not easy?" Ning Feng said, "There should be a lot of conditions."

"Whatever, there is no other way now, let's go in first, it shouldn't be difficult to get in with your current strength." Turtle Shell said: "The most important thing is that you are very young, and there are the fewest people in here. They are all over a hundred years old. This is also your advantage."

"I'll take a look at the Domain Gate now."

Ning Feng said.

"The Domain Gate is also in that city." Guijia said, "So let's go to that city first."

In the end, Ning Feng had no choice but to walk towards that side. Even if Jinlong is placed here, he is quite a high-profile existence, so it is better to bear it a little bit now.

It can no longer be used as a mount.

Such a distance was soon reached, and a black city appeared directly in front of him. This city was really huge, and all the surroundings were under the jurisdiction of prohibitions.

Don't even think about flying into it, you have to walk through the city gate obediently.

Taking a casual glance, these people around are indeed stronger than themselves.Except for some ordinary people.No wonder it is said that there are so many great successes here like dogs, and they walk all over the place.

"Go to the city. There are no rules in this city, the only rule is fist." Turtle said with a faint smile.

(End of this chapter)

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