Chapter 1582
Ning Feng was still very satisfied with her performance, and motioned her to hurry up.

Hong Ling happily left, after all, from now on, she will be a pharmacist.

The temperature in this room is really not too hot due to her Danhuo, and I can't even rest well.

Ning Feng casually took out a herb and put it beside him, and immediately a cool feeling came over his face.

"It's really comfortable."

Ning Feng let out a long breath, and then lay down on the ground.

This grass is called Misty Grass, and it is cold in nature. After using it, it can quickly lower the surrounding temperature.

"Why do you want to teach him?" Guijia said to Ning Feng: "You have always been a person who can't afford to be early."

"I said, am I really willing to teach her just because I see her cute?" Ning Feng said.

"Do not believe."

Turtle Shrugged.

"I can't even gain your trust? You can't think that I can't have a conscience to find out just because of my previous impression. I really think she is better this time, and she is a good seed."

Ning Feng said.

"Well, it's up to you, but you can also get all kinds of good resources, which is also a good choice." Turtle said: "But you have to remember, we are not safe in the Backwater Chamber of Commerce. Leave the Southern Territory."

"I know."

Ning Feng nodded and said, "I need to get something now before leaving here."

"Take it easy, I'm going to retreat for the rest of my time. I have to improve myself to the maximum." Turtle Shell said to him.


Ning Feng nodded.

He is just an ordinary disciple now. Although he has boarded the Hongling ship, he has to obtain some things by himself.

Suddenly at this time, I heard a commotion outside, and I didn't know what happened.

"what happened?"

Ning Feng rushed out and grabbed someone and said.

Ning Feng's previous appearance had shocked many people, and at this time, that person did not dare to lose his temper. "Emergency assembly, Miss Hongling was killed."


Ning Feng's brain suddenly exploded, Hong Ling was killed?
How is this possible, he was still alive and kicking here a second ago.

Ning Feng rushed forward like crazy. This is his first apprentice here, and the relationship between them is quite good.

And high hopes were placed on her.

When he rushed to the backyard, he saw that the security was heavily guarded and everyone looked solemn.All the core disciples gathered in the square.

Then I saw a middle-aged man on the upper steps, holding a small first-grade elixir in his hand, clenched his teeth, and suppressed the tears in his eyes.

It can be seen that he is already on the verge of erupting.

Now desperately concentrating all the people above the core disciples, it is obvious that they plan to do something.

Ning Feng can't let him mess around, the most important thing now is to save him.Counting from leaving him, the time has not exceeded 10 minutes, and he has not felt the fluctuation of spiritual power.

Obviously, the murder time was seven or eight minutes later, so the death would not exceed two or three minutes.

"still have a chance."

Ning Feng jumped out of the crowd and rushed towards the president.

The two guards around thought I was an assassin and rushed over.

"Where are you from? Get out of here."

The strength of these two people is very good. If I am not their opponent in terms of spiritual power, but my speed is beyond their ability to catch up.

A teleportation talisman disappeared directly in place, and when it reappeared next time, it had already arrived at the president's side.

"Master Ning Feng, Ling'er..."

Tears were on the verge of soaring as I spoke.

By the way, he waved his hand to let the two retreat.

Ning Feng whispered in his ear: "Now is not the time to be sad, give Hongling to me and see if I can save it. What you have to do now is to continue to give lectures here to prevent the assassin from being attacked a second time. Chance."

After Ning Feng finished speaking, he didn't show any expression.

At first glance, he looked like a battle-hardened man who knew what expressions to use, but the excitement in his heart could still be seen.

"Hold on, the performance must be performed completely."

Ning Feng patted him on the shoulder, and then he rushed into the room.

For him now, being able to save his daughter is more important than anything else, and it is very cruel to resist letting him see the last chance now.

But in order to prevent the assassin from attacking again, he had to do so.

He could only grit his teeth and not speak, staring down with cold eyes, the whole environment was quite cold.

Ning Feng rushed into the room and found that there were so many people around Hong Ling. "

"Get out of here."

Ning Feng shouted at them.

Those people stared at Ning Feng in surprise.

"What are you? How do you talk? I..." A sixth-grade pharmacist cursed at him.


Ning Feng's huge mental power poured directly over him, scaring him so much that he ran away in a hurry.

"From now on, I'm Hong Ling's healing pharmacist, and everyone else retreats ten meters away. Anyone, including family members."

Ning Feng said to him.

"I'm her mother, can't I look at her?" She said with pear blossoms in the rain. This time, her daughter is so sensible and wants to give them things.

This is the first time to accept a gift, and he has already sent someone to find out the situation.

The two of them were dressing up in the room, ready to accept this gift from her, but this happened on the way, and the whole person was about to collapse.


Ning Feng said to her: "There's no time, if you want her to come back to life, just step aside for me."

He is also strong towards her mother, "Now only I can save her, if anyone doesn't listen to me, then I will treat him as a murderer."

After saying this sentence, people were scared away.

Then I rushed up and looked at Hong Ling, who was already pale, with a red wound on his neck.

Ning Feng took off her clothes directly, and then touched her chest with his hand, there was still a little heat.

The people around looked at Ning Feng's actions, and they couldn't bear to watch. How could they take off the young lady's clothes?Although she is only thirteen or fourteen years old, she has already begun to develop, and her figure is also slightly in shape.

How can it be so direct?
Feeling that there was still a little heat in his heart, Ning Feng heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he came in time, and directly took out a large handful of silver needles and stabbed it towards his body.

All the meridians were quickly sealed.

The silver needle in his hand struck quickly, piercing all the meridians in the person's body almost instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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