Chapter 1587 Can't Let You Live

Ning Feng didn't just let him go for no reason, this guy must have known that he was not serious.Although his strength is indeed weak, and his level is indeed not like a master, it does not mean that he cannot be without instructions.

Originally, I thought it would take a long time for him to go, but I didn't expect that this guy couldn't bear it so early, and he couldn't wait to go out just after letting him go back for a day.

Ning Feng quietly followed behind.

"I don't believe it anymore, there will always be times when the horse's feet show up."

After this guy went out, he ran towards the outside, and he ran more and more sideways.

Ning Feng was also puzzled, who the hell is this person, who actually invited him to such a far place.

Ning Feng saw that the surrounding terrain was getting more and more biased. If this continues, he probably has to go to another place.

Suddenly Ning Feng woke up with a start in his mind.

"Fuck, it's not that he has a problem with his brain, it's that I have a problem with my brain." I didn't expect that such a simple question would end up being tricked by someone else. La.

"Run quickly."

Ning Feng suddenly realized that something was wrong, and ran outside quickly.

Fortunately, he has an unexpected sensitivity to terrain and other things. This terrain is simply the terrain that is most likely to be ambushed. When the front and rear doors are locked, it will directly form a dog-beating situation.

Fortunately, he reacts quickly. If he reacts a little bit slowly, he can get into this pocket completely. These two gates, two masters are blocked in front of each other, so why run away, just ruin his life Here it is!
"Fuck, he ran away."

Suddenly, I heard someone shouting from behind, and then I saw two people galloping towards him. Sure enough, I was right as I thought.

The teleportation talisman on his body was thrown out without any money. The strength of the two people behind him was obviously higher than his own. If he was caught by them, he would be in danger.

"Don't run, stop if you have the guts. Since you dare to chase, then fight me face to face." The man behind said angrily, because he really couldn't catch up with that guy, the teleportation talisman seemed to cost no money , Every time you use one, you can open up such a large distance, even if their strength is much higher than him, but with the help of these teleportation charms, there is always a little distance.

"I'm not a fool, the devil will stop it for you."

Ning Feng said to the back, and immediately accelerated and ran forward!

"Grandma, it's only half a step away. If he takes another half step forward, I'll trap him. Why did he stop all of a sudden?" The man chasing after him mumbled while speeding up. come over.

"I don't believe it, you can't run out of teleportation charms."

Although Ning Feng has a lot of wealth, but if he throws it away like this, the teleportation charms in his hand will soon be used up.

"It's over, it's over, fuck it, it's over."

Ning Feng found that there were not many teleportation talismans left in his hand, but he escaped a short distance by himself. These two guys clearly forced him to go to the opposite place from the Backwater Chamber of Commerce.

"Is it over? Is it over? I don't believe you can escape from the palms of us." A person behind said to him: "Go to the side and attack."

Ning Feng could feel the two people chasing behind, one of them was facing the east side, and was about to block him on the road ahead. If he was surrounded by the two of them, he would definitely not be able to escape, even if it was because of his spirit The strength is very strong, but it can't deal with two people at once, and the speed is not their opponent at all.

Suddenly at this time Ning Feng turned around and fought back.

Do you think I can't really beat you guys?It's nothing more than that you two are a bit difficult to deal with, and now you have taken the initiative to divide the troops, so don't blame me for being rude.

"Boy, if you have the courage, not only do you not run away, but you dare to turn around, then don't blame us for being rude, and save your life!" The man said excitedly. If Ning Feng is killed, then they will also die But it is a huge contribution.

"You are looking for death." The man looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng looked at him with a smile on the corner of his mouth and said, "Your boss thinks highly of me. In order to let you kill me, you even sent two masters of the spiritual embryo realm. You're welcome."

"Isn't this just in case? In fact, I also think he has made a big fuss. It is enough to leave it to me alone. Your strength is not worthy of letting the two of us do it together. After all, this credit is not too big. The two Personally, there is not much more."

He looked at Ning Feng with a smile and said.

"Then let's see who is the best." After Ning Feng finished speaking, he rushed towards that person.These people still don't know enough about themselves. Their boss may know it well, but they don't understand why their boss sent the two of them to besiege them. They thought it was their boss who was out of his mind.

"Thousands of feathers come together."

Although Ning Feng reacted by rushing towards him, what he unleashed was mental power and mental power that directly attacked him.

This guy thought that Ning Feng was going to attack, and the whole person's spiritual power was fully exerted, and he was going to fight him.


Before the two people collided, the man flew out directly.The man was bleeding from all seven orifices, and his mental strength seemed to be about to collapse.

"You...well, what kind of strength is it?" The man looked at Ning Feng in surprise and said.

"My strength is very weak, but I am a ninth-grade pharmacist. So you should know why your boss asked you to come?" Ning Feng smiled.

"But I can't let you live now." After finishing speaking, he kicked his life directly.

Now he must be killed quickly, otherwise if another person comes back, then he may not be able to win.If one person is killed now, when another person comes over, there will be only one opponent. This is called individual defeat.

In fact, the idea of ​​the person behind them is very correct, but unfortunately the people who executed it didn't understand his real intention.

He was stupid enough to think that he couldn't beat them by running.And you have to divide your troops to surround yourself?I don't understand where their advantages are at all.

They can beat Ning Feng with one plus one. If there is one less, it will be impossible.

Just because you can't beat them both doesn't mean you can't beat any of them.Do you really think that the huge mental power is for nothing?
(End of this chapter)

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