Chapter 159

"Hello." Ning Feng also reached out to shake her hand and said, "Nice to meet you."

Although this girl is pretty, Ning Feng just greeted her politely.The girl just smiled at Ning Feng and said, "I still admire your medical skills very much, and hope to learn more from you."

Of course Ning Feng didn't take it to heart, he just took it as a polite remark.

The two chatted politely for a while, and after chatting with others for a while, Qin Fendou's inspection results came out, and everything was fine.

Zhou Ruoxi once again expressed her admiration for Ning Feng, "You are really amazing, Chinese medicine is really amazing."

Ning Feng smiled and said: "Chinese medicine is indeed extensive and profound. I only understand a little bit. There is still a lot to learn."

"Then I have to take this opportunity to study hard with you, otherwise it will be too wasteful." She smiled slightly and said to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng is still very willing to help those who are interested in Chinese medicine. After all, the good things left by these ancestors must be passed on.

There are indeed some not-so-good things in it, but most of them are still the essence, and absorbing the essence of it is simply not something that one person can accomplish.

"Of course, this guy is willing to let everyone participate in that matter." Ning Feng laughed.

"Then you can't find me annoying in the future." Zhou Ruoxi said.

Ning Feng smiled and said: "Of course not. No one would dislike the harassment of beautiful women."

The two exchanged contact information, and then sent Ning Feng and his party out.Ning Feng took a taxi and asked to take his uncle and aunt back.But he left Qin Miao behind.

"Miao Miao, what's going on?" Ning Feng sat in the car and asked Qin Miao.

Qin Miao hesitated, a little embarrassed, "My father won't let me talk about it."

"Why?" Ning Feng said.

"He thinks that the disease has been cured anyway, and he doesn't want you to provoke them. They are very powerful." She lowered her head, clutching the corner of her clothes, and said embarrassingly.

"You can talk to me boldly, this kind of thing will definitely be resolved for you with peace of mind." Ning Feng comforted: "You should trust my energy, you see, even the director of Haicheng Hospital and I Very familiar. How can you let this kind of person go?"

Qin Miao was stunned for a while, thought for a long time, and then said to Ning Feng, "I can tell you, but you must not be impulsive. If you can't afford to offend them, then you must not take risks."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Ning Feng very seriously.

Ning Feng shook his head and said: "I am such an old man, of course this kind of thing will be very sure."

"Oh!" After getting Ning Feng's promise, Qin Miao began to say: "In fact, just last week, a rich man from other places came to my house and said that he liked my basket and that it was handmade. , I like it very much, and I hope to buy more. He said as much as he can make in a week.

Then my dad and mom started working together day and night, and they made a total of sixty or seventy baskets in a week.Made by hand, the handles are worn out.But they thought that the boss gave a high price, so even if they were tired, they were very happy.

Just yesterday, the boss did come and took the basket first.At that time, I left an address for him, but did not give money immediately.We thought that such a big boss would not cheat us of such a small amount of money.I didn't care.

But today when we went to ask him for money, they didn't admit it at all. My dad was so angry that he couldn't argue with them, and he was seriously injured in the end.They also said arrogantly that they had money and had nothing wrong with them. "

After she finished speaking, she began to sob softly again.

Ning Feng shook his teeth, and said to her lightly: "Don't worry, leave this matter to me. There is nothing they can't settle in Haicheng? Then let them settle one and try!"

He clenched his fists fiercely.

"Go, do you know the address?" Ning Feng said.

"I know!" Qin Miao nodded and said.

Ning Feng couldn't help refusing and drove directly, saying: "Guide the way, let's meet this rich man!"

"Their power is really great, and there are many thugs." Qin Miao said with some fear.

"Don't worry, it's not like you haven't seen me fight. It's not a problem for one person to beat him several times." Ning Feng said: "Besides, after so many years in Haicheng, don't you know a few people?"

Qin Miao remembered that Ning Feng was very powerful back then, and he took care of seven or eight of Lin Fugui's people by himself.

So he didn't say anything, just kept showing Ning Feng the way.

"Here we are, right here." They stopped at the entrance of an express hotel.

Ning Feng wondered, is this a rich man?Rich people live in fast hotels, isn't that too fake?
"Room 308." Qin Miao said timidly.

Ning Feng nodded, and said to her: "Just leave it to me, you can wait in the car." As he spoke, he walked straight ahead.

Asked at the front desk, 308 did not check out.

He walked directly towards that room and knocked gently on the door.

A very violent voice came from inside, "Who is it!"

"Your takeaway!" Ning Feng said nonsense.

The inside scolded: "Damn, the takeaway is so fast now, it will be ready in 10 minutes?" After finishing speaking, a man opened the door and said to Ning Feng: "Bring it!"

Before he finished speaking, he was greeted with a kick.

This kick sent him back directly.


The man fell directly to the ground, and he stood up and pointed at Ning Feng, "Who are you?"

Ning Feng walked into the room. The room was filled with smog, and all kinds of cigarette butts were littered everywhere.Where is this hell where the boss should live.

He glanced around, and sure enough, he found a stack of woven baskets in a corner of the room. The workmanship of the baskets was very meticulous. Even if he was rushing to work, the baskets were not crudely made.

There were two other people in the room, and the three of them seemed to be playing Doudizhu.

Ning Feng covered his nose, pointed to the stack of baskets and said, "You guys bought this?"

One of the card players threw the cards in Ning Feng's face and kicked him. "Who the fuck are you?"

Ning Feng walked through the poker, grabbed his leg, and said coldly: "You asked for it."

Said that his leg pressed hard on his leg, and then spun violently, directly crippling the leg.


The man hugged his legs and fell to the ground, howling in pain.

The remaining two looked at Ning Feng with a little fear. This kind of power is too terrifying. It is too terrifying to beat and maim people if they disagree with each other.

(End of this chapter)

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