Chapter 1601 Enjoy
Ning Feng sat on a chair, which was covered with the skin of an unknown monster.It is quite comfortable to touch, very good.

After sitting on it, I didn't feel panicked at all.


Ning Feng sat in it and slept for a while, and then looked at the situation below. After a while, the people slowly began to fill up, and the bottom was filled quickly.

At this time, he knew the benefits of the VIP room.

Looking at the bottom is really clear, and it is not crowded at all.

"Hello, everyone. I am the host of this auction. Thank you for your trust in Wuyu Auction House. We will definitely return you with good things."

The host chattered at the top, but the people below obviously didn't like him at all. Everyone came to see the goods, so who had time to listen to him compare.

But he obviously knew that everyone didn't like listening to him very much, so he directly signaled the people below to come up.

"Not much nonsense, let's start the auction of the first lot now."

When he spoke, he opened something.

It turned out to be a red flame crystal underneath, it was really lucky to be the first to meet what I wanted, but it also showed that this thing was not so precious.

Generally expensive things are not put forward.

Ning Feng naturally wanted to take pictures, but he didn't know how to take pictures himself. Seeing the continuous pictures in front of him, he was only impatient.

Quickly called a waiter in.

"How should this be auctioned?"

Ning Feng said to a person at the door.

The boy hurriedly took a sign I had given before, with numbers written on it, and said to Ning Feng: "This is the quota you can use. Now you have a quota of 80, and the bid is now up to [-]." I don't know if you want to raise your sign or not?"

"Four hundred."

Ning Feng said to him.

The quota of 80 has only been increased to [-] now?What are you being polite about?

He took this thing down in an instant. Four hundred may not be a big deal to him, but it is really a lot of wealth to others.

In it, all commodities will be converted into values, and these values ​​are the quantities that can be bid.

If it is used up, it will take away the items with the corresponding value in your hand, and then display them. Everyone can buy these items with the value in their hands.

In fact, the auction is to prevent trouble, and as a transit, it just makes the wealth of these people easy to turn around.

Ning Feng is very satisfied, rich people are cool, 80 out of [-] is the same as having no flowers.

"If you need to raise a sign, just say it directly to this stone platform, and I will hold the sign outside for you."

The boy pointed to a stone platform in front of them and said.

"Oh, so that's the case." Ning Feng nodded, "Thank you."

He was flattered and left.

The next thing to be auctioned is a top-grade spiritual weapon, the Nine Layers Glazed Pagoda.This thing looks good, and Ning Feng also tried to offer a price.

But it was quickly surpassed, and there was no further price increase.

Because it's not necessary anymore.

This thing is not necessary, and I don't like to use tower weapons at all, no matter how powerful these weapons are, they are not my favorite.

"Next is the larva of a monster."

Ning Feng didn't intend to raise it either. This cub had a human face and ears that were gradually swollen, but it had a cat's tail and pointed nails.

They are catwoman's larvae. These monsters don't actually have many functions. The only function is to satisfy some people's animal desires.

After all, he is so beautiful, and the servant with a cat's tail is still very cute.

And these catgirls can only do these things, because their strength is very poor, and they will die miserably after being released.

"Are you interested? Do you want to take one and play with it? It's very interesting."

Guijia teased Ning Feng.

"I'm not a hungry person." Ning Feng rolled her eyes and said, "I have principles, okay?"

"There is a fart principle, you don't even know how many women you have?"

Turtle said.

"What? Do you have any advice? Just talk about things if you have something to say, and then go back to retreat." Ning Feng said directly to her: "I think if I want to talk to you again, the whole person will collapse."

"Ha ha."

Turtle Shell said to him: "The next item will come later, you must get it, it's the thing behind the white cloth."

"Is that what we want?"

Ning Feng asked curiously.

"No, but adding it now will help you." Turtle Shell said to him, "It will be necessary when you enter the sunset wilderness."

"Oh, I see."

Whatever the tortoise shell said, he decided to do whatever he wanted. Anyway, he didn't have much money, so he could spend whatever he wanted.

The next thing is yellow sperm.

"This thing is an important thing to suppress the fire, and it is very difficult to obtain. If there are warriors who are going to explore places where fire and poison are strong, it is absolutely essential."

Ning Feng also knew this thing, but it was just an ordinary medicinal herb, nothing valuable at all.

Although it is indeed good, it is not so precious that it must be taken, right?

And it's true that not many people took action, which was quite embarrassing. The whole scene was so embarrassing that it exploded.

"Everyone can bid, starting from [-]."

The host said, did he want to remind the people at the scene?
After a while, Ning Feng lazily held up a sign, "Three hundred and five."

The host was so excited, he thought the filming was going to fail, but he didn't expect someone to save his embarrassment.

"This thing belongs to the VIPs in VIP room No. [-]."

After finishing speaking, I couldn't wait to send this thing out.

Ning Feng was also surprised, what is so good about this thing?So much stuff has no value at all.

"Don't think about it, you'll know when you see this thing in a while." Turtle Shell said to him, "Go ask the waiter to bring this thing up."

Ning Feng said to the outside: "Bring me this yellow sperm."

After a while, the door opened, and the yellow sperm had already arrived.

Ning Feng nodded, indicating that he could go out, and threw a one-yuan pill by the way.

The VIP room is good treatment, everything can be done for you, the most important thing is that it is hidden, and it is quite convenient to see your own things.

"Isn't this just a yellow sperm? We don't want to take risks in places with strong flames, why bother?" Ning Feng asked strangely.

(End of this chapter)

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