Chapter 1604 Ripple Shock
Such a circle of formations, a circle of runes, slowly set up the entire stage.

Ning Feng pushed away abruptly, and said to Xuan Wu: "You hold back."

After he finished speaking, he pushed the ground violently and immediately concentrated his strength circle by circle, and then the flames erupted again.After the flame erupted, it was once again pushed inward by the formation inside, and after pushing forward, the flame inside erupted again.

Concentrate layer by layer like this, and every time you concentrate, the flames outside will explode once.

"Bang, bang..."

There were continuous explosions, and as the explosion progressed, the power of the flames became more and more concentrated.

The flames became more and more concentrated, but after each explosion there was a calm.

They all knew that Ning Feng wanted to use the heat from the moment the flame finally exploded to fuse this thing.

The function of the red flame crystal is to absorb heat and quickly dissipate the heat.

In this way, the chain can be continuously fused.


These flames quickly concentrated to the most central position, and then there was a sudden explosion, concentrated at the most central point and exploded.And the red flame crystal in the middle position was also instantly stimulated with its own power.

All the power was superimposed, and it exploded towards the golden chain.

The entire stage had been burned to ashes, especially the flames at the center of it burned a huge pothole directly above the roof.

The flames faded.

More than half of the golden chain was fused directly, but the chain was not completely destroyed, but if it was done again according to this method, the chain would definitely be destroyed.

But those people obviously won't give him a second chance.

Because there is already a person in it.

The upper body of the person is naked, with bulging muscles, and the lower body is only wearing a pair of black exercise pants.His upper body was crimson, and a pair of wings were still flashing behind him.

There are no feathers on these wings, it looks like the wings of a bat.

With a stern look, he stared at Ning Feng with a strange look, and said, "Don't think about it, I won't let you untie that chain."

A moment later, he appeared in the only remaining audience.

"Do you know what the consequences of causing trouble at the Five Domains Auction will be?"

The man said coldly, without any expression on his face when he spoke.

Ning Feng stood up and stared at him and said, "This is my friend, I can't let him be auctioned, so I have to take the things away."

"You can auction."

He said: "But it is absolutely impossible to rob by force in this way."

"Do you think such a master can be auctioned off? This is an insult to him." Ning Feng said with a dark face.

"But our Wuyu Auction House is responsible for keeping the things sent by the guests, and we must not let anyone take them away."

The man said lightly.

Ning Feng said: "I know, so I didn't intend to take it away safely."

"Do you want to do it?" The man took a step forward and said to him.

"If there is no other way, that's the only way to do it." Ning Feng shook his head and said, "He can only use this method to leave here, and he can't buy it like a slave with money. This is its glory and mine. Bottom line."

"Hehe, then you can pass me first."

While speaking, he flapped his wings and rushed towards Ning Feng.

Ning Feng took a step back abruptly, and stabbed directly at him with the spear in his hand.


Ning Feng's spear and the man's wings smashed together fiercely, and the huge fluctuations generated wiped out all the wreckage left on the stage in an instant.

Both of them are in the realm of Shenzang, and when they stand up against each other, they are quite powerful.

After the two met each other, Ning Feng stepped back abruptly.

After more than a dozen steps back in a row, Ning Feng finally stopped. The man flew backwards, flapped his wings instantly, and stopped in the air.

Ning Feng could feel that the opponent's strength was not very strong, and his strength was relatively low compared to this person.

After all, the other party has reached the late stage of Shenzang, and he is only in the early stage of Shenzang.

"You can't beat me."

The man looked at Ning Feng and said: "You step back now, I am willing to let you go."

"Ha ha."

Ning Feng raised his mouth and said, "Sorry, no need."

Although his strength is weak, it doesn't necessarily mean he can't beat him.

While speaking, the whole person rushed forward, "Accept the move."

"Boy, you are quite courageous."

That person also rushed towards the bottom.

A lot of people have gradually gathered around, the original guests all ran away, and now those people are all people with some strength, and they are very courageous to watch the battle between the two.

"He can't beat the Black Bat. His strength gap is still very large. There are really not many people who dare to make trouble in our Five Domain Auction House."

"This person is in the realm of Shenzang, so it is naturally a bit inflated, but I forgot that there is a sky beyond the sky. Although our place is called a small town, the location is good. There are still masters of Shenzang."

"Yeah, the time for him to cause trouble is not right, so what if he is his friend? Our Five Domains Auction House has never been afraid of anyone."

"By the way, who sent this thing?"

"Sword Tomb!"

"Even if this guy can't die, he won't be far from death in the future. The Sword Tomb is a very terrifying existence. No one here can win."

"Whoever dares to provoke them, their family has the existence of the realm of heaven and man, and the realm of heaven and man is different from us, it is the same as those people in Zhongzhou."

"Don't worry, he won't be given this chance, the black bat is enough to clean him up."

Everyone looked at them with smiles. After all, Ning Feng's strength is relatively far behind. With such a difference in realm, he can definitely win.

Moreover, the people of the Black Bat Clan have many advantages over humans, such as flexible reaction ability, ability to fly, and their own dark attributes.

This is the source of their confidence.


Ning Feng smashed out with one move, this right fist rushed out, and immediately a crimson phoenix flew out.And when that man flapped his bat wings, a black ripple appeared immediately.

"Boom, boom."

With two loud bangs, both of them were injured, and then they were all sent flying.

Ning Feng's phoenix directly burned him black, and the surroundings instantly became a vacuum. His wings couldn't borrow strength, his whole body suddenly lost balance, and then fell straight down.

It hit the ground hard.

(End of this chapter)

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