Chapter 1607 Rescue
The spear in his hand was drawn out and swept towards the man.The man was also polite, almost at the same time, the sword box on the back suddenly opened.

Countless fragments flew out, and then assembled into a sword in an instant.

He held the sword and directly blocked it with the spear in his hand.


The two collided, then backed away abruptly.

Ning Feng looked at this person in surprise, this person's level is not low, at least he is a master of Shenzang realm, the first master who came after him is so powerful.

"This is the successor of Huaikong Sword." Turtle Shell said in Ning Feng's ear. "His sword can transform into 72 forms, so you have to be careful. But this is also his shortcoming. The sword is made of 72 different pieces of black iron. Although it can be regarded as a magic weapon, it is actually compared to A truly powerful magic weapon, this kind of sword is still much more brittle."

"So all you have to do is smash it hard and smash him into pieces."

"Okay, I know."

Ning Feng responded.

"Your strength is very good." The man stared at Ning Feng and said, "I want to talk to you now, can I?"

"Go ahead."

Ning Feng stood staring at him and said: "But if you are talking about wanting my Xuanwu, then stop talking about it."

"I will get this thing through fighting." The man looked at him and said, "I advise you to give up a little bit now and give it to me directly, otherwise you will face countless pursuits."

"Listen to me first, all the twelve great mansions of Sanmen and Liuzhai have been dispatched, and a wounded Xuanwu is very attractive to them. You give me this thing now, and I can let you live , but if it falls into the hands of others, they will not spare your life."

Ning Feng smiled, looked at him and said, "Thank you for thinking about it for me, but I don't need you to care so much now, because I have my own way to deal with it."

"Why bother."

The man said helplessly, "You definitely won't be able to escape."

"Then try."

Ning Feng didn't have time to pay attention to him anymore, as he said, the longer the delay, the more troublesome the final result will be.

"Let me show you how powerful the Huaikong Sword is."

After finishing speaking, he directly smashed Huashan with one force.

In this move, Ning Feng poured all his strength into it, just to knock him unconscious with one move.

The man took a step back and had no choice but to resist.

Quickly take the sword and come over to resist.


Ning Feng accelerated sharply, the spear swung straight up, and slammed into his sword.The silver gun was used as a stick by himself.


The huge force directly knocked him thirty centimeters below the ground.The surrounding ground also collapsed, and his legs didn't even bend a bit, completely resisting this move.

But Ning Feng's goal was never to kill him.


Suddenly, traces of cracks appeared directly on the man's sword, and the cracks expanded directly, and then instantly turned into countless fragments and flew out.


The man also knew that this would happen, but his sword was not afraid of being broken at all, and it could be merged again.

The flying fragments gathered directly towards this side.

Of course Ning Feng would not let him succeed, he leaped up, the gun swept out, and hit a piece of debris directly, this force was enormous.

The fragment flew so quickly that it couldn't find its shadow.

That person was able to recall the fragments, but that had to be in the vicinity of the fragments. Now that the distance is so far, it is impossible to recall them.

As a result, a small piece of his sword was missing. Although it was only a fragment of a small sword, his sword just couldn't be assembled again.

The man's expression changed greatly, because his sword was missing a piece, and the opportunity was useless.

"Your Huaikong Sword also looks average."

Ning Feng rushed over directly and swept over with a single shot, and now he happened to make a mistake.Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, there happened to be a problem with his sword, so I don't believe he can still block it now.

The man didn't dare to block it with the Huaikong Sword anymore. If a piece is lost, it can be retrieved, but if it is all scattered, it really cannot be retrieved.

He quickly returned the entire sword to the sword box, and he had no intention of continuing at all.He turned around and ran away, firstly because he really couldn't fight, and secondly because he was going to find the sword.

Ning Feng didn't chase him either, there are countless people behind who are ready to chase him, he must run now, and leave here as soon as possible.

He turned around and ran towards the sunset wilderness.

"You are in great danger now." Turtle Shell said to him, "The Twelve Palace Lords have already taken action. If you run slower, you will probably be robbed."


Ning Feng said to her: "The most important thing now is not running at all, but repairing Xuanwu's injury. Repairing his injury is much easier than running away."

After Guijia heard this, he froze for a moment, then nodded, that's right.

"But you'd better make two-handed preparations, what if you are discovered?"

Turtle said.

Ning Feng smiled, and rushed towards a small hill casually, staying in a hidden place.Take out a small stone, this stone exudes bursts of black air.

The black air immediately blocked all spiritual power.

At this time, Ning Feng sneaked into the golden palace with a smile, "I don't believe they can stop it."

"That's good."

Guijia sighed: "Let's fight, I hope we can stop them."

"Do not worry."

Ning Feng said: "These people are only chasing me by my breath. Now that I hide all my breath, I don't believe that he can find me."

After he came in, he looked directly at Xuanwu lying on the ground, while Jinlong was circling back and forth around him.


After Xuanwu saw Ning Feng, he raised his head and wanted to speak.

But Ning Feng signaled him not to speak, took out the elixir and stuffed it directly into its mouth.Xuanwu is too big, and the effect of taking pills is much smaller than that of people.

Three or four pills may have a little effect.

Ning Feng sat down, and then the pill fire in his hand rose directly into the sky, slowly showing the shape of a pill furnace in his hand.

Immediately afterwards, he found countless medicinal herbs for healing, hemostasis, and recovery, and did not refine them at all.All refined into the simplest healing powder.

But because all of them are good things, the healing effect will be much better.

Chances are, after a while, a small mountain of powder piled up around him.

Refining into powder doesn't mean it's successful, it has to be mixed.

Ning Feng was too lazy to put it in the alchemy furnace. This kind of simple medicinal material can be solved directly outside.

(End of this chapter)

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