Chapter 1609

Ning Feng galloped all the way, and rushed into the mountain quickly. He didn't dare to stop for a while, because these people would definitely find him soon.

After all, I am not very familiar with this place. They know this place well, and if they have some contacts to help, maybe they are already chasing after me.

This place is no different from Earth, these people's ability to search is much stronger than before, and it's not something they can hide if they want to.

As soon as she rushed into this mountain, someone came to surround him immediately.

These people are really fucking dogs!

I have just arrived here, these people can catch up, this is the rhythm of courting death!

They split directly and surrounded them from behind.

"Boy, don't even think about running away, you can't run away, you are already surrounded by us. We have set up a net here, and you don't even think about escaping."

A woman behind shouted at him and rushed towards him.

"We are here, but we have been waiting for you for a long time. You don't even think about escaping in this direction." Another person also chased and shouted.

"Hurry up and catch it. If you run again, no one will be able to save you. If you obediently go back with us now, you may be able to save your life."

Are these people negotiators?When chasing people, they don't concentrate, but they are still communicating with them. Do you really think they are all children?
Children can't do whatever they want!

"Don't even think about it." Ning Feng roared, and then rushed forward quickly.

"Boy tell you something, don't run forward, there is a cliff ahead, you can't get through it." The man said to him from behind. "You will only die if you enter it. Why don't you hand over that thing obediently, and I might be able to save your life."

"Protect your uncle."

Ghosts believe what they say, can they keep it if they say it?These people are all little minions in some aspects.

I really thought I was a three-year-old kid who would believe their nonsense.

"Since you are like this, then don't blame us for being rude, shrink." The man said rudely to the surroundings, and then saw countless people popping up from all directions, and began to surround him.

Although they already knew that they had prepared a trap, but there was nowhere to run now, so they could only keep rushing forward.

After all, only the front is unblocked, and they don't know why.

After running to that area, Ning Feng understood what was going on?

There was a steep cliff in front of it. The cliff wall seemed to be cut out with a knife. It was neat and tidy, and the bottom could not be seen at all.

No wonder it's like this, no wonder these guys don't circle their backs.

"Boy, aren't you good at running? Run!"

One of them came out and stared at Ning Feng and said. "In order to catch you, we have already laid a net here, no matter where you go from? You will step into our ambush circle."

"Is the current situation a bit miserable?" Ning Feng said to the turtle shell.

"It's not a little, it's very, you basically have no way out now, and now you only have two choices, either go with them, or jump off." Guijia privately told the truth.

"Don't be so blunt, just leave me a little bit, I hope it's good." Ning Feng sighed helplessly, then looked at these people and said: "Actually, it's okay if you want me to go with you, but I have A request."

"You still want to make a request at this time, do you think you are still qualified? Now you are surrounded by us, even if you don't want to go with us, you have to go." The man said to Ning Feng unceremoniously .

"If you push me like this again, believe it or not, you won't get anything if I jump down?" Ning Feng threatened bluntly: "You are just trying to catch us now, but you will get everything if I jump down." no?"

Those people froze for a moment, they didn't expect me to come up with such a method.

"Tell me, what's the condition?" Maybe the man was really afraid that Ning Feng would be overwhelmed, so he turned around and jumped down.It doesn't matter if he jumped to his death, the point is that he can't find what he was looking for, if he can't find this thing, the people above will kill it, especially knowing that they have surrounded people.

"I just want to ask how did you guys catch me? I ran very covertly." Ning Feng said curiously. He was indeed very covert. Almost every time he ran, he had to give the breath behind him Hidden, I didn't expect these people to find him easily!Even in this kind of deep mountains and old forests, he can surround himself without any mistakes.

They don't have any means, and they don't even believe it.

"It's okay to tell you, it's already an open secret, because we have this." While speaking, he directly pulled out a puppy-like thing.

That thing is as fluffy as a rag doll, and it's not particularly big, only the size of two palms.It looks very cute like a pet.

But relying on this thing, he was tracked down.

"This kind of spirit beast is artificially cultivated. It can smell the subtle smell of people. Even if you hide it, it is impossible to escape his nose."

The man said: "Now I have told you the answer you want, so follow me!"

A slight smile appeared on the corner of Ning Feng's mouth.

When the man saw Ning Feng's smile, he knew something bad was going to happen. This guy must have another trick.

"Well, thank you for telling me this. I'm quite curious, but I can't go with you." After finishing speaking, he jumped directly towards the bottom of the cliff.

Ning Feng himself is not stupid, he would not think of committing suicide, the purpose of chatting with him before was just to explore the topography of this cliff, to see if there is any place for him to stay?
Now after the investigation, it is natural to run away.If he followed him now, what was the point of saving Xuanwu back then?

"Don't let him get away, catch him quickly."

Although he said it in time, it was still too late, because the speed of people jumping down was much faster than their rushing speed.

Moreover, this cliff is notoriously high, and ordinary people simply cannot get over it, let alone try to land smoothly.

None of them thought that Ning Feng would jump directly, so they were not prepared to be caught off guard.

Ning Feng didn't dare to jump, he grabbed a vine when he was about ten meters away, and threw himself out in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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