Chapter 1611
The material of this sarcophagus feels the same as ordinary stone, but its hardness is much stronger than stone.

Around this sarcophagus are carved various reliefs depicting what seems to be an animal's growth process.At first it seemed like a dome.

Then the giant egg began to develop, and slowly developed into a small animal, this thing is like a little dragon.

That look is so cute.

Slowly it grew up, and at the end, it was a flying dragon in the sky.

Does this have anything to do with dragons?

Ning Feng looked at the situation in front of him and said, "How do you open this thing?"

He didn't find out how to open the coffin at all, because the sarcophagus was really too closed.Can't find where the cover is at all.

The stone beast still made an incomprehensible gesture.

Ning Feng looked at the stone coffin in front of him strangely, and kicked it twice, but he didn't seem to find a suitable way to open it.

"You can't use force, look at the relief above, there should be some secrets in it."

The tortoise shell said to Ning Feng: "See if you can see anything on these reliefs."

Ning Feng breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the content above, and studied it carefully for a while.

The above reliefs should be growing from left to right, but he suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong with two pictures.

Because if you follow the growth process of a golden dragon.

The two diagrams are somewhat reversed.

If you have never raised a dragon before, you are not familiar with this, and you think this process is good.But Ning Feng is a person who has raised dragons before, and knows the process of each stage.

So he tried to rearrange the above reliefs in order.

He moved casually, and found that the relief on it could move back and forth.

This is interesting.

It is basically certain that he must be going in the right direction now.

Sure enough, after adjusting the sequence, the entire coffin suddenly shook.


After a burst of shaking, the coffin actually floated directly in the air, and a huge pothole appeared under the coffin.Below this pothole is a ladder.

These replacements don't know where to go.

I don't know if it's dangerous down there.

But now it doesn't matter whether it is dangerous or not, curiosity drives him to go down.Ning Feng almost didn't hesitate, and walked down directly.

No matter what it is, you have to go and see it.

The stone beast also jumped into Ning Feng's arms very excitedly, and gestured curiously to go down.After all, they have been in this place for such a long time, and they haven't come down to have a look.

The stone beast turned around and waved at the fire sieve bird, indicating that it could also come down.

But Huosie Bird ignored it at all, looked outside vigilantly, waved at them, and signaled them to go.

Ning Feng understood that it was helping to watch the door.

He was no longer hypocritical, and walked directly down.

This ladder is not very long, and the distance is less than 30 meters.After walking a few steps, I saw a huge small living room in front of me.

The round one is about fifty square meters in size.

There are seven paintings hanging around this platform, and each of these seven paintings is a set of swordsmanship.But it seems that there is only one trick.

These seven moves are not one kind of swordsmanship, but seven sets of different swordsmanship.

This is useless, one move of swordsmanship, the ghost knows how to use it.

Ning Feng picked up these paintings and looked at them casually, wanting to see if there were any traps or anything like that.But after turning around, he was still disappointed because he didn't see anything.

"This is not playing me, is it?"

Ning Feng said.

"Probably not, see if you forgot something?" The turtle shell said to him, "Look at the cyan stone in the middle, it is a magic mirror stone, this stone can engrave people's memories in it .”

"It means that there is definitely a swordsmanship inheritance here, but there is a switch that you haven't found."

"What switch?" Ning Feng looked around suspiciously and said, "Could it be that I forgot something?"

Turtle Shell suddenly said to him: "Don't you think it's weird? Does it seem that something is really missing in your hand? And is that coffin just for flying?"

Ning Feng suddenly had an epiphany in his mind.


Ning Feng said: "It's full of sword techniques, and I don't even have a sword in my hand. And we didn't get the things in that sarcophagus either."

After finishing speaking, he ran back quickly.

When he ran to the bottom of the sarcophagus, he suddenly understood why the sarcophagus could not be opened.

Because he was placed face down.

The mouth is below.

He easily opened the lid, and suddenly seven rays of light of various colors flashed out.Ning Feng knew that he was right this time.

Ning Feng looked inside, and found that there were seven sword boxes inside, each of which was marked with a gemstone of a different color.

Even with the lid opened, they still stay firmly in the sarcophagus.

Ning Feng held down one of the sword boxes, pushed it towards the back, and then took out the sword box. The backs of these sword boxes have mechanisms and the bottoms are engaged with each other.

He took all seven sword boxes with ease.

"Is this the swords?"

Ning Feng was about to open it suspiciously.

But the tortoise shell signaled him to go back quickly, because these things are really likely to be the switches that trigger the mechanism, and he might miss it if he is not careful.

Ning Feng also secretly patted himself for not having enough brains.

After returning to the room, he picked out a red sword box.

After opening it, I saw a red sword inside.On the sword box, the name "Linyuan" was engraved.

It's a good name.

The handle of this crimson sword is very detailed, and every detail is quite well made.

Ning Feng took the sword into his hand.

Almost instantly, a ray of light hit the first painting, and then the person on the painting started to move.

The person in the painting is actually demonstrating a kind of swordsmanship.

The sword in his hand is the sword he used.

Ning Feng got up quickly and practiced along with it. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.He must have learned it, but the situation made him a little disappointed.

Because it has been demonstrated once, it seems that there is no intention to demonstrate it again.

"This? Is it just once? Who should learn this?" Ning Feng said helplessly, but fortunately, there is still a little golden man in his mind, and this little golden man can still copy all the sword skills.

(End of this chapter)

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