Chapter 1614 Main Meridians

"How is it?" Tortoise looked at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng nodded and said: "Actually, the seven pictures before are really the essence, especially the last trick, which is the essence of the essence. The complete version learned now is based on that. of.

In fact, no matter how fancy the front is, the last trick is the most important.Without the help of outsiders, basically no one can survive a one-on-one attack. "

"Indeed, this guy was No. 1 in swordsmanship before. One person uses seven swords at the same time, so there is nothing to be afraid of." Guijia said with a smile: "These swords cannot be used, the quality is too poor, and it does not meet your current strength. You now need to find a sword, a very powerful sword.

Before, I thought about sending you to Qingxuan Sword School to learn swordsmanship. After mastering this guy's swordsmanship, there is no need to go to Qingxuan Sword School. "

Guijia said proudly, obviously trusting this person very much.

Ning Feng also trusts this person very much, because he has only just scratched the surface of this sword technique and feels that no one can avoid the last move.

And behind this set of swordsmanship there are three levels of realm.

Now I only understand the moves, but not the essence.So it can't exert its power at all.

"Then what shall we do next?" Ning Feng said to her, "Would you like to go to the Sunset Wasteland, and also, should you go to the Northern Territory?"

"Don't go."

Guijia said: "The route this time has been completely exposed, and there is no escape at all. There are too many people blocking the way, so let's go directly to the black waters."

"Black water area?" Ning Feng was stunned for a moment, and said to her in surprise: "Is this going to be robbed directly?"

"Yeah." She said seriously: "When everyone thinks we will run away, we must kill a carbine. Besides, we are not robbing, but stealing. After so many years, it will definitely not be so strict. Watching. We're just going over there to steal things back."

"Can it work?" Ning Feng asked with some doubts.

"Thirty percent chance, if you fail, you will be finished."

Tortoiseshell said to him.

"Okay. Thirty percent of the chances are quite good." Ning Feng said seriously: "Let's act now? If we wait a little longer, we will definitely have to send people down the mountain to search."

"It's definitely not safe here, so we have to leave." Turtle Shell said to him. "As for these crap, let them keep it, in case it can delay the time."

Ning Feng smiled and had no objection.These things are indeed too superficial.

However, Ning Feng still took away the last painting, which is the most important thing, and what he comprehended at the edge of life and death can be said to be quite clear.

If the other party also comprehends, wouldn't it be a loss?

"Stone." Ning Feng said to the stone beast: "Can you and I leave here? It's not safe here, and there will be many people who will disturb you."

The stone beast nodded fiercely, then shook its head in disappointment, and pointed to the fire bird outside.

Ning Feng knew that it was afraid that Huosi Niao would be alone.

"Let's take it with us."

Ning Feng said with a smile: "Go and communicate with it to see if she is willing." He said with a smile: "Is it boring to be trapped here? Don't you want to go outside and have a look?"

The stone beast's eyes stared at the boss immediately, then nodded abruptly, and ran outside in a hurry, apparently to discuss with the fire sieve bird.

After a while, the stone beast pulled Ning Feng's clothes and walked outside.

The fire sieve bird couldn't get in because it was too big.

It still stared at Ning Feng very vigilantly.

Although they can understand human language, they cannot speak human language.

"I definitely didn't harm you." Ning Feng said to them: "I just think this place is too dangerous, if you continue to stay here, you will definitely be caught by those people, and the consequences will definitely be unimaginable. "

"If you follow me, you will definitely not be treated badly." When Ning Feng was speaking, he directly took out two eighth-grade pills, and the greatest sincerity was the temptation.

"Eat this kind of elixir casually, and eat it as a meal, and it will make you transform as soon as possible. If you upgrade like this, you will quickly reach the level of the Fire Thunder God Bird."

Ning Feng looked at her and said: "And I will never restrain you. Those who follow me can leave whenever they want."

"You don't have to doubt anything."

Ning Feng looked at it and said, its eyes were indeed full of doubts, and it probably didn't know why Ning Feng did such a stupid thing?
"First, I brought your danger, and I have an obligation to help you. Second, I am making friends with you, not slaves. I have two friends by my side, you can come in and take a look."

While speaking, he led them directly into the Golden Palace.

After seeing the golden dragon and Xuanwu, the Huosai bird immediately shivered. This was the suppression of the strength of the blood of the monster.

"These are all my friends, and I'm not being harsh on them."

Ning Feng smiled and said, "You can leave at any time."

"There used to be five partners here, but everyone went back because they had something to do, and I won't restrain anyone. The reason why I asked you to leave is not to do anything to you, but to feel that I have brought danger to you, and I want you to leave. Get out of this danger."

After the fire screen bird saw these two big guys, it was almost stupid.

What else to say, just admit it.


The stone beast pulled Ning Feng's clothes and nodded, agreeing. He liked this place very much, and he didn't have any pressure on Jinlong and Xuanwu at all.

There is no pressure on the blood vessels.

"It is made of stone, it has no blood at all, and it is not so easy to suppress." Turtle Shell said to Ning Feng: "And it has a good character and is cute, and no one will hurt it. .”

It turns out that this is the case, it seems that a good character is still good.

It agrees.

Turtle said.

Ning Feng looked at Huosi Bird, and it finally agreed.

I didn't care about it, and let her out directly, because it was very uncomfortable staying inside.

Ning Feng went over to look at Xuanwu's injury, "How are you doing now?"

Xuanwu shook his head and said: "The strength has been recovered by [-]%, but the recovery of the meridians here is still a bit difficult. At least it will take a day to connect the main meridians here and barely have the strength to fight."

Ning Feng nodded and said, "Hurry up and recover. We'll talk about it after the main meridian recovers. You must first have the power to protect yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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