Chapter 1616

And there are a few reliefs that are definitely at the front, and some reliefs are definitely at the back.Those in the middle are slightly covered.

The probability should be much smaller.

It's a pity that there is no way, these people just don't have enough brains.

After about a day passed, the coffin was finally opened, and these people rushed in with a violent mood.

After all, it took so long to get in, and everyone's eyes were red.Obviously, everyone is annoying, but being cranky only makes them more irrational.

"Boy, do you think we can't find you if you hide here?"

Palace Master Qingjiao stared at Ning Feng bitterly and said, he was really exhausted before, with so many arrangements, who knows how to solve them.

Sometimes I don’t even know if it’s been sorted or not.

"I didn't hide it, I'll wait for you here, who knew you were so stupid, and such a simple sarcophagus was opened for a day, don't you think you don't have enough brains?"

Ning Feng shook his head helplessly: "It's a good thing you're not my son, otherwise I'd definitely throw you into the toilet and let it stink to death."

"You..." Palace Master Qingjiao gritted his teeth and said: "Boy, I tell you, you can't run away now, just suffer your death obediently, don't think that just because you are stubborn, you can have any good results for you, you will definitely fall It's in our hands, obediently hand over the things, and we can make your death easier."

"You think so too? If I hand things over to him, would you be satisfied? Will he give them to you?" Ning Feng looked at Palace Master Panlong and said, now he can delay as long as he can, Anyway, plenty of time.

"Don't think about making us fight among ourselves." Palace Master Panlong said with a smile: "We still plan to clean you up first, and then continue to discuss."

"I really don't give me any chance." Ning Feng looked at them with a smile and said, "But is it really appropriate for so many of you to bully me?"

"Appropriate, of course appropriate."

Palace Master Qing Jiao said with a smile: "What we are willing to do is to bully the less with more. We can use our advantages to solve the problem, and we will definitely not use our disadvantages."

"Well, he is indeed a smart man."

Ning Feng pointed at him and said, "But you don't have to embarrass me. I have let go of that thing, and it is not here at all. There is only one person here, and embarrassing me will not lead to good results."

"Hehe. When we are fools?"

Palace Master Qing Jiao said with a smile: "It must be on you. With that guy's injury, it's not so easy to run away."

"This is impossible." Ning Feng said with a smile: "I did let him go."

"Boy, stop talking nonsense, who do you think will believe what you say?"

Palace Master Qing Jiao said with a smile: "Stop playing tricks, you won't be able to escape at all now."

"I'm not running."

Ning Feng said seriously: "I don't know if you are willing to treat me to a meal. If you let me eat and drink well, and then you kill me, there must be a little bit of humanitarianism."

"Eat? Don't even think about it." Palace Master Qing Jiao rushed towards Ning Feng, and at the same time, a hammer appeared in his hand.

Ning Feng's eyes also changed immediately, and his whole body suddenly became shorter, and a crimson sword appeared in his hand.

One of the seven swords that he had just learned, the Linyuan sword technique, directly stabbed at this person.

The Linyuan sword technique and this name are like walking on the edge of a cliff. It is extremely powerful and deadly, but it is also extremely dangerous.

If the opponent and you are fighting for their lives, then the final result will definitely be a loss for both sides.

But looking at Palace Master Qing Jiao in front of him, he doesn't look like that kind of person.

So when this trick is shot, it is really not polite at all.

The hammer brushed past his body, and Ning Feng's sword stabbed directly at his chest, the timing was perfect.At this time, if he chooses to retreat, then he has achieved his goal.

The following sword techniques can be completed in one go.

If the other party is trying to get stabbed and hits himself with a hammer, then both sides will suffer.

But it seemed that he really loved himself a little more, and he took half a step back.Dodged the sword attack, then he will be passive next.

Because he took half a step back, Ning Feng's next swordsmanship hit him like a storm, without giving the opponent a chance to breathe, and kept attacking.

No matter where the opponent is weak or strong, just stab upwards.Force the opponent to defend.

This actually has the meaning of a rogue swordsmanship. After all, such continuous attacks will definitely make people exhausted, and there will be a little mistake at the end.

Then stab the opponent with the last sword.

But there is also a huge trouble, that is, if you have a loophole before the opponent, you will be killed by others.

This is the ruthlessness of this move, either you die, or I die.

But in this case, the chance of the defensive side making mistakes will be even greater. After all, being pressed and beaten will make the whole person feel restless.

Palace Master Qingjiao looked at this guy so cowardly before, and when talking to himself, he still had some thoughts of begging for mercy.But when they fought, they realized that things were not that simple.

This guy's swordsmanship has reached such a state of perfection.

He didn't give him a chance to breathe, and although this guy's strength was inferior to his own, with the blessing of this kind of swordsmanship, he could almost equal himself.

Holding a huge hammer by myself, defending back and forth like this, it is really prone to big problems.

"Fuck your sister."

He was furious, and pushed Ning Feng's sword away, planning to fight back.

"Just waiting for you now."

Ning Feng smiled, it depends on who can't hold it first, you can't hold it now, very good, then go to die.

While speaking, the whole person rushed over directly, and the sword in his hand stabbed directly at the man's chest. His hammer was slow after all.

If it is a one-on-one fight at this time, there is definitely no way to avoid the last move, because there is nowhere to hide from the last move.

Ning Feng's sword was getting bigger and bigger in his eyes, but he himself found that there was no way to dodge it, no matter how he tried to dodge, he would still be attacked.

So the whole person was just like Ning Feng back then, just froze in place.

Ning Feng also thought he had succeeded, killing one would make the task much easier.

At this moment, a person rushed directly from the side, and a long spear directly threw Ning Feng's sword away.


After a crisp sound, Ning Feng took two steps back.

(End of this chapter)

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