Chapter 1619 Jianhe
At the same time, he grabbed Qi Ling and knocked directly on the rusty sword, and quickly drew a formation with his fingers and engraved it on it.


A moment later, the weapon spirit was directly blocked and entered the rusty sword.

The big weapon spirit stared at Ning Feng for a while, with a little fear in his eyes, then turned around and ran away. Any weapon spirit is afraid of being sealed.

Big weapon spirits can usually bully small weapon spirits, so they don't want to be sealed.But the little Qi Ling is not only afraid of being swallowed, but also has to worry that it will gradually dissipate.

So I wish to be sealed into the utensils.

After watching Da Qi Ling leave, Ning Feng directly inserted the sword in his hand into the ground, and then continued walking forward.

He saved this weapon spirit simply because he saw that it was smarter, he didn't have any other ideas, it was just a matter of little effort.

But that sword seemed to be following him, it was always by his side.

It doesn't matter to Ning Feng, if you want to follow, just follow, anyway, it won't affect your actions, so at least you have a playmate.

"This sword is a bit nice."

Guijia said to Ning Feng suspiciously.

"Qi Ling is a little smart." Ning Feng said indifferently: "But the swords here are basically defective products, so there is nothing to make a fuss about."

"Not slightly, but very smart."

The tortoise shell said to him seriously: "Generally, it is absolutely impossible for things with wit and spirit to achieve this kind of wisdom. This is almost reaching the IQ of a four- or five-year-old child."

"No way?"

Ning Feng is a weapon refiner, and he knows how terrifying a child's four or five-year-old weapon spirit is.

"Why is this guy so weak? If the weapon spirit has reached this level, its lethality is quite terrifying. How could it be chased and eaten?"

Ning Feng didn't believe at all how powerful this was, this guy's previous performance was really too weak.

"'re right."

Guijia said helplessly: "This guy is indeed quite powerful, but he may be a little less murderous. Although he has a high IQ, he doesn't seem willing to kill people."

"Also incomplete?"

Ning Feng said to her.

"Not necessarily. This thing may be poor when used to make offensive weapons such as swords, but it is quite good when used in other ways."

Tortoiseshell said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Ning Feng said to her strangely: "You mean you want me to take it back?"

"That's what it means. It seems that it is still very dependent on you, and you won't have a strong resistance if you accept it." Tortoiseshell said with a smile.

Ning Feng thought for a while, tried to grab it and put it back, but it didn't think at all.

Although this thing is smart, it also has a downside. This kind of weapon spirit does not have my brand in it, so it may not be very obedient.

After collecting it, it didn't resist, and ran forward.

Although there are quite a few active washers around, many semi-finished products are still acceptable.But Ning Feng is not interested in these things, and these peripheral things have been searched over and over again, and there are no good things anymore.

After walking for about an hour, the two finally reached the edge of a river of swords.

The situation in front of him really surprised him very much.

There is a river directly in front of him, but there is no water in this river, but a magma river, and in the magma river are countless standing swords.

These swords have basically been successfully refined.

Ning Feng finally understood why these people chose this place. This place is really suitable for refining weapons.There is magma running through it, so the heat is definitely enough.

"It's no wonder these people are willing to gather here, this Jianhe really couldn't be better." Ning Feng sighed.

Turtle Shell said lightly: "I haven't been here before, so I don't know what's going on here. But this magma is indeed very good."

"It should be that when they were halfway through refining their swords, an accident happened suddenly." Ning Feng looked at the swords inside and said, "Some of the swords inside have been refined automatically under the protection of heat. Some have succeeded, while others have failed."

"There's no value here."

Guijia said lightly: "This river is only to determine the boundary between the outer and inner circles. Although the swords inside are good, they are far worse than the swords inside."

"Feel it."

Ning Feng looked at the mountain in front of him and said, the sword intent around him is almost tearing people apart, which means that they are very close to the core.

This river of swords is indeed very ordinary. After all, the things in it are indeed semi-finished products, and some things are only successful by chance.

So now he really doesn't like the things inside, but he is still very entangled, after all, he has to find a way to cross the river.

The turtle shell has never been here before, so I don't know what's going on here.

"Let's test it out first." Turtle Shell said, "I've already felt it. Because of the long-time roasting, the entire Jianhe seems to be melted into one. The defense is very terrifying, and it's difficult to pass."

Ning Feng thought for a while, and then kicked out a broken hammer next to him.

Almost when the hammer had just reached the middle of the river, countless sword qi flew out from below, and then these sword qi directly strangled together.

A huge hammer was strangled and turned into powder in an instant.

These powders fell into the magma and disappeared in an instant.

"These things are really troublesome."

Ning Feng said with some surprise: "It's a bit powerful, it's really not easy for us to get over it."

"Is it more than big?"

Guijia smiled wryly and said, "Do you have any way to pass now?"

"No." Ning Feng looked at the river and said, so much sword energy was strangled almost instantly.After being strangled into one piece, there is no gap at all.

There is no gap, which means that it is not easy for him to run out.

So he is basically incomprehensible. Forcibly breaking through is definitely impossible, unless you have enough defensive power to rush through with the damage.

But Ning Feng didn't think he had such strength.

"Go to another location to see."

Guijia said, "See if there are any weak points in other positions."

"Let's go." Ning Feng said, "We can't waste our time here."

When he was talking, he looked around. Someone had entered it, which meant that there was indeed a way, but they couldn't find it.

(End of this chapter)

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