Chapter 1622 Demons
The level of this sword is really a bit different, the whole body is crimson, and it has not been besieged with other swords.

Has its own unique pride.

Ning Feng could tell at a glance that the quality of this sword was quite powerful.Made of red obsidian, the level of the sword spirit inside is at least countless levels higher than those of the previous swords.

"Good sword, even though I don't like you, it's good for you to give it away."

Ning Feng charged directly at it with the broad sword in his hand.


Almost in an instant, the red sword melted the broad sword in an instant, with just a light touch.

"Good sword, haha..."

Ning Feng took advantage of this opportunity, flipped up and slipped down, and then grabbed the sword.

Grabbing is grabbing, but this sword is not a fuel-efficient lamp at all, it spins quickly, and then circles back in a circle.

He stabbed towards him.

The more powerful it is, the happier Ning Feng is. He likes this kind of proud and powerful sword the most.Because this sword can't beat him at all.

Without the interference of other swords, he has many chances to win this match.

This kind of guy is very powerful, and there is nothing else interfering, isn't he just deliberately saying hurry up to subdue me?Will you be polite then?
Not at all.

Ning Feng kicked it directly on the hilt, and the only place he could attack was the hilt.After attacking elsewhere, the damage is too great.

It made him lose his balance again.

It smashed hard on the mountain.

The swords around him rushed away on their own initiative.

The sword pierced fiercely into the mountain, but immediately flew out of the mountain and stabbed towards Ning Feng.

This time it seemed to be a little angry, and the surroundings suddenly burst into sword light, and the red light directly enveloped Ning Feng.

Ning Feng could feel the rapid rise in the surrounding temperature immediately, but these couldn't hurt him yet.No matter how strong he is, after all, there is no one to command, and it is still far away to find a loophole to attack.

"Give me an obedient stop."

As soon as Ning Feng grasped the hilt of the sword, his mental power violently poured into its blade.

Inside is a crimson berserk sword spirit.

When the sword spirit saw Ning Feng, it rushed towards him.

"Want to play?"

Ning Feng's spiritual power directly turned into a Buddha, and this bald little monk suddenly split into two.The moment the sword spirit rushed over, lotus blossoms bloomed all around.

When the sword spirit rushed halfway, it was directly smashed back by the lotus thunderbolt.

It obviously still didn't give up, rushed over again and again, and was smashed back again and again.

Although it has a bit of spiritual consciousness, it is still very small after all.The sword spirit was terrified of being smashed in the end, and looked a little terrified at Ning Feng's appearance.

"Then follow me obediently."

Ning Feng untied the golden body, and then prepared to carve a mark on it.

But the result was very disappointing. At this moment, it exploded again, ready to strike Ning Feng.Originally thought that after the golden body was lifted, it would no longer be its opponent.

This kind of spiritual knowledge is really not very high.

Almost instantly, Ning Feng's spiritual power instantly turned into countless arrows and stabbed towards it.

"Boom boom boom..."

After a series of attacks, he just smashed it into the corner, obediently daring not to move.

"Wouldn't it be better to do this earlier?" Ning Feng said with a smile. For this kind of sword, you have to subdue it. This guy is violent, so you can only deal with him even more violently.

After walking over, a blood mark was carved on it.

Almost instantly, a red light shot out from the sword body.

"This is... what is the situation? This is the Hongyan sword at 300 meters away? That sword is said to be the most violent existence on the entire sword mountain, and almost no sword dares to compete with it."

"Red Rock Sword? It was subdued, what kind of guy is up there, it seems that I have to notify the people from the sect quickly."

"The man above is not easy. He has already subdued a sword at 200 meters before, but now he has subdued it at 300 meters. I think he will continue to go up. You have to pay attention."

"I'm going to call someone, this situation is a little dangerous. If the strongest sword is taken away, this mountain of swords may be dangerous."

"If the sword above is really taken away, the entire mountain of swords will be in his pocket, and our loss will be great. We must not let him achieve it."

"But maybe we're thinking too much. It's not like no one has reached 300 meters before. It's dangerous to reach 400 meters. Have you forgotten the existence of that sword?"

"Black Latent Sword?"

"The Black Hidden Sword is the least distinctive sword, but you should know its power, right? The people who killed a lot before were blocked in front of you?"

"Yeah, it can definitely be blocked, let's wait. Let's see who can get the Black Hidden Sword."

These people on the periphery stared at the front. They hoped that Ning Feng would quit as soon as possible, and that everyone should not bother them.

Generally, after passing the Black Hidden Sword, one step to the top is just a step away.

Ning Feng directly threw the Hongyan sword into the ring. This sword was not his goal, but because it looked good, he could give it away to others.

Ning Feng disappointed them and continued to walk up, and the 400-meter mark was approaching.

Almost a few meters away from the black sword, a voice suddenly sounded.

"You'd better not come here now. My sword body is made of demon spirits in the deep valley of the Nine Abyss. I am not a human spirit, but a demon spirit. You can't control it."

Ning Feng searched for this voice for a while, only to realize that it was actually coming from the sword.

Sword spirits are also divided into three types: Human, Demon, and Immortal.The sword of human spirit is the best to master, and it is similar to human temper.Demon spirits and fairy spirits are not superior to human spirits, but they are suitable for different groups of people.

Demon spirits are generally swords used by the Dark Demons, but the Black Demons have been extinct for hundreds of years, and have long since disappeared without a trace.

So basically no one dared to use the sword of the demon spirit, otherwise it would be backlashed by the sword body.

Fairy Sword is actually just a nice name, because the person who uses it is from a place named Guyu Clan.Fairies are not very powerful, and they can't hurt people at all.

It can only save people.

A sword that can only save people is probably only used by the Guyu clan.

Therefore, the sword of the human spirit is the most suitable and the most powerful.Although the demon spirit's sword is powerful, its backlash is quite strong.

"If you don't believe it, you can try it, and your dantian will be crushed in an instant." Jian Ti said.

(End of this chapter)

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