Chapter 1625 Black Hidden Sword

"I promise."

Ning Feng didn't have any time to think about it now, so he agreed directly, anyway, he had to agree no matter what.If you don't agree that you can't mobilize these powers, then what's the difference between yourself and not getting this sword.

"it is good."

Sword Spirit directly agreed, "I will obey your transfer, but if you can't finish it, I will never do anything for you again."

"For a man, one spittle is one nail."

After Ning Feng finished speaking, he looked around and really didn't know which direction to go, because a lot of people had already gathered at the mouth of the Jian River.

This should be several forces.

Those who are stronger can block themselves beside Jianhe, and those who are less capable still want to take advantage of the periphery.

"How to do?"

Ning Feng looked at the people outside and said, the strength of that person has been seen very clearly, the realm of heaven and man.There are also the peak realms of the two gods.

Those people behind are all masters of the spiritual embryo realm.


Guijia said: "Now we can only do this, you are absolutely no match for these people."

"How to run? I can't get out here." Ning Feng said helplessly. He also wanted to escape, but now he couldn't escape at all.

He himself shouldn't have come here in the first place, the ghost knows there are so many people around this place staring at him.If you don't have the realm of heaven and man, you can use the tortoise shell to fight a wave.

But now is obviously not the right opportunity.

Could it be that he just used the golden dragon shuttle to leave?Obviously it is impossible, there is no spatial crack in it, if you want to escape, it should be very difficult.

Moreover, the masters in the realm of heaven and man on the opposite side naturally have the ability to deal with the space shuttle.

After all, Jinlong's strength is still a little weak, and he probably can't withstand the attack of the opponent's master.

"Go over there."

The sword spirit said: "Since you have mastered the Tianzi Sword, these swords basically have to be called by you. You can run from wherever you want to run."

"What does it mean to be controlled by me, why is it controlled by me? It is clearly controlled by you." Ning Feng muttered.

"Aren't you in control of me?"

Sword Spirit said coquettishly.

"The key point is that you didn't listen to me." Ning Feng bickered with her helplessly, but still ran in another direction in front of those people.

These people showed no sign of crossing the river, because crossing the river is a particularly risky thing.

If there is no superb spiritual power, the success rate of trying to pass through is quite low.There is no way for them to grasp the direction of those sword qi.

Besides, there are still a lot of weapon spirits just around the corner.If the probability of passing through is too low, even after passing through, you will be seriously injured.

Fighting against a master like Ning Feng, any weakness will become the direction of attack, which is not so easy.

So they would rather wait for Ning Feng to go out. Anyway, there is only one road, so it's good to be stuck here.

After Ning Feng heard Jian Ling's words, an idea suddenly popped up in his mind.Aren't you guys trying to trick me?

Then I'll come back and cheat you.

Anyway, these swords have been controlled by me, and they are all out, so let's find a way to prevent them from entering.

Under the surprised eyes of those people on the opposite side, Ning Feng directly grabbed a large sword and threw it in the middle of Jianhe.

This is a very smooth path, because its swords are just arranged very well, and they are all good swords.As a result, Ning Feng threw a large handful of broken swords into the river.

It directly caused the sword energy in the whole place to become chaotic.

Especially for these broken swords, there is no specific attack direction at all.Ning Feng actually destroyed this pathway that seniors spent countless efforts to create.

The people over there are almost going crazy with anger, there is such a thing?

"What the hell is this guy trying to do? He actually destroyed the passage? This passage is the only possibility of getting in and out. If this guy ruins it, we won't let us in, and he won't be able to get out either."

"Does he not want to come out? If he doesn't want to come out, he will be trapped inside."

"It's okay to be trapped inside, but it's fine if you don't want to come out."

Everyone looked inside and said curiously. They were not very optimistic that Ning Feng would come out. In their view, this was a way to kill themselves.

Ning Feng raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, really thought I could lose to you guys?

"Why did you block the road?"

Jian Ling said angrily to Ning Feng.

Ning Feng said with a smile: "There is no need to worry about the road being closed. Anyway, I can pass, and the most important thing now is to survive. What should I do if such people come over?"

"I'm going out."

Ning Feng walked to a place behind, and said to Sword Spirit: "What do you think is the right place?"

Sword Spirit thought for a while, and said to him: "30 meters ahead, there is a low-lying place, that place is the most dangerous, and there must be no one coming from outside."

"But in the end, you still have to go out from the periphery. Now that there are people outside, you still have to find a weak place to break through as soon as possible, otherwise it will be quite difficult."

Ning Feng said to her: "Don't worry, I'm sure."

When he ran to a depression, he looked at the mess of various swords below, and directly took out the Son of Heaven Sword.He rushed towards those messy sword rivers.

Sure enough, as soon as they entered the river, those swords were all obediently guarding themselves, not daring to move.

He ran out easily, so it went so smoothly.

After Ning Feng settled the matter, he took the Tianzi Sword back and rushed towards the periphery.This time the speed must be fast, rushing over there to break a corner and rush out.

The current strength is still not enough.

Just after rushing out of the perimeter, three people stood in front of Ning Feng.The strength of these three people is not weak at all, the peak state of Shenzang.

One person is sure to deal with three masters in the realm of Shenzang.

"Boy, hand over the sword and let you go." The leader said to him.

Ning Feng didn't talk nonsense, he rushed over directly, and the black potential sword in his hand came out immediately.Seven swords swordsmanship went straight to kill that person.

"The little mid-term people dare to make mistakes, let me see if you can do anything."

After speaking, the man rushed up arrogantly.

"Slag, I'm just waiting for you now."

Ning Feng was secretly happy for a while, now is the time to clean you up.Just waiting for you to fight one-on-one with me, now it is like an invincible existence in a one-on-one fight.

What the Seven Swords Swordsmanship is most willing to do is duel, and now it's time to test the power of the Black Hidden Sword.

(End of this chapter)

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