Chapter 1634 Lielong Magma
"of course not."

Ning Feng said to him: "My temper just happens to be so stubborn."

"That's good, then you go to die."

He punched Ning Feng directly.

Ning Feng retreated quickly. Although his own strength was weak, he didn't want to die.Although this body is just a doppelgänger, if it is injured, it will cause him to be injured again.

He didn't want to do that.

It is naturally the best to survive, and I will never give up until the end.

"Seven swords swordsmanship."

Ning Feng suddenly rushed towards him.

"Boom boom boom..."

The two faced each other again.

However, Ning Feng's strength was really far behind, and he was thrown out almost instantly. The sword technique only caused a little trouble to him, and it was not a threat at all.

"You are courting death."

The man stared at Ning Feng and said, "You are just an ant in my eyes, and it's not worth my second look at you."

"Ha ha."

Ning Feng stood up, stared at him and said, "Master, my temper just isn't very good, if you want to fuck with me, then do it, whoever is afraid of being a grandson."

"Boy, your strength is not very good, but your temper is quite strong." The man said lightly.

"Then let you see our strength."

When speaking, the whole person rushed towards him directly. He may not win in terms of strength, but he cannot lose in terms of momentum.Besides, if you lose, you will lose. At worst, you will be seriously injured. Anyway, you have already run away. As long as you give him a chance, you will definitely be able to recover.

Instead, when the man was speaking, Ning Feng rushed over first.

"The earth dragon is born."

He shouted loudly, and suddenly two earth dragons broke through the ground and smashed towards Ning Feng.

Ning Feng had really seen this move in that person's ring before, and he had also learned this move.And it's learned flawlessly.

After all, the little golden man's ability is terrifying, and he will completely learn everything when it comes to him, and it can also make his strength more perfect.

"Earth Dragon born?"

"The earth dragon is born."

Ning Feng suddenly hit the ground in the air.


The two earth dragons burst out directly.

The earth dragon of the man in the dark gold robe only lifted the ground, and then broke free from the restraint of the ground and rushed out little by little.But Ning Feng's seems to be like, directly breaking through the cover, and rushed out.

It was as if it had been drilled straight out of a well.

"How could he?"

The man was dumbfounded when he saw Ning Feng's actions, which was something they could only know.And he is so proficient in using it, does he have some special identity?

Is this also from Zhongzhou?
What is the identity of this person?
Suddenly, he hesitated, why was this guy so arrogant before?Why is it so far behind my own strength, and I am not afraid of myself.

And now he actually used a move that a person above the black robe in Zhongzhou can learn.

The level of this trick is higher than his own.

It is definitely impossible to learn it immediately, how can it be learned in a month?This person must have various relationships with Zhongzhou.Think of the contradictions among the six people in Zhongzhou.

He suddenly felt that the identity of the person in front of him seemed to be even more difficult.

When he started, he hesitated for a moment.

Ning Feng did not hesitate.

He directly commanded the two giant dragons to smash towards the man.


These two giant dragons directly hit the two giant dragons that hadn't rushed out of the ground.The two giant dragons were smashed into powder in an instant, and then pulled into the ground fiercely.

These two giant dragons rushed directly at the man in the dark gold robe.

The man in the dark gold robe suddenly came to his senses. Seeing the two giant dragons rushing towards him, he froze for a moment, and quickly moved to stop it.


Two huge dragons hit him directly.

But after all, he is still a master of the pseudo-Shenqiao realm, and his overall strength is still quite powerful.The two palms broke the two dragons in front of him.

Although the whole person was made a little ashamed, but the whole person was not hurt at all.

"Who the hell are you? How did you come to be born as an earth dragon?"

He stared at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng was also depressed, how could it be?Of course I learned it.

"Learn it casually."

"Who taught you." He stared at Ning Feng and said.

Ning Feng froze for a moment, this guy must have misunderstood what kind of background he has, so let him continue to misunderstand.

"Why did I tell you?" Ning Feng said to him, "I'm really too lazy to talk to you."

"If you tell me, maybe I can spare your life." The man stared at Ning Feng and said, "If you don't tell me, there is only one dead end."

"Of course someone taught me. What's the trouble with this matter?" Ning Feng said to him: "Whoever knows this trick, you can ask if it's okay. Besides, if you can be friends with me, you Say who else?"

He was just talking nonsense, just to confuse this guy.

Obviously, he was really confused.The whole person began to think about problems in his head. Those who can use the birth of the earth dragon to this level must be taught by people who are more powerful than themselves.

There are only a few people who are more powerful than me. Does this guy have any status?
No, this person must not be killed, he can only be taken back as a prisoner.

That person has made up his mind, and he will go back and let everyone identify who this person is... an illegitimate child.Because this age can only be explained by illegitimate children.

"Cracking Dragon Magma."

He suddenly threw out a martial skill again, although all black robes can use this move, but if he can use it better than himself, then his guess must be correct.

The corner of Ning Feng's mouth smiled, he knew this martial skill himself, and he definitely used it better than him.

"Fire Dragon Magma."

Almost instantly, two cracks opened on the ground in front of the two of them.The magma inside spewed out suddenly, and the giant dragons mixed in the magma directly collided together.


Two huge waves of heat spread directly, and the two giant dragons disappeared without a trace in an instant.But Ning Feng's giant dragon is more subtle, but it may be because of spiritual power, there is still a gap in power.

In the end it was all over.

That person was dumbfounded, this guy's identity is absolutely extraordinary.You can't really kill them, you have to catch them and ask them if there is any problem.

You must know that the martial arts that are practiced at a slightly lower level will have flaws, and those with a slightly higher level will be complete.

This guy is clearly using a complete martial art.

(End of this chapter)

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