Chapter 171
"Ning Feng, you did a good job." Su Miaohan called directly to the place of condolences, and it seemed that she was still very concerned about Ning Feng.

Ning Feng said with a smile: "Boss, you can rest assured that you can leave this place to me. Just go and do your big business, and I promise you won't have any problems with this."

"Well, I am assured of your ability." Su Miaohan said, "Do you have any difficulties? If so, I will try my best to solve them for you."

"You see what you said, if you ask the leader for everything, why do you need us little brothers?" Ning Feng said with a teaser.

"Spoof, you can do whatever you want, I will ask the HR department to cooperate with you." Su Miaohan also smiled and said, I don't know why, it is very easy to talk to Ning Feng now, and there is no need to be in front of others. Pack.

Maybe it's because Ning Feng is the least pretending person in the class she can get in touch with.

"Do you have any reliable people? If so, get me a few. These people are not very trustworthy. I want to try to put our own people in." Ning Feng said, after all, these people are still Although Cheng Hua's people temporarily surrendered to him, he didn't trust them.

It is very likely that they will work hard for themselves on the surface, and then secretly give information to Cheng Hua. This is their way of eating at both ends.

Su Miaohan thought for a while, and said in a bit of embarrassment: "It's not long since I came back, reliable people have already been employed in key departments, and there are no candidates for the time being, let me think about it..."

"Okay, then don't think about it. You have so many things, this kind of trivial matter won't cause you trouble. Leave it to me to solve it perfectly!" Ning Feng said, he also didn't want to trouble his goddess Now, the more troublesome, the faster you will age. How sad is it for a beautiful woman to grow old?

Su Miaohan felt relieved immediately, it was so cool to have a reliable person, and said: "Okay, then you can do it freely."

"Oh! I'm going to go to various distributors to find out what's going on, so I won't talk to you yet." Ning Feng said, he also wants to win over some distributors now, and even if he can't win, he still has to put some pressure on them .

"Well, the Xia family hasn't lost yet, so it's unlikely that you will succeed."

"Boss, you can't beat our confidence so nakedly!"

"I'm telling the truth, so you can be mentally prepared."

"Chengchengcheng...then I'll go first and put pressure on them first. I don't believe they are willing to put all their eggs in one basket. When the time comes, they will beg us." Ning Feng also knew the result of this time It may not be too big, but this is to build momentum for the final offensive, so let them panic first.

"Well, you go first, I still have a meeting, let's talk about it when I go back."

"OK!" After Ning Feng hung up the phone, he shouted directly towards the door: "Horse head!"

"Hey! What's the matter with the manager?" Ning Feng is also the manager of the raw material department now, so he can be considered a middle-level senior, right?Matou asked respectfully.

"Go, buy me a bunch of gifts, this is my gift list, just buy according to the above, according to the categories above. Don't get me wrong!" Ning Feng said to him.

"Hey, I see. I don't know who you want to visit? I still have some channel dealers in my hand, I don't know..."

"That's enough, that's enough!" Ning Feng interrupted him directly: "Your distributors are small people, and you can prepare as much meat as you can, so why waste so much talk."

The horse's head rolled its eyes slightly, then nodded and went out. This was important information, and Ning Feng actually looked down on these small channels.Does he have other big channels?Looking at the gift list, the family with the most gifts seems to be the Lin family, the most expensive.

The Lin family should be regarded as the best distributor. If Ning Feng got him, it would be terrible.

"Wait!" Ning Feng called Matou to stop him, and gave him another dose of strong medicine: "You reserve a room for me in the teahouse next door, and I want to have tea with the young master of the Lin family."

"Oh." Now Matou's heart was turned upside down, it turned out that he didn't care about the channels in his hands at all.If they need a few of them to stay, they need a few people who are familiar with the business to help.

These important information had to be handed over to Cheng Hua as soon as possible.

After watching him leave, Ning Feng smiled slightly, "Hey, I don't believe you!" Then he got up and walked directly outside, and said to another person: "Go, go to the marketing department and give me Liu Tiantian Call me over, I'll say hello to the personnel. Just let her go downstairs and find me."

Trusted person, of course he has a suitable candidate, Liu Tiantian is simply unique.The most trusted person in the entire company.

Ning Feng hadn't waited downstairs for a while, Tian Tian hurried over, she looked at Ning Feng and said, "Brother Ning Feng, did you call me?"

"Of course, get in the car!" Ning Feng directly opened the doorway.

"No, I'm still at work." Liu Tiantian said tangled up, she looked like a good employee.

"Come on, this is also work!" Ning Feng said: "I have already greeted the personnel, you have been working here since then, and you are my assistant!"

"Ah-brother Ning Feng, have you been promoted?" Liu Tiantian looked at Ning Feng in surprise and said.

This kid still doesn't understand too much, how can he be promoted?Obviously condescending to work for others. "Well, it can be said so. I will lead you well here, and then I plan to let you be the leader."

"No, I'm still so young, and I don't understand anything." She said coyly.

"Drive!" He said to the driver, now he is doing business for the company, so of course he will take the company's car, so he won't waste his gas money.He said to Liu Tiantian: "I didn't let you do it now, you follow me to understand the process first, the most important thing is only one thing."


"Your boss is Su Miaohan, President Su!"

"It was supposed to be?"

"Oh!" Ning Feng felt that he had instilled too much information into her. A student who has not yet graduated has not been exposed to the struggle between the upper classes.

"Just follow me to get to know people first, and you will have to deal with them in the future."

"The first house we went to today is the Xing family. Their family controls the flow of this important jade, so we will meet him first." Ning Feng said to Liu Tiantian: "You have to remember later. These people will have to deal with in the future."

"But I heard that the people before us were all turned away after they went." Liu Tiantian still heard a lot of news in the office, and she still has some understanding of various things.

Ning Feng smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry, they won't reject me. They don't dare to reject me." After speaking, he lay back and closed his eyes to rest.

As long as these people let themselves in, they are doomed to lose!

(End of this chapter)

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